King of Stage

Chapter 779: 1 mess



There was a surging noise above the eardrum, as if the whole world had escaped into chaos, everything was thrown into the mixer, and it rumbling around.

"What are you accusing me of? Did I shield Trastan? That's my business. I think we are still friends..."

"Fuck you friend! We are not friends, **** damn, we are enemies, have you forgotten? That guy betrayed us and abandoned something!"

"No, he just made a business choice. We don't have to cooperate with him, but..."

"No but, shut up, **** but! If it weren't for him, how could we be in desperate situation? Are you caught in the water or caught by the door? You can't even tell right from wrong? Look, your true face is now exposed. Come out, Ollie is correct, you are contacting you in communication, you are lying, you are a **** liar!"

"Go away! Trastan and I sent a text message but nothing happened is heinous, and Ollie almost overdose and ruined our performance but nothing happened? Do I still have to sympathize with Ollie? Ah? Like an abandoned stray dog, you think he is very pitiful?"

"You **** coward, you are changing the subject again! Next, are you going to play the victim again, thinking that we are all squeezing you out and bullying you?"




You come and me, the tit-for-tat curses are completely intertwined, all entangled in the splash of mouth foam, it is difficult to tell who is who.

So ridiculous and so ridiculous—

Last night, they stood at the Nokia Theater, as if standing on the top of Mount Everest, drawing a perfect end to the "departure" tour, surrounded by applause and cheers, which have not dissipated for a long time, and even gave the illusion that they own the world.

Today, they were haggardly accusing each other and cursing each other in the hotel garden. They were all messed up. They wanted to bite each other's main artery with their teeth. The rattling atmosphere revealed a strong **** smell, which made people retreat.

It only takes one night to go from being unfamiliar to being hot. Similarly, from the peak to the trough, it only takes one night.

Perhaps this is the correct way to open Vanity Fair.

But at this moment, Ronan just felt that there were countless flies buzzing in his ears. He was annoying. The coffee in his hand was still hot, almost burning his fingertips, but the farce in front of him was not pleasing at all. , Just...sarcasm, full of bitter irony.

Vaguely aware of the temperature of a look in his eyes, Ronan saw Ollie when he raised his eyes, and those trembling eyes were filled with dazedness and struggle.

They don’t know how things turned, maybe the crisis has been lingering around, but the busyness and noise of the “departure” tour concealed those concussions, until the tip of the iceberg was exposed last night, and then the tour ended, the turbulence would never be possible anymore. Cover up, just expose it in front of your eyes.

But how should things be resolved?

Ronan also didn't have the answer, but at least Ronan knew one thing. If he continued to escape, then there would be no possibility of a solution.

Facing it calmly is the first step to move on.

"To shut up."

Ronan tried to regain the peace and control the scene, but his faint voice was completely submerged in the overwhelming quarrel, and he couldn't give out any power at all.

"To shut up!"

Raising the voice, but still failed to produce the expected effect, and Ronan already felt a slight tightness in his throat-the biggest consumption of the long tour was not physical strength or energy, but throat.

Last night, I burned all energy without reservation, and my throat's endurance has reached its limit. For the performance of the Grammy Awards next weekend, Johnny urged him to protect his throat well, otherwise he would break the sound on the live broadcast. The loss of sound is the biggest loss.

As a result, Ronan gave up his attempt to roar, and raised the dining table with both hands and suddenly lifted it:



Clang Dang Dang Dang!

The dishes and food were all overturned. Ding Ling smashed to the ground. Ceramic shards and hot liquid splashed around. There was a chaos like an atomic bomb explosion, as if you could see the invisible mushroom cloud driving everyone to the ground. Push around to form a clearing.

Reflexively, everyone backed away and dodged. The physical pain and mental panic exploded with an intuitive first reaction. The turbulent thoughts in the mind were unreasonably cut off, and the quarrel pressed the pause button. Exclamation and curse are all intertwined.

"Ronan, are you crazy?"

"what happened?"

"What the **** are you doing?"

The chattering words interspersed with dirty curses converged towards Ronan, and at the same time his eyes projected along with the reaction nerves.

Then, he could see the smile at the corner of Ronan's mouth.


This seems to be incompatible with the atmosphere at this moment. Obviously it is not a funny or party situation, which also made Ronan's smile become horrified.

Slowly, the rustling noise also settled down, and finally all went into a quiet state, looking at Ronan anxiously.

"...Ronan!" Maxim tried to defend himself. After all, he didn't do anything wrong, but when the words came out, you could feel Ronan's sharp eyes projecting over him, staring at him like a laser. Eyes, and then all words are locked deep in the throat.

Maxim closed his mouth as well, and his gaze slowly drifted to the side.

Then Ronan spoke, "What are we doing now? Huh?"

While speaking, Ronan's gaze swerved between the three teammates, his calm tone and calm eyes, but he possessed a kind of courage that made people dare not look straight. All of them avoided their eyes and remained silent. language.

"Last night we also stood on the stage and unreservedly dedicated a most exciting performance, drawing a perfect end to our tour; now, we are standing on a pile of **** Accuse each other and quarrel, you even let me overturn the food, what a sin!"

The anger was vented, and Ronan's sincerity could be felt every word: he was really angry.

"You should know that it is shameful to waste food. Not to mention that there are people in the world who are suffering from hunger. Our food is not falling from the sky. We should cherish food, but you are forcing me to overthrow the unending Breakfast, huh? Do you know what this means?"

However, the problem is, quarrel and... food?

Speaking of food in this way is a bit humorous, and it breaks the atmosphere in a way that makes people dumbfounded. Therefore, knowing that you shouldn't laugh at this time, which is really untimely, but the corners of the mouth still rise slightly uncontrollably, and try their best to control the corners of the mouth.

As a result... it looked like a cheek cramped, and there was a mouse moving beside the mouth, all of them averted their eyes and looked towards the distant mountains.

At the same time, unconsciously, the tense atmosphere slowly calmed down.

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