King of Stage

Chapter 777: Tit for tat

Trastan Kuban?

Why does his name appear here? Why did this almost forgotten name appear in their conversation without warning?

Cliff was also a little panicked, took a quick look at Maxim and Ronan, and then yelled at Ollie, "I told you that Trastan was stalking and entangled, I just told him, We don’t need to keep in touch anymore, every time it ends in a quarrel.”

Obviously, Cliff and Ollie had discussed this matter, and they did not tell Ronan and Maxim for the time being, but Cliff did not expect Ollie to burst out suddenly, so that he was killed by surprise. The flustered eyes leaked the tension in his heart, and he was also confused.

"Ha, then the text messages before the concert yesterday weren't Trastan's? What's "good performance", what's "I look forward to your continued miracles", this is a quarrel? Are you sure that your relationship is not good? "Oli's crackling words exploded like thunder.

It happened more than once, and... also happened last night?

Trastan, who once thought to be history long ago, always hides behind them like a shadow, but the band members know nothing?

This thought caused a series of goose bumps to emerge from the back of the spine, and all the hairs stood up. Then... Is Ollie's abnormality last night also related to Trastan? Or is it related to Cliff?

The association between the electric light and flint is chilling. Ronan and Maxim subconsciously exchanged sights, but the agitation in the depths of their eyes is so similar.

Who could have imagined that a name can create such chaos, just mention it, but it is like a huge boulder hitting the calm lake surface, setting off an amazing splash, and then obviously you can feel the subtle change in the atmosphere.

Cliff could perceive that Ronan and Maxim were exchanging sights, his expression also became anxious, he involuntarily got up and approached Ollie, and even his words exploded like a machine gun.

"Oli, we are discussing your derailment last night, which almost affected the concert. Why did you try to change the subject and shirk responsibility? It seems that the accident last night was all my fault, and we all know it is not. Really, it’s your fault, it’s always been the case.”

The head-and-face counterattack made Ollie slightly stunned, trying to defend the counterattack, but his groggy brain obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of rotation. The previous burst of torrential rain seemed to have consumed all his energy, and the following was weak. , The on-the-spot explosiveness can't keep up with the rhythm.

"You and I……"

Ollie seems to have become the usual shy, heartless guy again. He stumbled and didn't know how to express his thoughts. The first second was still energetic, and the next second was as if his brain was short-circuited. It should have not been able to fully wake up from the chaos of last night.

"Yes, I crossed the line last night, but so what? Then? What happened to the concert? Did our performance fail to meet expectations? Did I mess up the performance or anger the sponsors? Ah? Tell me something. ? You don’t have to accuse me high above, I know what I’m doing?”

Ollie's thoughts were finally brought back to the subject by Cliff.

"You better know." Cliff pointed to his head and sneered back meaningfully. "You shouldn't be fully awake yet?"

"Get away!" Ollie cursed back in anger, straightened his chest and slammed forward. As a result, the chairs of the two people collided with each other.

"So what about you? Do you know what you are doing? You think you are so smart and smarter than all of us, so do you know that you are playing with fire? You think you can control everything, as if I can't see the whole picture. But are you sure you are really that smart?"

Obviously, Ollie is not the best speech among the kings in a day. He talked a lot, the focus was erratic, and the topic was pulled back and forth. He couldn't find a core idea, and he couldn't express it accurately from beginning to end. Out of his stand and attitude, Cliff was led by the nose.

But at least, Ollie is correct in one sentence:

Cliff prides himself on being smart. Even if he knows he is playing with fire, he still believes that he can control the situation. Even if he knows that he is dancing on the tip of a knife, he still believes that he can turn the tide. Apprentice, I believe that I have mastered the code of wealth and the favor of the goddess of luck.

The question now is, is Cliff really playing with fire?

Cliff can clearly perceive the temperature and sharpness of Ronan and Maxim's sight, and he knows that these two people are not as easy to pass as Ollie.

Taking a deep breath, Cliff controlled his impulse and admitted simply, "Yes, Trastan and I have been sending text messages intermittently."


Even if they are psychologically prepared, they all know that Ollie is not a type of empty-mouthed vernacular. Since Ollie blamed Cliff, it means that things should be true; but now they personally admit it from Cliff, they are astonished The accident still rushed to the face, and the anger broke out instantly.

When did it start? How long did it last? What is the current state? Why did Cliff never say it?

Ronan knew that Trastan was definitely not so easy to give up, and the matter was far from over, but Trastan's patience and perseverance were still above imagination.

From the "reunion again" after the Grammys last year to the present, one year has passed in a blink of an eye. "Trastan Kuban" seems to have completely disappeared, and it will almost become history in the calendar of the King in a day~www. However, he did not expect that he always waited patiently for planning.

This patience and perseverance is creepy.

Without warning, the guy appeared in front of them again; but after thinking about it seriously, Ronan was not so surprised, because deep in his heart, Ronan was convinced that the matter was not over yet and Trastan did not disappear so easily. It is not surprising that Cliff is the entry point.

After all, at the beginning, Trastan met the band members through Cliff's introduction.

"After the Coachella Music Festival..."

Cliff gave a timeline, and then he could clearly feel the tension in the air caused by the change in his eyes, and the atmosphere surged in an instant.

After Ollie, Maxim also clenched his fists and stared at Cliff fiercely. It seemed that as long as Cliff’s answer was slightly unsatisfactory, he would rush forward to give Cliff a severe lesson. The tight breath that was ready to go made the gunpowder smoke quietly diffused.

"Calm down! You need to calm down! Trastan did not kill, and I did not commit a crime. You don't have to look at me with such eyes."

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