King of Stage

Chapter 71: Peer recognition

  Looking at the band members who were crying in front of them, Ronan was a little flustered to be honest—

It's not because he hasn't seen the world, he has "seen" men crying before, and he has never thought that crying is a shameful thing; it's just...he has never seen three men "thundershower" together at the same time, so Ronan didn't know what to do with the battle.

   scratching his head.

   Ronan was a little embarrassed.

In fact, Ronan’s nose is also a little sour, but watching Ollie, who is constantly wiping tears but still can’t control it, looks embarrassed like a little orange cat soaked in heavy rain. He feels a little funny, moved and sighed. His emotions also dissipated a little bit.

   He decided to do something.

   But, what should I do?

Ronan's body movements were slightly stiff, because he was not sure whether his attempt was correct, but patted Ollie on the shoulder awkwardly and mechanically, as if lightly patted the orange cat on the head, "Good. Good morning ( There, there)."

   Maybe it's because Ronan's movements are too rigid, like a robot, cautiously for fear of harming Ollie.

   Maybe it was because Ronan's way of comforting was too naive, it was basically the level of parents comforting kindergarten children.

Cliff didn't hold it back for a while, and laughed, but tears and nasal mucus came out together. The embarrassed appearance made Cliff himself panic. Ronan and Maxim directly changed their faces and didn't dare. Believing in his own eyes, he burst out laughing in disgust.

Unknown Ollie raised his head blankly, and saw Cliff dancing with his hands through his dim tears-Cliff himself was too panic, leaning forward with his upper body, trying his best to avoid the filthy things on his body. All the way out in a panic.


Oli’s shocking laughter also broke out directly. Because the laugh was too exaggerated, he was choked by his own saliva. He coughed several times before he could control it, and then the macho laughter continued to erupt. It’s really true. -Tears and smiles fly together, nasal discharge and unclear saliva.

   "Cliff, the macho is crying!"

   "Sure enough! Cliff is different from us, even the level of tears is different."

   Maxim and Ollie were totally gloating, laughing and leaning forward and backward.

Cliff has mild hygiene and obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially for personal hygiene. When Ronan introduced Cliff on the stage, he emphasized that the gas station/convenience store toilet on this road trip was to Cliff. Said it is a serious issue of life and death.

   However... This is Cliff, who is facing the worst accident in his life at this time.

Ronan told himself that he shouldn’t laugh at Cliff at this time, because for Cliff, it’s a very, very serious matter. Even if they don’t help, they can’t get into trouble; but... I really can’t help, look. The appearance of Cliff's headless fly is really funny.

   As a result, Ronan couldn't hold it back either. He laughed too hard and felt nauseous.

   "What's the matter? What's so funny, say it, let's share it together."

The back door of the bar was pushed open again, and a cheerful and curious voice came from behind, echoing in the empty parking lot at the break of dawn, and it was particularly prominent. Following the sound, I turned my head and looked over, and I could see the familiar face at a glance. With a smile, his eyes are bright, and his whole body conveys kindness.

   Walking in the forefront is Wesley Schultz of the Shining Band, behind which is Jeremiah Flats and the only female member Naila Pekarek.

All three of them are dressed very concisely and neatly. The shirt is paired with jeans and the straps are faintly bohemian. They are clean and simple, but they have their own style. A face-to-face can leave an impression. It is indeed very suitable for independent or folk songs and so on.

Wesley was obviously already a little unbearable, and took the initiative to walk towards Ronan in a few consecutive strides, and then gave Ronan a warm hug and said with joy, "Wonderful! Wonderful! I must say, This is one of the best performances tonight!"

   "Thank you!"

   Ronan’s expression is a bit cautious, he is still not used to these compliments—

On the one hand, because the Eastern culture is accustomed to being humble and low-key, "Pride tends to make people regress", which is a consistent education that everyone has received since childhood; on the other hand, because of the special circumstances of Ronan’s last life, he really rarely To be praised, on the contrary, more often they walk silently in the dark, and often need to bear countless reproaches and rejections.


   For Ronan, it was really a strange thing, and he couldn't adapt to it in just three days.

   The words mumbled a few words on the lips, the original idea was not able to express, but it still expressed another meaning, "Thank you for your recommendation."

Jeremiah waved his hands again and again, "No, no, Wesley didn’t mean that, not because we recommended you, that’s why we praised you; it’s because you are worthy. Trust me, I can be your recommender and treat you It is our honor to introduce to those audiences at the Full Moon Party."

"Okay, okay, UU reading, how long do you have to thank each other for?" Naila Pekarek took the initiative to step up and said with a smile, "I just want to say that the performance tonight is sincere Wonderful. To be honest, music is not my favorite style, but because your performance has given new vitality, after the performance, I will still find your music to listen to. Sincere music will always impress the audience."

   Naila said sincerely to Ronan, the same compliment, but it seemed a lot softer.

   Wesley also nodded eagerly, "Yes, that's what it means. Naira always knows how to make words more beautiful."

Ronan smiled at Naira and expressed his gratitude with his eyes, "I always believe that truly beautiful music can awaken the resonance of the audience. I can feel the emotions of a wandering poet in your performance, a little bit sad. And bitter, a little bit lonely and loose, refusing to be bound by hands and feet, just wanting to open my chest and embrace freedom. I like this kind of music."

   Ronan was also a little excited.

In the past two days, because the band was completely immersed in rehearsal, there was no time to meet with Shining Band. Originally, there were some regrets, but I didn't expect Shining Band to watch their performance tonight. This is indeed a wonderful thing. Experience.

   "We are also working hard to make this kind of music and dedicated to this stage. No matter what, we may have touched a corner tonight."

Ronan’s words gave Wesley an exaggerated expression, "Oh oh oh, believe me, you don’t need to be humble, too humble is a kind of pride. I can imagine now that you are standing on the stage of a concert of 20,000 people. The scene of the performance, and then the whole audience will sing along with you! That is where you shine."

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