King of Stage

Chapter 765: Endless




The shouts gathered slowly.

Lucy and Ella’s eyes flashed with curiosity and expectation. They turned their heads and scanned the audience involuntarily. Excitement and excitement overflowed uncontrollably. Finally, they looked at Sophie beside him, and the voice of Encore still didn’t stop, just Asked a question with his eyes:

What exactly is going on?

Not because of Encore, but because of Encore's speciality and the tacit understanding of the audience.

Encore, encore. In the beginning, it was the thick and deep bass of a bass, like a muffled sound diving deep into the bottom of the water, everyone was controlling their own volume.

Encore, encore. Gradually, the shouting began to climb the scale and volume, step by step, and evolved into the uniformity of the military slogan, and the rolling momentum gradually took shape.

Encore, encore. Then, the whole audience's unanimous shouts have burst out with amazing energy, and they continue to surging at a high point of shouting, deeply feeling the enthusiasm of the concert, as if you can clearly see the curve of emotions gradually getting out of control , And gradually became enthusiastic.

In this way, step by step, like a strong wind and like a huge wave, through the bass, midrange, and treble, breaking through the layers of blockades, the moment it touches the high point, it turns into a stormy sea, and it breaks out. The energy of belief swept across the entire Nokia Theater.

Magical and magnificent!

Both Lucy and Ella witnessed such a grand occasion with their own eyes, with joy and excitement in their eyes, trying to explore the truth--

Is this really happening? How did this happen?

Then, they caught some clues in Sophie's smile—could it be that this is the unique encore that the knights discussed in advance?

The knights, scattered in the corners of the Nokia Theater, used their methods to enjoy the King’s performance for a day, and at the same time used their methods to stimulate the hidden energy of the audience, and finally used their methods for the last of the "departure" tour. Draw a perfect and complete end to the evening.

But now, these are no longer important, the important thing is to invest in it, enjoy it, and take a good grasp of the beauty of this moment.

Sophie met the eyes of the two new friends and shouted.


Lucy and Ella also yelled together, laughter gurgling in their chests, shouting and shouting, they couldn't help but start jumping happily.



The audience, roar!

After the rising shouts reached a high point, the 15,000 audience in the audience unexpectedly further broke out the power of the depths of the pubic area. At the peak state, the Encore's call released the burning madness and enthusiasm, and completely destroyed Nokia. The theater ignited, and the roar and cracks resounded throughout the audience.

Boom boom.

Boom boom.

Sound, surging.

It can be clearly seen that the audience has gone into madness. It is completely different from the appearance of having just experienced three hours of full output. It once again releases the energy that does not know where it is hidden, pushing the atmosphere of the Nokia Theater to a brand new The height, the roar raging and the heat wave surging.

The dark night filled the audience, lacking the guidance of lights, and the audience was plunged into endless darkness; however, the enthusiasm dissipated the darkness like a ray of light, and the passion and excitement burned in the ink that was so rich that it could not be melted. , Obviously there is no light, but I can feel a burst of heat surging, just like hope.

The dawn of the Neverland Island is like this. Even if you can't see, hear, or feel, as long as you experience it with your heart, you will be able to soar.

Shouting, shouting, just fell into a frenzy like this.



What about the audience?

Standing on the side stage, Johnny Quaid couldn't help closing his eyes, listening and feeling carefully, feeling the hot and surging, so that his eyes could not help but warm, with emotion and excitement.

He likes moments like this. The audience feels the temperature of the music with their souls, and ignites the stage with the heat of the souls. This also breaks the barriers between performers and listeners. Both sides achieve each other and become part of each other's lives because of music. , Burst out a unique chemical reaction.

The magic of music, the beauty of the stage, and the uniqueness of the concert are fully demonstrated at this moment.

It reminds Johnny all the time, why he likes music and loves life.

Then, there was a shout in his ear. Johnny opened his eyes and looked over with the weak light in the background. You can see Jack Boyer who is yelling with his arms. There is also a face full of reluctance but still being caught by Jack. Tony Ravi, the driver who was shouting together, both shouted "Encore".

The smile at the corner of Johnny's mouth rose slightly, and he was happy. He looked back to the stage again. Like the audience, his anticipation began to jump up.




The roar of the audience continued for nearly three minutes. Not only did they not feel the fading of enthusiasm, but with the advancing of time, they became more and more fierce and surging, so that the roof of the Nokia Theater was under severe test. The whole world was shaking and shaking violently.


A light comes on, but a spotlight falls down, tearing the darkness, guiding a path in the night, and instantly focusing the sight of the whole audience, and the brain's conditioned reflex immediately sends out a signal:

Encore, coming soon.

The shouting evolved into a scream, released over the sky, like a volcano erupting in an instant, the earth is shaking, the sky is breaking and the sky is cracking, sweeping the audience.

A figure, coming from the darkness, is like a "Terminator" on the stage, even if it is just a silhouette, it exudes a unique and charming aura, which makes people indulge in attention.



The scream lost control, as if the last bit of power in the depths of the soul had all been released, and the audience roared.

Ronan Cooper.

Judging from the silhouette alone, it was Ronan who made his debut again.

Ronan's footsteps went all the broke through the dark mist, broke into the golden halo, and finally reached the spotlight before stopping.

"P", a snapped finger, scattered around the spotlight and lit up three beams of different directions-without words, the audience already understands what it means.


The screams were further out of control, and then three figures could be seen coming on stage from different positions. The rich ink began to surging, enveloping three different figures on the stage, from left to right, Cliff, Ollie, and Mark Sim, stepped into the spotlight one after another, revealing the outline of his figure.


The whole audience lights up, and the lights are bright in an instant. The extreme brightness makes the audience close their eyes at the same time to avoid the dazzling heat, but after the conditioned reflex reaction, they opened their eyes again and immediately realized that the lights were all off again. At that moment, it was shining like a shooting star, dazzlingly across the night sky but fleeting, and in the end only four faint yellowish spotlights still remained, shrouded in four figures.

Lonely, but firm.

Then Ronan spoke.

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