King of Stage

Chapter 786: Sigh

Human beings always seem to be like this. In the present, it is often difficult to notice those changes. Only when the time has passed and then looked back can they realize that the key to the change has been buried long ago, and freezing three feet is not a day’s cold. But it was too late, and the opportunity had long been missed.

It's like Ollie.

When they realized that things were off track, Ollie was already deep in the mud.

Ronan wanted to blame Ophelia. If it weren't for Ophelia to start a new chapter, Oli would not lose himself, but he knew he couldn't.

Ophelia has made it clear to Ollie that she has the right to continue her life. Moreover, from the timeline, Ophelia has also experienced a struggle.

Blame Ophelia, it's not fair.

So who should be blamed?

"...Oli, sorry."

Ronan's words were a bit difficult, and his mood became heavier.

Ollie raised his head and looked at Ronan without knowing why, his brows furrowed, and his eyes showed confusion.

Ronan's breathing stopped slightly. "If it wasn't for me to suggest you send a message to Ophelia, maybe, there will be no such thing."

Therefore, the beginning of the matter was Ronan.

Ollie was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing. It was not a reluctant smile, but a big laugh, and the whole face was radiant.

"Ronan, this is my story. You don't have to take away my style. It's not your fault. You know, you don't have to blame yourself."

Ollie's words made Ronan smile, but he was still a little embarrassed and helpless.

Ao hit Ronan lightly with his shoulder, and looked towards the back garden outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, "If this is the case, things shouldn't be the case."

"Remember Stephanie? One of the sources of inspiration for your creation of Stranger. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't suggest me to contact Ophelia again."

"If we didn't succeed at Coachella Music Festival, Stephanie would not show up in my room, then I would not be hurt."

"If I haven't been obsessed with Ophelia, even if you give me advice, I won't contact her again. If you don't believe me, you should suggest Maxim to contact Juliet now to see if he is willing."

One if, two ifs, three ifs...

If we try to find the root cause of the dilemma in life, and then try to shirk responsibility and find an object to blame, as if we can prove that we deserve more and better by doing so, then we can find countless reasons and countless excuses. Every object in it can become the object of his own transfer of anger.

But gradually, we will discover that there is another reason behind one reason, intertwined intertwined, things have never been so simple, and in the complex situation, the same shadow can be found everywhere, that is ourselves.

In the final analysis, it is oneself who makes every choice.

No one is forcing Ollie to accept Stephanie, no one is forcing Ollie to contact Ophelia, and no one is forcing Ollie to be drunk and dying... If Ollie wants to shirk responsibility, he can curse Ophelia or even It’s Ronan, but the truth deep inside can’t lie—

It's him, it's all him, it's him who is stuck in such a predicament step by step, unable to extricate himself.

Ollie turned his head and looked at Ronan, showing a big smile, trying to conceal the bitterness of his tongue.

Looking at Ollie, who was laughing and complaining about himself, Ronan felt a faint sadness.

In the past, Ollie, although he had many thoughts in his heart, on the whole, he was still a big boy with thick lines, and he didn't seem to grow up.

However, now Ollie has already seen too much cold and warm, looking aside the clouds and mist to see the essence of the matter.

Behind this maturity are countless small wounds, countless days and nights of drunken life and death, how many nightmares has he experienced?

"...What's the matter?" Ollie couldn't hear Ronan's response. He raised his eyes and saw Ronan who was looking at him, his eyes a little out of focus.

Ronan refocused his eyes without revealing any flaws, and said naturally, "Don't be so sure. If you call Maxime to call Juliet now, maybe he will really hit him."

Ollie's eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable brilliance, "Why don't I know?"

Maxime stumbling emotionally? And the subject is Juliet?

This news is so hot! So Ollie temporarily forgot his bitterness, couldn't restrain his excitement and excitement, and pulled Ronan's shoulder forcefully.

Ronan was ridiculous and funny, and chuckled. "No one can love Maxime like Juliet, at least not so far. Maxim doesn't know how to cherish it, but wait until When Juliet turns and leaves, he will regret it."

Father, like son.

In Ronan's view, Maxim will regret it. In fact, he has already moved his heart without knowing it, but Ronan is not Maxim after all, and he doesn't know how Maxim will choose.

"Oh, God! I didn't expect Maxim's to stumble one day."

Ollie still couldn't believe his ears, and chuckled, but as he smiled, the expression surging between his brows slowly lonely.

"But, what about Juliet? Can Juliet forget? Can Juliet persist until Maxim regrets it? Even if it does, so what?"

As a teammate, Ollie also wanted to see Maxim stumbling; but it was Juliet who felt the same deep in his heart. Even if Maxim really regretted it, the wounds left on Juliet's body would not disappear. They were still dripping with blood and bones were still visible.

The deepest love, the harder it hurts.

A few words were not enough to express the turbulent and mixed emotions in Ollie's heart. He completely brought into Juliet's position, and the words were also fragmented, but the bitterness revealed in a few words was enough for Ronan. UU reading

Looking at Ollie with a lonely face, Ronan also sighed, mixed thoughts surging in his chest, what should he do?

"Ask what love in the world is, and teach life and death." Just a word of "love" can stump how many people are destined to be an unsolvable problem.

This is true of Ollie and Juliet, so are Ophelia and Maxim. He himself is also unable to be detached. They are all ordinary people, ordinary people trapped between emotion and reason.

"...Oli, but you know, Ophelia won't know about your fall and silence, right? If she knew, would she be sad?"

Ronan's words stunned Ollie slightly, raising his gaze and looking at Ronan blankly, the disintegrating pain can be clearly seen in his pupils.

It’s not because Ophelia doesn’t care not to be sad, but precisely because Ronan and Ollie know that Ophelia will be sad because of Ollie’s fall, and may even blame herself; however, even if she blames herself Nor can it change the fact that Ophelia does not love Oli, love is not moving.

This fact slammed into Ollie's chest, throwing away his helmet and armor in an instant.

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