King of Stage

Chapter 757: Long overdue

"One day king!"

   "One day king!"

   The surging waves of air were surging in the Nokia Theater. Step by step, the order of the scene was pushed away from the track and slowly approached towards the edge of loss of control. The billowing heat wave was about to burn the skin, and it seemed that even the breathed air was evolving into magma.



   The scene is completely out of control.

   If the King does not appear on stage one day, he may miss the opportunity. Even if the band appears on stage, I am afraid it will not be able to calm the anger of the audience.

   Cathy tried her best to calm herself down: There must be a solution. If Ronan stood here, what would he do?

   But Cathy is not Ronan, and her mind is blank. She racked her brains and couldn't find a thought, not even a clue.

   Cathy was a little disappointed in herself.

   "One day king!"

At this moment, there was a voice in the speaker—not the shout of the audience, but the reverberation transmitted through the microphone and the speaker. The audience did not react to it for the time being, but Cathy immediately reflexively turned towards Looking at the side entrance of the stage.

   Then, she saw Ronan.

   "One day! King!"

   "One day! King!"

Ronan is raising his hands high, calling out the band's name with a relaxed rhythm, distinguishing from the violent and irritable shouts on the scene before, but he has formed invisible traction through the same words, pulling attention. Li, pulling and shouting, came from the dark side to the light side.

   Sophie noticed Ronan's figure, and the joy and happiness in her eyes burst into incredible light in an instant, and she couldn't wait to shout and join Ronan's ranks.

   "One day! King!"

   Shout. Again.

Lucy and Ella looked at Sophie. They didn’t know what was going on. They didn’t know what happened from start to finish, but that didn’t prevent them from noticing the band’s debut. Ronan was at the forefront, followed by K. Reeve, then Ollie and Maxim, the band and the group made their debut.

   "One day! King!"

   Lucy and Ella also joined Ronan's ranks and shouted together.

One. again.

Gradually, more and more audiences changed their tracks, from "audience standpoint" to "Ronan Channel". The subtle differences in the shouts also prompted a wonderful chemical reaction in the atmosphere of the scene. It seemed that the previous second was still filled with grievances and grievances. Catharsis, the next second will evolve into a cheering party and carnival.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Kathy looked at the Nokia Theater in disbelief. In just five seconds and ten seconds, the crisis turned upside down and turned into a good opportunity to start the concert. .

   Boom boom boom!

   Boom boom boom!

The bursts of cheers were completely twisted into a rope. No one in the 15,000 audience could be an exception, temporarily forgetting the anger, temporarily letting go of the anxiety, temporarily forgetting the worries, just opened their chests to embrace the heat wave in front of them, remove all the restraints and burdens, and join this No one can be an exception to a rave party.

   "One day! King!"

   "One day! King!"

The uniform shouts were deafening, exploding ten times a hundred times more energy, those negative negative dark emotions were vanished in the burning enthusiasm, and the impassioned, passionate emotions in the chest, all turned into shouts , Jumping and roaring immersed.

Unknowingly, the crisis of Nokia Theater has disappeared without a trace. At the moment when the king appeared on the stage, the craze for a truly exclusive concert broke out. All expectations, all waiting, and all enthusiasm were released. In an instant, Nokia Theater There was a flame of steaming.



   Looking at Ronan, who spread her arms towards her, Cathy also hugged Ronan hard, her eyes were moisturized as her mood was surging.

  Although Cathy knew Ronan would definitely be able to control the scene, Cathy couldn't help but exclaim and shock when things really happened, hugging Ronan firmly, letting all emotions break, just fortunate and just happy.

   Ronan could feel the mixed emotions on Cathy, and patted Cathy on the back lightly, "Thank you! Dear Cathy, thank you, leave it to us next, it's hard work."

  Although she has just experienced anxiety and emotional tension, Cathy also showed a big smile at this time, "This is your stage."

   Cathy is always grateful, one day the king is willing to give herself the opportunity to perform this time; Cathy also always believes that she can have her own piece of sky in the future. Therefore, tonight’s small setbacks will not defeat her, but will add another unique experience to her journey of chasing her dreams, which will eventually evolve into the strength for her to continue to grow.

   Not only will she not pass the responsibility to King One Day, but she is always grateful.

Turning her head again to look at the incredible cheering heat wave in front of her, Cathy still couldn't believe what she had experienced personally. Ronan was like a magician. Only a snap of his fingers completely changed the atmosphere of the scene. It was so magical and so. It is magnificent, it is involuntary.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   gently, the curvature of the corner of the mouth rises.

   Ronan and Cathy let go of their arms, and then Cathy hugged the other band members again, turned around and prepared to leave, giving the stage to the protagonist tonight.

   But at this moment, Ronan’s voice came from the speaker again, "Gentlemen and ladies, Cathy Musgraves!"

Tonight, Cathy took the pressure that shouldn’t belong to her; also for the entire long tour, Cathy followed the band to complete this journey and became an indispensable part of the "departure" tour. The missing part.

   "Kathy! Kathy!"

   Ronan shouted.

   "Kathy! Kathy!"

   Ollie's voice also came from the microphone, and the roar from the depths of the dantian was extremely excited and excited.

   Then, the audience also yelled, completely forgetting the attack and containment thirty seconds ago, and turned the fighting to the jade ground to offer their own applause and cheers, to make up for their faults, and to convey their gratitude and affection sincerely.

   Gradually, the voices condensed together, replacing "One Day King" as the thunderous roar in the Nokia Theater, sweeping the audience mightily.

   Cathy couldn’t help but stop, and looked at the raging heat wave in front of her in disbelief, her eyes were already full of tears when she was caught off guard——

It was the day when the king convinced her that continuing to stick to her dream was a great victory; the day when the king let her understand that life is too short, if you find something you really like, don't let it go easily; It was also one day that the king let her know that she was not the only wanderer on the road to chasing her dreams.

   Tonight, the stars are shining, she will remember it forever.

Turning her head, Cathy could see that all the four members of the king raised their hands to applause for her. The smile broke the shackles of tears and bloomed, and then Cathy bowed to the audience to pay tribute. Thanks to Li, he calmly accepted this moment that belonged to him.

   stood up straight again, Cathy stepped back a little bit, raised her hand to signal to King One Day, and re-ceded the stage to the absolute protagonist tonight.

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