King of Stage

Chapter 741: The back of the world

Fall in love with you reading network, the king of the stage


The elevator door opened, and the noisy scene of the hotel lobby came to your face. The bustling crowds scattered in the corners of the space in small groups, and the rustling whispered discussions were not noisy but secretly surging in the air. , As if I could feel the heat wave on the summer night.

  The billowing air wave poured in along the opened elevator door, and instantly shattered the silence between Ronan and Ryan.

   "Ah! Ronan!"

If there is a seemingly invisible sight drifting in the direction of the elevator, always paying attention to the movement, whether it is a fanatic or obsessed with flesh and blood, they all know that the band members can't bear the loneliness during the tour, and the night is often It’s just the best opportunity to be dispatched. As long as you wait patiently and observe carefully, you will always be able to wait for the opportunity——

   The rest is up to their own abilities.

   As expected!

The sight drifting from all directions, I noticed Ronan for the first time. His slender and tall height stood out from the crowd. It was hard to ignore even in the turbulent crowd. In addition, almost all of them gathered in the hotel lobby at this moment. They are fans who have followed the tour all the way. They know Ronan or Ryan very well, and there is no reason to miss it.

   "Ah! Ryan!"

   took a half a beat, recognizing that Ryan's voice also burst from the crowd.

In the next second, you can see that the bustling turbulent crowd is surging from all directions toward the same black hole vortex like a stormy wave. The appearance of scrambling is very easy to remind people of the "Animal World" in the "Animal World" that the lion group is attacking towards the lonely antelope. The picture, the next is a **** scene.

   Even though I have experienced it more than once or twice, every time I feel the scorching heat of the hot waves licking the hair on the surface of the skin, I am still in a hurry.


   Ryan was more sophisticated and cunning, and the first reaction was like an arrow from the string, and rushed out, completing the breakthrough before the encirclement closed.

Ronan only slowed down by half a beat, and immediately picked up his pace. With the advantage of his height and long legs, he has already stepped out between three steps and two steps, and he has caught up in just a few breaths. Ryan also completed the go-ahead.

Ryan just swept a figure out of his line of sight, and passed by him like a violent wind. In the next second, he saw Ronan's back drift away in his pupils. He was just dumbfounded and dumbfounded, and then stepped forward. Chubby little short legs, sprinting sprinting.


   step to step to step.

   This rapid movement in front and back, rushed out of the hotel lobby in a blink of an eye, and then disappeared into the vast night.

  The tails who followed behind all hesitated--

   No one knows where Ronan and Ryan are going and when they will return. So, should they follow suit, or should they stay where they are and continue to wait?

   This is not a problem.

Keep sticking to the hotel lobby, not only can you wait until the other band members, but Ronan and Ryan will come back sooner or later; but if you follow along, you are risking, not to mention that they may be lost at any time-after all, they are not private detectives, even if they follow You may not be able to get close.

As a result, the decision was made in the footsteps between the flashing lights, and only a very small group of people followed them carelessly. Most of the others stopped and returned to the hotel lobby in a disappointed manner, but it didn't take long. The lively discussion raged again.

   Soon, the figures who followed Ronan and Ryan also returned dejectedly——

   "They got in a taxi and disappeared in a blink of an eye."

   "God! Didn't it mean that it is difficult to stop taxis in Los Angeles? Why did they stop them? I suspect that all of this is Ronan's premeditated plan."

   "Why don't you say it was Ryan's strategy..."

   "Ryan Ted? Are you sure?"

   "Uh, this..."

   There was a disturbing discussion in the hotel lobby, but Ronan and Ryan did the same, exchanged glances at each other, and then both laughed.

   "It seems that the goddess of luck is also on our side tonight." Ryan sighed.

   Different from New York on the East Coast, on the streets of Los Angeles, the probability of raising a hand to stop a taxi is very, very low. It does not mean that it is impossible to stop it, but it is indeed not easy. Because of the different lifestyles and urban planning, in Los Angeles, almost every household has a car, so taxi service must call the taxi company to make a request. Those taxis that are speeding on the street are often reserved.

But tonight, Ronan and Ryan caught a taxi driver who was eating dinner in the parking space. When the two got in the car, the driver was opening his double cheese beef burger, before he had time to bite it down. Being urged to drive, the honest Mexican dared not raise an objection, and stepped on the accelerator ignorantly.

At this time, the bearded driver uncle looked into the rearview mirror anxiously, his violently shaking pupils leaked his inner fear and panic, and countless Hollywood movies flashed in his mind, and he had reason to strongly suspect that he might have encountered it. After kidnapping, the two people in the back seat may be killers.

   Isn’t that all movie plots like this? The taxi driver becomes a tool, and then... either gets involved in the incident and sees the things that shouldn't be watched get or gets involved in the battle innocently and becomes the cannon fodder without a name. Most of the endings are miserable and miserable.

   Is he going to be buried here tonight?

  Naobu can't stop at all.

   "Don't worry, we just need to get rid of some tails." Ronan seemed to notice the trembling back of the Mexican uncle and explained with a smile.

   But with such an explanation, the Mexican uncle has a big brain. The more he thinks about it, the more nervous he gets, and he squeezes out a smile that is worse than crying in the rearview mirror.

   Ronan realized that he seemed to be self-defeating, looked at Ryan helplessly, and then both laughed.

   There was a dash, a turn, and another accident. Instead, I felt happy and smooth. The burden on my shoulders still exists, but it seems to be temporarily forgotten.

Outside the window of the taxi, dots of colorful neon like a gurgling river merge into the boundless darkness, sparkling waves flashing in the rich and pure night, reflecting the fleeting scenes Face:

The street girls with heavy makeup, the exhausted white-collar workers, the party animals with the left and right arms, and the unknown people living in Vanity Fair who are eager to get ahead but are still struggling...their faces flicker and darken in the neon Became the back of this city called the City of Angels, hidden away from the bright spotlight, forming another world.

   They are all struggling, but facing different difficulties in different ways.

   gaze, watching quietly, his thoughts drifted away quietly, and then the bubbly emotions slowly settled down.

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