King of Stage

Chapter 711: The outcome is settled

Fans of the one-way band provoked Ronan and splashed dirty water. The result was exposed again. The matter suddenly became an absolute hot spot on social networks. It spread out magnanimously, attracting countless eyes, and the unanticipated duel came to a stand. In the spotlight, a wave of topics followed.

   Then, the beast awakened-tangibly and invisibly, the "classic" was also promoted, and the upward momentum was obviously accelerated.

   In the second week of September, the billboard singles chart ushered in a major reshuffle. Among them, the rapid rise of "classic" has become one of the disruptors that broke the inherent pattern of the chart.

   嗖嗖, "Classic" jumped directly to the 33rd place in one go. It was a full 15th place improvement over the previous week, and it showed its edge again. At this time, it has initially reached the threshold of the upper circle of bulletin boards!

   In direct contrast, "Holy Grail" still stays at sixth place, and it seems that it has no ability to break out again, while "Best Song in History" has fallen to 20th place. It takes a miracle to return to the top ten.

   rise. Stagnant. Downturn.

   The status of these three singles is clear at a glance, but still retains a lot of suspense. The first thing is, what height can the rising momentum of "classic" reach?

After the one-way band's brainstorming fans, the reputation of "classic" spread like wildfire, even without publicity, it broke into the public eye, curiosity and attention were fully increased, and the rest was left to the rest. Music up:

   If the music is mediocre, then you will forget it once you have heard it, and you will not continue to pay attention at all; but if the music is great and you like it, you can no longer extricate yourself.

It stands to reason that in hot events, one-way band is also one of the protagonists. Like Ronan, Justin, and Bruno, they quickly broke into the public eye. The news fever is the same for both singles, and the general public will produce it. Curiosity, however, the same heat leads to different results.

   "Best Song in History" is the former; "Classic" is the latter. Moreover, with the advancing of time, the influence of hot news will continue to ferment.

   In the next three short weeks, "Classic" completed the triple jump—

   The third week of September, 20th place.

   The fourth week of September, 13th place.

   The first week of October, ranked eighth.

Three steps in three weeks, by the ninth week of its release, "Classic" has already made it into the top ten, especially after the rapid leap after entering the top 30, you can clearly feel the single's super popularity, and it is exponentially multiplying. The posture broke out, comparable to a rocket, and there is still no sign of calming down.

   At the same time, the "Best Song in History" plummeted from the 21st to the 33rd, showing signs of depression; the "Holy Grail" still steadily occupied the sixth place, not rising but not falling.

For the people who eat melons, the development of this showdown is actually meaningless here. The victory or defeat has been divided, and the overall trend is already clear; only the enthusiastic fans of the one-way band are still shouting in a bustling, "our highest ranking." It's the second", the result of the refusal to admit is already clear.

  For professionals, they have never paid attention to this duel. No matter how lively the news is, it doesn’t make sense to them. The only thing worthy of curiosity is what height the "classic" can reach? The spark of inspiration from the collision of three top superstars is indeed worth looking forward to.

   Then, the second week of October—

   The bulletin board singles chart was unsuccessfully announced, and the surprise appeared.

  Champion, "Love Wrecking Ball", a new single from Miley Cyrus, won the championship for the second consecutive week.

   Runner-up, "Classic", a collaboration single from Justin Timberlake, Ronan Cooper and Bruno Mars.

   Third place, "Roar", from Katy Perry.

   Temple Army, "Royal Nobles", from Lord.

   Fifth, "Hold on, Let's Go Home", from Drake's new single released at the end of August.

The top five were completely shuffled, and it could even be said to be an earth-shaking change. The "Classic" soared directly from the eighth to the runner-up position, tying the highest score of the "Best Song in History" in one effort, and this week the latter again. Further diving to the forty-eight, almost falling out of the top 50, this also shut up the fanatic fans of the one-way band, and the sound of the fly disappeared.

   At the same time, the "Holy Grail" is still firmly in sixth place, without any movement. Although it did not rise, it did not fall under the impact of the stormy sea.

At this time, the professionals have already seen the results. Obviously, the "Holy Grail" no longer has explosive counterattacks. The fifth place should be the best single performance, but the long staying power is still long-lasting. Jay-Z and Justin's King of Heaven have won again. Success; however, in terms of market popularity, the "Holy Grail" still lost to "suits and shoes" and "classic".

   But, would Jay-Z care about this? Obviously not.

   Now, the question is, what is the stamina of the "classic"?

   does not need to be compared with the "Best Songs in History", "Holy Grail", "Suits and Leather Shoes", just focus on the "classic" yourself. What about your subsequent results?

   Like "the best song in history", it's just a week's peak runner-up and then the speed of light is on the chart? Or will it last as long as "Hell, hey" and "My Devil"? Peak, the test is explosive power, but the bulletin board singles chart needs not only explosive power, but also endurance.

At this time, no one thought that the crown of "Ka Er Tian Wang" would be worn on the head of "Classic", becoming the best footnote to this popular classic single. It is even difficult to accurately assert whether this is an honor or a little bit. Stunned?

When "Classic" touched the new peak of runner-up, UU Reading's champion single was "Love Wrecking Ball", and then experienced the incredible nine consecutive championships of "Royal Nobles"-the second monster single of the year, and After experiencing the "Love Wrecking Ball" twice ascent of the first week in nine weeks, then facing the two consecutive championships of Eminem and Rihanna's "Beast", until the end of 2013, Still stuck in the second place.

Before and after, "Classic" stayed in the runner-up position for 13 weeks, but never managed to reach the top. It was dubbed by music enthusiasts as the most tragic hit single of 2013. It was clearly accomplished and popular, but Always encounter more powerful opponents and have never been able to reach the top.

Of course, just like the "Holy Grail" card six, any single can be "stuck" in the top ten position, and it is very, very rare that it has not been able to continue to rise in the stormy sea but also to avoid the fate of falling. of.

   The competition on the bulletin board singles chart is so fierce that it’s not easy to stay in the top 50 for more than a week, let alone get stuck in the top ten, which is densely packed with swords, lights and shadows?

Undoubtedly, "Ka 2" is the best appreciation for the work "Classic", and it is still a 13 week card 2 in a row. It really makes people feel the super popularity of this single-you know At this time, the "best song in history" that has disappeared has only been on the chart for only seventeen weeks.

Having said that, it is still unavoidable to regret that the "Classic" stayed in the runner-up position for three full months, but never managed to reach the top. Every time it was just a little bit, just a little bit, but it was with the championship. Missing is indeed dumbfounding.

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