King of Stage

Chapter 734: shorten the distance

Juliet and Michelle listened patiently to Cathy's practice for a while, and then Juliet pretended to indifferently ask whether she lived in the same hotel in the Republican era?

Michelle took the opportunity to ask whether the members of the king would rest in the hotel for a day?

At this time, Juliet suddenly remembered that she had completely forgotten Maxim, and seeing Cathy’s first reaction was not a King for a Day but the Republican era.

Juliet thinks this is a good thing, because it proves that she can forget Maxim.

Cathy responded with a sweet smile, "I lived upstairs in the Republican era, but I'm not sure about Ronan and the others."

Then, Juliet and the others said goodbye to Cathy, and when they opened the door of the hotel room, they saw Mr. Ryan Ted staggering by in front of them.

"Hey, Mr. Ted."

Juliet greeted him, which caused Ryan to stop a bit, but his eyes showed a trace of confusion, as if he was trying to search his memory.

"Philadelphia, Four Seasons, hotel lobby, I... uh..."

A few short keywords successfully awakened Ryan’s memory, and suddenly said, "Juliet, right? That girl who shouted that Maxim is more attractive than Ronan? I remember, I remember you, and later Did you also see you when I was videoing with Ronan?"

Juliet was a little cautious, but she still held up her chest and smiled brightly, "Unexpectedly, you still remember me."

"Of course, you are definitely not a girl who can easily forget." A smile appeared in Ryan's eyes, and the simple words also revealed some meaning.

Ryan Ted, the absolute soul of the Republican era, is not only the lead singer, but also a top songwriter and top producer. He handles most of the band's creations in one hand, and at the same time conveys other outstanding singers as a creator Countless classics, from Leona-Lewis (Leona-Lewis) to Beyoncé, from Kelly Clarkson to Jennifer Lopez, from the Magic Red Band to the one-way group.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ryan is one of the hottest producers in the North American music market in recent years. To some extent, his reputation is even higher than Bruno Mars.

The Republican era and the King of One Day met unexpectedly during the tour.

Before arriving in Los Angeles this time, the "Primitive Nature" tour returned to the North American continent for the first time last summer, and then went to South America again. It was not until this week that it returned to the North American continent. The king who started the tour on the day of the tour met many times by coincidence on the east coast.

Between back and forth, from nodding acquaintances to polite greetings to friendships, the two bands gradually became familiar with each other. Even if they left the North American continent again after the tour in the Republican era, the daily communication between the two parties has never been separated, on the contrary. It's just that I will talk and talk every other time.

Juliet also greeted Ryan twice via video call.

Ryan had just finished tonight’s performance, sweating profusely, but after venting heartily, he didn’t feel tired. Instead, there was a kind of carefree vent. At this time, watching Juliet and the strange girl next to him, relaxed. Nerves can't help but breed some jokes and naughty.

"So, you are here to find... Maxim?" Ryan hesitated for a while, not sure which Juliet liked.

Juliet rushed in front of Michelle anxiously and said, "You! We are looking for you!"

Ryan, "..."

Although Ryan is also very familiar with bone, flesh and skin culture, he is not enthusiastic. Moreover, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Juliet is not interested in him. At this time, seeing Juliet open his eyes and tell lies, Ryan does not know how to respond.

"are you sure?"

Ryan retracted his chin slightly, and his chubby three-layered chin piled up, making the jokes and doubts under his eyes more vivid.

Bathed in Ryan's sight, Juliet was a little embarrassed, biting her lower lip, speechless.

Michelle’s sight was slicking back and forth between Juliet and Ryan. Seeing this, he took the opportunity to interject, “We are indeed here to find you, hoping to enjoy the performance of the Republican era live, but obviously, singing The meeting is over, we can only wait for the next time."

"Haha." Ryan laughed happily, as if he didn't believe Michelle's words, a slightly hoarse laughter agitated in the hotel corridor.


Not far away, the sound of the elevator door opening was not loud, but then the laughter and laughter from the elevator came out like a flood, and the conversation between Ryan and others broke up in an instant, and the entire corridor was flooded. With the noise of laughter, all attention flowed in the same direction.

Then you can see the four girls with heavy makeup and gorgeous flowers pouring out of the elevator door, staggering footsteps swaying above the slender high heels, making people worry about whether their ankles can support the weight of the body, but they can’t tell if they are. Because of alcohol or hyperactivity, or because of other reasons.

Obviously, the girls are not worried about this either. They look firmly towards the elevator door, their bright eyes gleaming like stars, and they can feel the enthusiasm emanating from them all over the distance, as if only Relying on cheers can dispel the cold in winter.

Naturally, the eyes of the onlookers followed the eyes of the girls and looked towards the elevator entrance.

Then, you can see the orange lights in the elevator falling down, and the dim yellow lights in the corridors have become dimmed, gentle and not dazzling, bright and unassuming, a tall and straight figure with his head slightly lowered and stepped on. The golden ground came out.

With slender legs, clear facial features, and elegant temperament, you can feel an aura emanating from the inside out when you move your hands and feet. In an instant, you will fall into a quicksand-like predicament, slowing down ten times. Twenty times, every move, every frown and smile are enlarged in the pupils.

Puff through.

The heartbeat just missed a beat, and the sudden heartbeat cut off my breath unreasonably, and when I waited to feel the power of the heart impact in my chest again, I realized that I had fallen.



The four girls at the elevator entrance screamed like a fan, breaking the shackles of time and space, and then time re-flowed, everything returned to normal, but the line of sight was still firmly focused on the figure of the man.

However, he saw that the man’s footsteps paused slightly, and he noticed the three figures in the corridor. He raised his head and looked at it. The arc of the smile at the corner of his mouth rose, the elevator door behind him slowly closed, and the corridor dimmed again, but Refused to be surrounded by darkness because of that smile.

"Hey, Ryan."

He yelled out, and the whole world brightened up together, and then Ryan's response could be heard.

"Hey, Ronan."

The person here is Ronan Cooper, the lead singer of King One Day.

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