King of Stage

Chapter 768: Roar down

One treble, another treble, a full release of emotions, but for Ronan, it seemed to be easy to come by without much effort.

With another treble explosion and ending, Ronan pulled a little distance back, then put his hands on the keyboard in front of him, all other accompaniment disappeared, and his slender fingertips fell on the black and white keys. The keys were clear and cold. The sound filled the whole venue, like a turbulent clear stream, rushing fast between moss and pebbles, but still clean and translucent, as if it could reflect the traces of the sun flowing.



The clear keyboard sound flew down three thousand feet and swept the audience. The pure and clean notes washed the blood little by little, and the coldness penetrated into the skin. So delicate and so close, it seems that you can clearly feel Ronan's finger. The power of the tip flying between the black and white keys, one deep and one shallow, one light and the other heavy, pulled the emotions in depth and shallow, and the noise of the whole world disappeared silently.



The cello’s low string sound gurgled from the background melody, and the notes that entangled the piano penetrated little by little. The mellowness envelops the coldness, the gentleness envelops the sadness, layer after layer, the emotional complexity and delicateness are in the melody It is vividly displayed, but the intricacies that cannot be explained by words are all infiltrated in the notes, making people nowhere to escape.




Drums, sounded.

Like the echo of the abyss, light and long-distance, lightly passing between the cello and the piano, it is not obvious, but the light drumbeat conveys too many and too many miscellaneous, those injuries are those true, those light and those heavy, It hits the soul like a morning bell.


Leave an echo.

Lewis couldn't help but lifted his gaze, passing Ronan's figure, looking towards the back of the stage, and then saw a faint spotlight falling down, outlining Oli's thick and burly body.

Because of the distance, I can’t see the specific expression. I can only capture Ollie’s immersion and devotion from the motion of swinging back and forth. The half-open and half-closed eyes cannot see the light of the eyes, but they can capture the kind of temperament that exudes. , A little bit of sadness, a little bit of pain, and a little bit of relief, the attitude of selflessness is transmitted to the drum through the fingertips and forearms, and the vicissitudes of life have been exhausted between light and heavy.

Tonight, Ollie is indeed assisted by the gods, the drums seem to have vitality, and every touch and every strike that he has handed in becomes alive and real.


Long and deep, like morning bells and evening drums reverberating between valleys, the vicissitudes of life are revealed in the magnificence and majesty.

Then, the cello and piano performances all disappeared, only Ollie’s drums were still being promoted in an orderly manner.


In the silence, the strings of the violin sounded leisurely, clearer and lighter, with a kind of free and easy, flying up and down between the thick drums of Ollie, vaguely able to capture the hunting outside the string sound The wind and lingering clouds, the magnificence of clouds and clouds spread out in front of my eyes, the strings of the violin are looming in the hazy sky, and it seems that they may disappear at any time.

The drums are hidden in the depths of the clouds and mist, like the turbulence in the depths of the soul, wave after wave.

The eyes of the audience condensed on Ronan mournfully and eagerly. No one could be an exception. He could not help but hold his breath for fear that he might never see again in the blink of an eye.

The spotlight gently outlined Ronan's face, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he approached the microphone, humming softly.

"All broken souls, they can never make me complete; they don't understand, they don't understand where my heart is, they don't know anything about me."

After lightly singing and chanting--

The melody plays.

The sky is overflowing.

"All cruel souls, every fragment is so dazzling..." Treble, burst! "They don't understand, they don't understand the direction of my heart..." Treble, grand! "They don't know anything about me!" Treble, release!

One step after another, Ronan’s treble continued to push his emotions towards the peak. The roaring melody burst out with incredible power, but it still couldn’t conceal the energy released in Ronan’s singing. Instead, it became a foil and evolved. For the background of Ronan's singing, it outlines the magnificence in front of him.

"I will do my best to touch a more beautiful new world..." Treble, Cyclonus, but tasted a little bitterness in the hearty release.

"But they don't understand... they don't understand where my heart is going..." The struggling behind the high pitch, wild, confusion and confusion permeated little by little.

"There is the darkest realm!" Treble, the pinnacle!

The energy released layer by layer climbs unbelievably, penetrating the ceiling time and time again, illuminating the audience as if the sky is overflowing, and the shock of scalp numbness swept the whole body, making people bathe in the audience. Amidst the brilliance, stunned to worship.

The brain is blank, just immersed in the mighty shock, unable to extricate himself, escaped into the world of music in a state of weightlessness, completely lost.

However, the high pitch is still not over.

"You and I are one body, blooming like moths to the fire; you linger between the lines of my words, but now they are turned away."

Tearing, blooming.

Broke out, roared.

A steady stream of high notes is in full bloom in the roaring roar, it seems that every note is exploded in Ronan’s voice, like a firework, and then the sky full of splendid fireworks will light up the entire Nokia Theater, gorgeous and dazzling The light instantly makes people lose their souls, forgetting to breathe.

"You and I are in the ashes, savoring the bitterness and bitterness you left alone; I cut out the whole heart for you, but hit the high wall you built."

Release, vent.

Peak, soar.

The endless treble made the full-fire melody completely reduced to a supporting role, and the unparalleled energy showed Ronan’s charm to the fullest. The soul turbulence felt in the violent muscles and sweating has a kind of destruction and destruction. The energy of the earth cannot resist at all.


"Mars splashes everywhere..."


Higher pitch!

Higher pitch!

The hearty and hearty treble surged vigorously in the Nokia The performance of the King’s Band has reached an untouchable extreme in one day, but Ronan’s clear and translucent treble can still dominate the audience. Such an unstoppable breakthrough in the sky, as if directly hitting the thick dark clouds and haze above the top of the opening, forcibly caught a ray of dawn, and the strong to hot roar was vented in the stunning high pitch.

The audience roared.

The forces that swept across the thousands of troops shook layer after layer in the depths of the soul, and couldn't stop at all, opened his mouth slightly, lost all language ability, just like that, surrendered to it.

Then, slowly and slowly, the microphone was zoomed out, and the voice gradually disappeared, leaving only a lingering rhyme. The performance ended in this way, but the hotness and madness in the air still vibrated, and the heart was stirred.

This is the king!

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