King of Stage

Chapter 775: Soul trembling

"Hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!"

The audience roared.

High-five, singing, jumping, and roaring, everyone broke free from the shackles, released their souls, embraced freedom, and soared freely.

The air gurgled.

In the center of the stage, Ronan seemed to be standing in the center of the universe, and the billowing air swarmed towards him. It was moved and refreshed, and it was happiness and publicity. Every pore could feel the energy of this space, and music became a bridge. Five thousand souls are all connected, feeling each other's turmoil, feeling each other's madness—

The scorching heat that still longs for freedom and dreams deep in my heart is trembling.

They are not living to live, but still longing to be able to bloom in their lives wantonly.

Mind, agitated.

Then, the energy deep in the soul merged into the singing voice, without any retention, challenging the limit.



One octave, another octave, another octave, the layers of high notes released a mighty energy, and it rolled down overwhelmingly, as if you could clearly hear the sound of burning surging on the eardrum, but there was still no It can stop Ronan and release it continuously.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A stepped climb touched the extreme of the treble, the heavy and surging power unstoppable spread across the audience, the stormy waves spread layer by layer, so that the deep soul can feel the full burst of goose bumps , The next second, it exploded like this.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The sensational applause of the audience was still surging, adding wings to Ronan's full-blown singing, like a phoenix reborn from Nirvana, reborn from the ashes.

"Live like a rebel!"

Ronan, holding the microphone tightly and tightly, his violent arms seemed to be able to directly pinch the microphone into powder, all energy was injected into the singing voice, opened his arms, opened his chest, and sang as much as he wanted. With that "rebel", he broke free. All the shackles, breaking through all the restraints, soaring freely.

Mind, split.

The audience, crazy.

There is only a roar left in my mind, forgetting troubles, forgetting life, and even forgetting myself, just immersed in the music, returning to the purest, most primitive and simple state, drifting with the melody, beating with the rhythm, happiness and joy are rising from the corners of the mouth I got up and found my original self.

Shackles, break free.

Under the spotlight, Ronan, who vented all his energy heartily, just felt a burst of emptiness, as if his soul had also escaped into nothingness, but he did not feel tired at all. Instead, he was a kind of invigoration, a kind of wanton, a kind of lightness, removing all the burdens The ease after all the restraints.

The treble, dissipated in the air, leaving a lingering aftertaste still in waves.

"Hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!"

Ronan, regaining peace, followed the melody and followed the rhythm and hummed softly. Then, the stormy waves, storms, and rain all calmed down. Only the uniform high-five still surging in the Nokia Theater. Gradually, The melody calmed down again, and everything returned to its simplest and simplest appearance.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Applause, still.

"Hey Hey Hey…"

Humming, lightly.

Ronan’s singing did not break out and was not released, but like a mother’s lullaby, chanting in his ears, and the warmth of a trickle healed all the wounds little by little.

The tiredness after the emotional explosion, the emptiness after the energy release, let the emotions surging in the audience slowly settle. Although the applause is still ringing, even the strength and momentum of the hitting hands are no longer sharp or fierce, and It is to reveal the tenderness from the heart, the spring breeze turns rain.

"Living like a rebel, hehehe...hehehe..."

In this way, slowly, slowly, Ronan's singing all disappeared, only the sound of humming a melody hovered over the Nokia Theater for a long time.

Like a breeze, like sunshine.

Wanton, but free.


The lights are off.

The singing, disappeared.

The stage, the end.

Everything just flees into the darkness like this; all everything just disappears in this way.

Encore, the curtain ends.

There is no need for words or dialogue. The audience knows that Encore is over. There is no follow-up, and there is no third encore. Everything has come to an end; at the same time, the king’s "departure" "The tour has also come to an end, and the long six-month journey has reached the end.


However, unlike the loss and regret ten minutes ago, at this moment, they are no longer sad, empty, and will not stay, they just accept the result frankly.

Not because they are satisfied, but because they know that the king's journey in one day will not end, as if life will never end.

"Departure" temporarily ended because one day the king is ready to move on, and at the end of the evening, the band will start the journey of a new album. This is not a goodbye, just a goodbye, just like the last encore. Sing the same:

"Salute to the losers, salute to the new wave, salute to the outlaws."

They need to pay tribute to themselves.

"It's time to act, it's time to wake up, it's time to break the routine."

They need to sound the horn.

From Washington to Los Angeles, they finally understood the meaning of the journey of "departure". It was a challenge, a resistance, and a breakthrough. The hope and radiance they had been searching for was never far away in Hawaii or Tahiti. Never resign to bid farewell to this job or to end this marriage—

Because life is life, even if you change the environment, the place, and the time, if you don’t change yourself, nothing will change. In the end, they will still cocoon themselves and fall into the quagmire of life again.

Those hopes are hidden in the music and in the depths of their souls. What they need to do is not to change their lives, but to change themselves.

Even if your feet remain in place, you can start a new life. Just like a king for a day.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In the darkness, no one left, no one even made a sound. The sound of UU reading www.uuká hitting his hands was still surging, and even after the music ended, he raised his head again, rose a step, and burst out again. A new energy, with a high five, bid farewell to the "departure" tour journey.

At the same time, he also opened his own brand new life.

Wan Lai was in peace, there was clearly no melody and no singing. The concert was clearly over, but the uniform applause was still not over.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was a continuous sensation like this, and it continued to stir like this. The 15,000 spectators could not help but exchange their sights, but they could feel the same light and the same temperature in the depths of each other’s eyes. Then, they were just like Like a fool, he slapped his hands foolishly.

Maybe others will laugh at them for being too stupid and foolish, but they know that in these applause, there are secrets that only they know.

They are rebels.

They are still knights.

The most important thing is that they can become their own kings, as long as the melody sounds.

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