King of Stage

Chapter 736: 1 mess



There was a slight tension in the air, and it seemed to be able to smell the seemingly non-existent smoke of gunpowder, so that Ryan also cast an inquiring eye.

Ronan shrugged slightly invisibly, and the gleaming light under his eyes seemed to say: That's the matter of being jealous of flesh and blood.

This is why Ronan doesn't like life boundaries being broken.

Since the "departure" tour, there have been more and more fans following King One Day and around King One Day. The line between life and work has gradually blurred, and then you can see a large crowd of people rushing into them noisily. Life, the noise of Ye Ye Sheng Ge has made people dizzy, but the real scary thing is the friction between people.

As long as there are people, there is right and wrong.

And the more people there are, the more complicated it is.

Especially when you are jealous, you can cut things up and make them messy, just like a mess, and then your life will be dragged into the affairs of sesame-sized rotten millet, endless.

It is precisely because of this that the mind is occupied by these noises and trivial matters, and there is no way to calm down. No wonder, so many top singers are gradually lost after becoming famous; no wonder, those artists who have been less famous for many years can't stick to their original intentions; no wonder, the weirdness of the entertainment industry is hailed as a dye vat.

There are more and more seductions/confusions, desires/hopes gradually enlarged, turbulent trivial matters drowning oneself, placing yourself in the center of the spotlight, the light blurs your eyes, and then the world you see becomes smaller and narrower, and finally I'm also lost in a variety of colors, not to mention talents and talents, even myself is lost together.

Ronan, I don't like this.

Especially after experiencing the disturbances of the previous life, the more so.

After exchanging a glance with Ryan, Ronan's mouth raised slightly, and he turned his head slightly and said to the girl behind him, "I thought you were here to find Maxim, but I didn't expect to waste time here. I think If Maxim knew it, it would be very sad."

After changing the subject in four or two strokes, Ronan succeeded in getting the girls behind him to withdraw their sights-even if he didn't want to, he didn't say much after all.

While speaking, Ronan's gaze fluttered towards Juliet, and he could see Juliet's uncertain expression, showing his turbulent mood.

These girls have nothing to do with Ronan. They went upstairs at the invitation of Maxim. Ronan just met them unexpectedly in the elevator.

When the girls saw that the people entering the elevator were actually Ronan, all of them couldn't help being excited, screaming and stomping, expressing their joy with their whole bodies, accompanied by the noisy screams of twitter all the time.

Ronan, who has gone through the entire long tour, has gone from unfamiliar to familiar, from bewildered to calm, and he is quite familiar with similar situations, and he can be said to be handy in dealing with it easily.

However, when he saw Juliet, Ronan still inevitably felt a little sympathy because of his familiarity and closeness, and he secretly reminded Juliet.

Of course, he didn't know what happened between Juliet and Maxim, and he wasn't ready to intervene in Maxim's private life. The points mentioned so far are all.

Juliet struggled for a while, clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, forced herself to abandon her sight, and refused to respond to Ronan's words.

Ronan didn't say much, but said to the girls, "Maxim's room is right in front. You can knock on the door yourself."

The wheat-skinned athletic girl leaned forward slightly, rubbing Ronan's arm with the proud curve of the upper body, suddenly close and distant, and then cast a wink, "Ronan, yours Where is the room? Don’t you share a room with Maxim?"

The hint, it couldn't be more obvious.

Ryan, who was watching and eating melons and watching the play, gently pulled the corners of his mouth, his gaze circling on Ronan meaningfully, only a cup of noble lady afternoon tea.

Ronan was facing Ryan and saw Ryan’s reaction at a glance. He almost burst into laughter, but barely managed to control his smile. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I don’t like eavesdropping in the corner of the wall, the same , I don’t like being overheard. I don’t think Maxim doesn’t like me watching either."

This... is it sure that the words don't matter? It is obvious that there are words in the words. Every sentence and every word seems to have a voiceover, which is too much information.

The wheat-skinned girl was stunned for a while, and didn't turn around for a while, but Michelle said intermittently, "Like Ronan, I like some private space, the time for two people." Finished, eyes. With a light pick, he once again threw a gleaming look at Ronan.

Implied has become explicit.

If Ronan doesn’t understand anymore, he should be considered a monk, but Ronan doesn’t intend to respond. Even if he understands, he pretends that he didn’t understand. He smiled and said, “I’m worried, our definition of private space Some discrepancies, but in order not to be rude in front of the lady, I think I should shut up."

Polite, but alienated.

Michelle's "hint" ate a soft nail, and his eyes showed a little frustration.

Ryan said that it was very hard to hold back his smile, but his eyes were thoughtful. As the saying goes, there are three women in a scene. At this time there are five women around, and the scene is chaotic. However, Ronan always advances and retreats properly. People have to admire Ronan's ability to handle the crisis-

Always maintaining a light and warm posture, but at the same time maintaining a clear distance throughout, controlling the overall situation without changing his voice, and at the same time, it does not make people feel sharp or attacked. This ability is impressive.

Ronan also did not give Michelle a chance to continue to react, turning his head to look at the four girls behind him, "I think you need to speed up a little bit, otherwise I am not sure if anyone will get on the ground first."

Correct! The object they are discussing is Maxim's walking Teddy, no one can be sure what will happen if this little time is delayed.

The girls suddenly became anxious in the hustle and bustle, and could no longer take care of the miscellaneous things. After hurriedly greeted Ronan, they swarmed towards Maxim's room.

The wheat-skinned girl reluctantly wrapped her eyes on Ronan, but found that Ronan was still unmoved. She showed a slightly frustrated expression. Then she retracted her gaze and quickly followed the footsteps of her little friend. Flocked along the end of the corridor.

Juliet's expression, struggling, even if she tried her best to suppress her, she could still feel her suffering and pain.

Turn around and leave? Or moths to the fire?

Originally thought she could hold on, at least for a longer time, but unfortunately, Ronan guessed wrong this time—

"Ronan..." Juliet raised her head, wanting to say something but trying to say something, but she couldn't say it after all. There was a touch of desolation in her eyes. It was lonely and hot, turbulent and lonely. Her face also became noble, but she didn't stay for long, and then she turned and walked towards the room in Maxim's room.

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