King of Stage

Chapter 743: Long way ahead

"So, is this a predicament that cannot be broken? Like Sisyphus?" Ronan asked softly, seeming to be asking Ryan and also asking himself.

Ryan shrugged, "I don't know, and I don't have an answer."

"But, Ronan, in real life, everyone needs to face pressure and find a way to vent. A brief loss is not the end of the world. The most important thing is to stick to your heart and never forget your reason for starting this journey."

Ronan raised his head to look at Ryan, and then he could see the light smile in Ryan's eyes, like a radiant light on the surface of a calm lake.

Words are like chicken soup for the soul, but Ryan's understatement made Ronan's mind the music of the Republican era, like running wild in the middle of the desert. The vastness of the sky and the earth makes his heart completely open, even if the future The vastness, even if the thorns are densely covered, still surging with passion and burning continuously.

Music can also be seen as a mirror of the creator's heart. At least Ronan believes that even if it is chicken soup for the soul, it can also become energy.

"You did a good job, very good, don't be too demanding of yourself." Ryan gave Ronan a thumbs up, "As for the other buddies in the band, everyone has their own way. No one can Instead of doing it for them, all you need to do is to continue to stick to yourself."

Whether it is Ollie or Maxim, including Cliff, they are embracing life in their own way. There is no right or wrong. Maybe it is the dance on the tip of the knife, or the advance of the high-altitude wire rope, but No matter what, in the end, they will eventually find their own way and face their own future.

Ronan seemed to understand a little bit, but he still didn't understand a lot. This made him chuckle, "I guess, what scenery is there, you can only know if you go down."

Once, Ronan believed deep down in his heart that he was a "rebirth person" and had a chance to read the file again. Naturally, he needed to be smarter and more mature. It was like facing an exam paper he had already done. He must know All answers, and finally complete a perfect answer sheet.

But reality tells Ronan that what is in front of him is not the same test paper, but a brand new and different test paper. Even if you have already had an opportunity, it doesn't mean you can have the answers to all the questions. Such thinking is dangerous and naive.

All the challenges faced by the king in one day were all "first time."

At least, in the long history that Ronan is familiar with, the king never appeared in one day, let alone Grammys, even daily life is an unheard name.

In other words, Ronan is changing history and at the same time writing a new history.

Become fame overnight, hit the top of the crowd, call a hundred responses, become famous, attract much attention, pressure... all, all for the first time.

And in the future, there will be more "firsts" that have not been met, experienced or faced, waiting.

Even as a rebirth person, these questions still have no answers. Obviously, every life is uncopyable and everything is brand new.

But it is precisely because of this that "uncopyable" means "unique". The unknown and challenged prospects are really exciting. You can feel the vitality surging every second, not just to live. , But live because of publicity, live because of wanton, live because of blooming.

Even if it is setback, even if it is a fall, even if it is an impact, it seems not so terrible, because scars are also a way of carving life.

Perhaps, in the present, they don't have the right answer. The only thing they can do is to stick to their heart, make choices, and explore more possibilities in the long journey of life.

The unknown may be fear, but it may also be anticipation.

Thinking of this, the smile at the corner of the mouth fell deep in the bottom of my eyes again, and it was a little relieved. Although the worries deep in my heart were still heavily pressed, but after thinking from a different perspective, I was finally able to see a different scenery. The anxiety and anxiety were still It has been relieved to some extent.

Ryan's expression also became more relaxed, and he ran his shoulder lightly against Ronan's shoulder, "I can't predict what the scenery will look like tomorrow, but the scenery in the next ten minutes, I can tell you that I am delicious. Enjoy hot dogs with mustard, and no one can stop me tonight."

As he said, Ryan burst into joy, which made Ronan laugh happily.

While talking, the taxi had arrived at the destination, and the Mexican driver still cautiously and cautiously parked the car on the side of the road.

Ryan also noticed that the driver kept peeking at the rearview mirror. Before getting out of the car, he grabbed the back of the driver’s seat with both hands and leaned forward suddenly. This sudden movement scared the driver enough, almost to the point. To scream, the panicked look made Ryan laugh happily.

However, Ryan did not intend to hit someone. Instead, he raised his right finger to broadcast to the car radio, and said to the driver's ear bluntly, "This handsome guy next to me is the songwriter and singer of this song. Or, you should scream and applaud."

After speaking, Ryan stepped away and left the taxi, leaving only cheerful and wanton laughter surging in the carriage.

Ronan laughed blankly, and handed a fifty dollars to the driver, "No need to look for it, thank you for helping us out just now. I hope you can have a good meal."

Inside the taxi, it became quiet again.

The Mexican driver was slightly stunned, his brain still could not turn the corner, put down the handbrake, stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out like an arrow from the string, the mountain whistling and tsunami rushed through the intersection before the green light turned to red light. It disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Until the long queue of hot dog stalls was no longer visible in the rearview mirror, the Mexican driver relaxed a little. After calming down, he realized that he was sweating on his back.

Wait, radio?

At this moment, the melody was playing on the radio, and it was "falling apart." The Mexican driver couldn't help quieting down and listened carefully.

"We used to imagine, imagine, money."

"We used to think about hurry up and sober, money."

The uniform rhythm vented down like a torrential rain, he couldn't help but nodded gently, using his body to feel the rhythm of the melody, but what did that fat guy say?

"That handsome guy is the creator of this song?"

So, he is... the lead singer of the King for a Day?

The driver finally reacted like a muddy brain, but couldn't help but froze in place. After finding the answer, he fell into another predicament:

Wait, wait, wait, what happened just now? One day the king’s lead singer took his own taxi, but he regarded him as a killer? Then missed the opportunity to ask for an autograph during the whole process?

"Ah! God!"

All the internal organs were curled up, and slammed his head against the steering wheel in a dull manner——


The loud horn roared above the eardrum.

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