King of Stage

Chapter 748: Knights gathered

Michel didn't know what happened between Juliet and Maxim, but she didn't need to know at all, she was able to figure out some outlines.

"Juliet, the relationship between the flesh and blood and the band members is originally a game. Whoever pays sincerely in this game will lose."

Michelle could not get Juliet's response, and was somewhat distracted. The smile on the corner of her mouth was slightly calm, and she gave her own advice.

"Besides, we always lose the worse side. You should know, Juliet, you are so smart, you know that from the moment we started to put down and chase them, we were already at a disadvantage, and we were not qualified to pay. Really, even less qualified to care about things."

Juliet finally reacted, raising her head to look at Michelle, with a touch of sadness in her eyes, struggling.

Did not speak, just stared.

Michele saw an unusual light in Juliet's eyes, which was faintly flashing, as if he could see the appearance of a broken heart. This made Michelle stunned slightly, and then came to understand:

Juliet, fell in love with Maxim.

It's not just the worship of fans falling in love with idols, but also the madness and enthusiasm of women falling in love with men. But the problem is that they have deviated from the track at the beginning, and now they want to turn the tide back on track, things have become more difficult, and they are facing the handsome prodigal Maxim, how easy is it to say?


What qualifications does the flesh and blood have to talk about love? The moment they fell in love, they had already lost, defeated, and surrendered without any chance.

Juliet Slater is also a well-known figure among the flesh and blood. She is famous for her loftiness and pride of "passing through thousands of flowers, without a leaf touching her body". "Looking back and smiling, there is no color in the six palaces." Charm and temperament make people look up. How many band singers are eager to win a smile from the beautiful woman, how many flesh and blood are envious and jealous, but Juliet always does her own way and can be called a star.

Including Michelle, once thought Juliet was unattainable.

Unexpectedly, Juliet would be planted in this way, in Maxim's hands.

"Oh, poor Juliet..."

Michelle didn’t say much, and embraced Juliet with open arms. Although there was a little ecstasy in her heart-I didn’t expect that Juliet would have such a day; but after a short ecstasy, it was a period of sadness and loneliness, because she was also flesh and blood. , She also deeply understands Juliet's mood, and she has also experienced this kind of "falling in love but not being able to fall in love".

After all, they are all the same kind of people.

"I don't..." Juliet said, trying to defend herself: I don't love Maxim.

However, the words were just spoken, and they got stuck in their throats. After all, there was no way to deceive myself. My eyes were warm and almost collapsed, but because they were too ridiculous, ridiculous, and too real, I felt funny and couldn’t help but laugh. Up.

However, the strength of the body seemed to be emptied, limp in Michelle’s arms, greedy for the short-term warmth and dependence, to settle down, and then the laughter became emptied, and the more laughter, the more It's emptiness.

Boom boom boom!


The surging crowd is cheering and leaping, like a carnival, the billowing heat is boiling between the sun and the palms, and the entire Nokia Theater is full of laughter, and you can feel the enthusiasm of the concert early in the square. Enclosed completely.

Michelle and Juliet both raised their heads slightly and looked at the noise in front of them quietly, but their respective thoughts in their minds were completely different. They were just immersed in their own thoughts, as if they were caught in a time gap between the noisy and magnificent. , Carefully hide himself.

"One day! King!"

"One day! King!"

In the crowd, I don't know who was the first to shout, and the impassioned shouts opened their arms unscrupulously, ready to welcome tonight's concert.

This should be a temporary whim, and it happened without warning, so that most of the knights were a little surprised and couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

But it doesn't matter-the essence of a concert is to let go of one's guard, blend into the atmosphere, and follow the feeling.

Even in emergencies, responding to your heart’s voice is the most perfect and correct action, and then—

"One day! King!"

"One day! King!"

The sparse shouts came and went one after another, in twos and threes like a hamster, and then slowly gathered together to form a force. The uniform shouts also burst out with a deafening effect, attracting more and more people. Many audience members joined the shouting ranks.

Juliet is an exception.

She didn't join the shouting ranks, she just watched the cheerful faces quietly, just watched those cheering figures quietly, her heart could faintly feel the hot and hot, but the spirit was still imprisoned. Footsteps, staring sadly at the sight in front of him.

Then Sophie noticed Juliet and Michele, especially Juliet with a sad face.

In a blink of an eye, Sophie has lived in Los Angeles for nearly a year. She really likes the new chapter she has opened in this city. Although occasionally she still misses her friends in Washington, including Kane, the phone and the Internet have allowed her. Their lives are much easier and smoother, so she can't ask for more.

As a knight, Sophie has been waiting for her "departure" tour to arrive in Los Angeles. It can even be said that it is her only expectation in six months.

It is precisely because of this that Sophie called on a group of knights early to organize activities and parties, warmly welcome the last stop of the one-day King's tour, and also warmly welcome all new and old audiences who join the one-day king's tour. , I hope to add fire to the concert.

The slogan is Sophie’s idea. UU Reading hopes that everyone can join in and warm up for the concert.

Seeing the sadness in Juliet's eyes at this time, Sophie didn't think much about it. The first reaction was to cheer, so she did the same.

First turned to look at Lucy and Ella, who were jumping high and cheering, they had resolved their misunderstanding, and they succeeded in getting Lucy and Ella to mobilize the audience with the Cavaliers; then Sophie Greeting the two little guys to approach, Qi Qi shouted to Juliet and Michelle.

It's not screaming or roaring, just screaming the same words continuously, shouting and shouting, the smile on the corners of the mouth blooms in the sun, the brilliance is so dazzling that people can't move the eyes, and the eardrums begin The same voice agitated.

"One day! King!"

"One day! King!"


Boom boom boom!

The billowing heat wave rushed towards her face, possessing a hot and turbulent power. The whole world seemed to be condensed at this moment and hit Juliet's nose fiercely, which made her have the urge to cry.

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