King of Stage

Chapter 759: Switch track

, The king of stage

"Starting" tour, after a long six-month journey, the new song "Young Blood" has been sung many times in Encore. It is fresh but not unfamiliar, even if the Los Angeles audience has not listened to it live. I have also been aware of the existence of this song through social networks.

   But obviously, the "Young and Hot Blood" sung at the opening tonight is completely different. It is not at all the appearance of any Encore performance.


Standing in the center of the stage, bathed in the spotlight, Ronan held the microphone with both hands, humming the melody softly, even without guitar accompaniment, only a voice, pure to the extreme and clean to the extreme, the entire Nokia Theater All of the audiences can delicately capture every detail in Ronan’s voice, those gentle, fragile, painful, relieved, and persistent...

   is fresh and real.

In an instant, the world escaped into a space-time grid, where it seemed as if time had stopped advancing, as if space had lost its meaning, only Ronan’s singing and himself, and I could feel the sound of singing like a trickle falling deep in the soul. At the same time, the wounds that I had overlooked started to tingle slightly.


   is like a lullaby, peaceful and calm, but it makes people unable to hold back tears, and the heart trembles uncontrollably, almost out of breath.

   "Young blood, saying you want me, saying you want me, and returning to your life, tonight I am just a walking dead. But I want it, yes, I want it..."

  娓娓娓娓, such as pour out, tender heartbreaking, sad and crushing, light and intoxicating.

Then, a slowly faded effect, the singing disappeared from the microphone, and a pause filled the audience with silence, the voice like a ray of smoke with a little husky, swaying and dancing on the rhythm of jazz melody , The vicissitudes of life have been said in the elongated tail.

   Wan Lai is all silent.

Only the sound of the heartbeat hits the eardrum, but it pulls away the long forgotten and deeply hidden wounds in the depths of the soul. The throbs of pain are surging like a tide, and the sight of the stage is like this. Light, as if the lights and stars all over the world are projected down.

   There was a silent sigh, and then Ronan's singing danced lightly and whirled again.

   "No time...No moment..."


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   I want to cry without tears.

The Nokia Theater fell into a grand and magnificent farewell like this. The body and mind were completely deprived. He opened his mouth and tried to make a little sound to respond, but found that he was just standing there in a daze, unable to make a sound or make a move. , Like a fool.

   Then, the bitterness of the corners of the mouth slightly rose to an arc.

   Then, you can see Ronan grabbing the microphone with both hands, standing straight up slightly, narrowing the distance between the microphone and his chest, as if whispering in his ears.

   "Young and passionate!"

   "Say you want me, say you want me, say you want me!"

There is still no accompaniment, and the tenderness is still like water, but the rhythm and speed show a posture of relaxation and steadily rising, and at the same time the pitch has begun to soar gradually, creating an auditory effect of a 90-degree vertical rise on a roller coaster. In an instant, it tears. His voice exploded with incredible energy.

   "Say you want me, say you want me!"

   Boom boom boom!

   Boom boom boom!

   The heavy metal rock-like roar bursts with unparalleled energy, which is fully released at the peak of the highest pitch outside the treble.

   "You want me to want me! Say you want me! Ah! Ah! You want me! Ah! Ah!"

   sprint! Sprint! Sprint again!

   One octave, another octave, another octave, the limit of the treble is constantly being refreshed and broken, the soul trembles, and goose bumps burst out in an all-round way.

   Continuously sprinting to the top and breaking the limit created the effect of overwhelmingly overwhelmingly, heartily and fully vented down, the vast and turbulent shock and impact unstoppable flooding the entire Nokia Theater, mighty and mighty!

   The audience, sluggish.

   The audience was shocked.

From the extreme of gentleness to the extreme of release, the roaring burst unreasonably squeezed the audience on the spot, making every effort to open their eyes and staring at the stage. Layers of hurricanes swept across the ground, and every soul was there. The only thing I can do is to be embarrassed but impassioned and surrender.

   bow to worship.


   all the way to the extreme, all the way to the peak, all the way to the limit! Then, the drums roar!

It was not until this time that people realized that the last heavy metal rock-style roar was still without accompaniment and was completely cappella, but because of this, there was still no noise or chaos in the catharsis and eruption of the stormy sea. , Can still deeply feel the clarity and softness in the depths of the soul.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is heartbreaking.

   Boom boom boom!

Drums, guitar, bass, all the accompaniment sounded, and the stage lights followed the burst of fireworks to light up. The whole world was brightly lit, switching from quiet to roaring tracks, from one extreme to another, and it was created in an instant. The illusion of weightlessness, the universe is upside down.

   The power of piercing the clouds and hitting the stone was like a sudden rainstorm in the midsummer afternoon, and it dumped unreasonably.

   In the audience, the stars are shining, comparable to a meteor shower, and the tremors in the depths of the soul can't stop one after another.

   "Go back to your life, tonight I am just a walking dead, but I want it, I want it, all the time."

The same melody The same lyrics, the same transcripts, but give a completely different temperament and emotion, the pain and bitterness, sadness and struggle in the wound are all released, without reservation, as if you can see one The bruised soul is dancing in the storm.

   So sad, but so crazy.

   So painful, but so graceful.

Then, Ronan raised his hands high, just like Flamenco's start-up style. The bright and dazzling lights fell down to outline the outline of his profile. The hot sweat slowly slipped down the sideburns, hanging down. His eyelids can't hide the brightness and brilliance of the eyes behind the eyelashes.

   is like a sea full of stars.

   The powerful momentum filled the audience like this. At this moment, even the beating of the heart had been forgotten, and all the hearts and minds were firmly concentrated on Ronan.

No one remembers being late for the opening, no one remembers Cathy’s embarrassment, no one remembers the meaning of tonight, everything is no longer important, the only thing that is deeply imprinted on the soul is the figure in the center of the stage, pouring into the world The weight of, the urge of moths to fight the fire deep in my heart is just about to move. It seems that only a look is enough to make them burn together.

   accompaniment, stopped again, and fell into silence.

   Then, Ronan snapped his fingers.

   Yes, snap your fingers.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

The crisp sound of snapping fingers rang in this way, and then the sound of the castanets was able to be captured and merged with it, as if really preparing for a flamenco performance, the rhythm of relaxation drew the rhythm of the heartbeat And the flow of blood, hand in hand to complete an ensemble.

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