King of Stage

Chapter 706: Retro fashion

Fall in love with you reading network, the king of the stage

  噔! Huh! Huh!


  噔! Huh! Huh!

The brisk drums seem to have vitality, and the melody comes alive. Ronan’s vitality, Bruno’s weirdness, and Justin’s joyous collision together give a new color. From notes to lyrics, you can deeply feel the kind. Vigorous vitality rushing to the face.

   No one can be an exception. nobody.

In the coffee shop, some people tap the tabletop with their fingertips to feel the drumbeat, some start shaking their legs uncontrollably, some unconsciously nod their heads and beat the rhythm... Every cell in the body can truly feel this unique power, and then, mood Just follow the melody to brighten up.

Of course, not everyone likes it. For example, a white-collar worker at work obviously thinks that this kind of music interferes with his concentration and concentration, so he went to the front desk to complain and complain, "...I don't like this kind of music, can you switch? ?"

   Kane was about to answer, but a chubby customer next to him interrupted and said, "Man, feel it, feel it with your heart, even if there is only time for a melody, you need to relax."

   Then, without paying attention to the white-collar worker, the customer asked directly, "May I ask what is the name of this song? I really like it! It's been a long time since I heard such excellent music."

   "'Classic', this song is called'Classic'. Ronan Cooper, Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars' collaboration single was just released today." Kane explained with a smile.

   "Oh, I don't know that Ronan, but Justin and Bruno have no problem. I should go and listen." The chubby customer, like a white steamed bun, nodded repeatedly.

   Kane introduced, "He is the lead singer of King One Day, you can try it, maybe you will like it."

   The guest didn't say much, turned around and left.

   Kane looked again at the white-collar worker who was standing in front of him and did not leave, "Sir, sorry, our cafe does not change the background music according to the taste of the guests, but if it is too loud, we can lower the volume."

  Music is like this. Personal orientation may be quite different. Some people like the background music of a coffee shop and others don't. However, this is the positioning of the coffee shop. Picking a song list by yourself may attract customers with similar tastes. Therefore, even if you encounter a customer you don’t like, you won’t change it casually.

   The white-collar worker thought for a while, but after all he didn't say much, turned and left.

   After that, three different guests came to ask for the name of the song. It was obvious that they all liked it very much.

   Kane turned around to look at his colleague, showed a big smile, and hummed, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhq

   I have to say that Kane thought the song "Classic" was a surprise. Ronan tried a different style for the first time after leaving the band.

Although it is a retro funk soul type, strictly speaking, it is more suitable for Bruno and Justin, but Ronan also injected his own style. The catchy melodies and drumbeats also mix some pop and jazz, and it is easy to let people wander among them. , Showing a different color from the current music style of Bruno and Justin.

   The cooperation between the three singers did collide with different chemical reactions. I have to say that even if the expectations have been raised, the expectations are still higher.

   Kane knows that Ronan is an excellent creator and performer, but this is the first time he has experienced Ronan's interpretation of different types of rock and roll. This also makes Kane have more expectations for Ronan's future development.

   "Hello, may I ask, what is the name of this song?"


In a short period of time, just as the melody came to an end, someone came to ask for the name of the song again. Even if I controlled my impulse in public and didn't dance with it, the brows still followed the cheerful expression. The melody bloomed, and the mood was clear.

  Music has such a magical power. A gold border can be inlaid on the soul anytime, anywhere, as if the world has become more transparent.

The cafe where Kane worked is just a miniature; the reactions of Kane, Sophie and others are only the first reactions of local fans, but from these partial scenes, the reaction of the entire North American continent can be felt. .

   What's more, this collaboration single is a work that has been waiting and waiting, and anticipating and anticipating. The collision of the three popular superstars is not lacking in attention.


   The launch of "Classic" immediately caused waves.

   In fact, the appearance of "classic" is very low-key.

The agents of the three singers did not jointly arrange the official promotion schedule, nor did they announce the official release time of the single. Everything went silently, and then suddenly went online with surprise, and even was complained by fans as "subtly released", if not The three popular singers are on the hot spots of the promotion period, and the single is estimated to be submerged in the flood of information and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   There are no physical albums, no music videos, or even an official single cover. There is only a lone digital single, so it goes online.

   depends on the vigilance of the fans.

   This operation also puzzled the majority of fans: why? Why not make a high-profile debut like other co-op singles?

Later, a reporter directly asked Justin, who was the most active in the recent period, and Justin responded like This is not a business cooperation, it is purely the inspiration of the collision between our three friends. Spark, we hope to awaken some retro memories, and hope to win the likes of some listeners. But it doesn't matter if you don't like it. The most important thing is that this is a testimony of a friendship chemical reaction. "

   The subtext is, the cooperation between Justin and Jay-Z is a "business relationship"?

Not to mention whether the subtext can be interpreted in this way, but it is certain that Justin, Bruno and Ronan did not expect too much for the performance of the single. They simply presented this work in a relaxed, inspirational collision posture. From the melody and drum beats, you can feel the joy and happiness of the three singers in the creative process.

The    note records the weight of true feelings.

But even so, the debut of the "classic" successfully attracted attention. After all, the collaboration of the three popular singers is one of the hot spots of this summer; and, among the high expectations, it won a round of applause, and the voice of praise is everywhere. , Music, can always reflect the color of the soul.

"Retro", "Classic" and "Dancing", the three keywords have become the best footnotes of this cooperative single. Countless netizens have expressed that they want to dance with them while listening to the music. "This is a song. A song that allows the body to be autonomous", perhaps this is the best compliment.

   On Friday, August 2nd, "Classic" was officially launched on major digital audio platforms.

   What kind of results can the bustling and heated topic really bring, and whether the "Classic" can surpass the two singles of Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z, this is undoubtedly a big attraction.

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