King of Stage

Chapter 723: Emotionally

"I won't give up! I won't give in!"

"Pack your bags! Embrace the new life!"

Amidst the roaring drums and strings, Ronan’s treble released endless energy. In an instant, the entire New Orleans Arena was like daylight, with blood boiling and heart beating wildly, and the whole brain fell into a cloud of chaos, such as The billowing heat waves of smoke and fog seem to be able to feel the freedom of the wind.

Jessica finally felt the power of the concert. She covered her face with her hands and showed a look of pain. It seemed that she had felt the turbulent emotions after a long time. The days of calm and calmness have been so long and long that she almost forgets. What kind of feeling is thinking.

But soon, Jessica raised her face again and watched the King One Day bravely and firmly on the stage, and calmly embraced the emotional impact, and finally broke free from the shackles, and became one with the audience and became one with King One Day. Melt into one and truly feel the madness of the concert scene.

Later, after the concert ended, Jessica knew that the song was called "Embracing the Rebirth", a work that the King performed miracles at the Coachella Music Festival in one day, and it was also known as "Chasing the Light". The follow-up song does not need to travel to the ends of the world to be able to open up a new life, even in daily life, you can also find your own never-free island.

Life, after all, is life. You don't need to escape, but you need to face it, but the difference lies in how to face it.

It's like Duncan Turner.

Fortunately, Jessica also witnessed the birth of the miracle in the New Orleans Arena, and is very proud to be a part of it.

Just as the melody was reaching its climax/tide towards the end, through her dim teary eyes, Jessica saw an arm raised high in the shadows, three fingers erected.

Jessica didn’t know. So, she didn’t know what happened, let alone what it meant, but gradually, more and more arms were raised, one, two, three, one thousand, two thousand, Three thousand...In a blink of an eye, the audience was filled with great vigor, and 15,000 people formed a lush birch forest, which was magnificent and magnificent.

The breeze was rustling and rustling.

The New Orleans Arena, transformed into a completely different scene. The grandeur and magnificence of nature burst out in a narrow space.

Jessica was ignorant and completely ignorant of what happened. She had never participated in a concert before. At this time, she mistakenly thought it was a common part of all concerts. So she raised her right arm unexplainedly, and drew a gourd. With three fingers, you can learn to join the audience.

Although I don’t understand what’s happening, the three-finger rituals raised high seem to break the restraints and restraints. Jessica also truly blended into the atmosphere of the scene, deeply feeling the boiling heat and heat of the boiling soul, as if it were a kind of rebellion. A kind of persistence is a new life, and words cannot describe it.

Clear tears were still shining in his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had already bloomed wantonly and brilliantly.

Feeling this way, experiencing this way, experiencing this way, all are brand new for the first time. Jessica thought she would be at a loss, but the reality is that she likes it more than she imagined. The cheerful laughter and wanton shouting gradually began. Break free from the shackles in the depths of the soul and release.

Later, Jessica realized that the song was called "Embrace the Newborn", and understood the meaning of the three-finger ceremony, and then understood the miracle of the Coachella Music Festival.

Later, Jessica understood the meaning of knights, the meaning of "departure", and the unique charm of the band One Day King.

Later, Jessica really understood King One Day’s music. They always possessed a tenacious power, even standing at the end of the darkness, they could still burst out the light of life; they were always so gentle and so bright, The lyrics are keenly exposed to the wounds hidden deep in the heart, and the notes are like a trickle to bring healing energy.

They, like wandering poets, always walk on the road and always take risks. The dimension of life continues to extend under their feet. The color of life glows with different vitality in their notes, as if they only need to follow them. With just a few steps, you can find Never Island.

In their music world, adventure is no longer a challenge, but an enjoyment.

Life, so short and so long, if you can see the head at a glance, how boring, a flat, calm life will eventually lead to the same ending, as if, there is nothing more; but if it can be in a limited time , Bravely explore the breadth of life, tap the depth of life, and whether you can see the different appearances of the world, people with different colors, different cultures, and different lives.

Perhaps, being alive is no longer just being alive.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The heart beats vigorously in the chest cavity, vigorously and powerfully, and you can deeply feel the tension of the pulse of life every time you close it. It is turbulent and hot, so familiar but so unfamiliar, familiar, because it is born with it. , Unfamiliar, it is because it has been too long.

Jessica, seemingly able to finally realize the feeling of her neighbor Duncan, couldn't help but want to jump, even... screaming.

It’s no wonder that Duncan’s excitement between his eyebrows and eyebrows can’t be performed as long as he mentions King One Day; no wonder, Duncan can enter another world as long as he wears headphones; no wonder, Duncan purchases concert tickets without hesitation, and lives early. Have expectations.

All in all, the answer can now be found.

More importantly, Jessica also remembered her "impulsiveness" again at the time. Why did she impulsively buy tickets for the concert, just because of Duncan's words? Of course not, but because deep in her heart, she is eager to breathe, looking for some waves in the repeated boring daily life, and even holding a moth to the fire impulsively Purchased tickets.

And now.

She found it.

Not only found a little wave, but also found a turbulent wave, a torrential rain, and a magnificent wave. The gorgeous colors make the whole person happy and wanton, just like breaking the shackles of the water, I can’t wait to gulp. Breathe the fresh air.

At this time, Jessica did not panic anymore and did not resist. The idea of ​​"turning and leaving" has long since disappeared. She has removed her burden and became a part of the New Orleans Arena. It doesn't matter if she is not familiar with King One Day's music. It is enough to get rid of the shackles and soar freely.

"It turns out that this is the concert."

Jessica seemed to have discovered some secrets. After a burst of joy, the corners of her mouth bloomed wantonly. The vitality that she thought had been exhausted and disappeared was surging in her chest.

Singing, jumping, shouting, venting, erupting, and then feeling that she is still alive.

Until the end of time.

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