King of Stage

Chapter 808: Hosting skills

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The light arc of the corner of the mouth blooms gently in the bright brilliance, and the brisk words are like butterfly flapping wings, fluttering with gorgeous wings. Ronan standing in the center of the stage has become an object of attention, like the eyes of the whole world. All concentrated on him, dazzling.

"Similarly, I can't forget that summer afternoon, the radio wave came from the drum that made people want to shake their legs with me,'Oh, because I tried again and again, I can't get it, and I can't get it. Satisfaction. Obviously, half a century later, the Rolling Stones are still not satisfied on the music path."

There was a low laugh in the audience.

Among the crowd, Mick-Jagger (Mick-Jagger) of the Rolling Stones also whistled——

"Doom-And-Gloom" by The Rolling Stones, another nominee for this year's best rock song.

And Ronan sang in his acceptance speech, it was the Rolling Stones single "I-can't-Get-No-", which was once brilliant in North America. This work came out in 1965, even though It is still a classic today.

"Also, when the melody of'they will not be able to control us, we will win' ringing in my ears, who can restrain myself from the urge to get rid of the shackles and sink into music and surrender myself to music? I must admit that the Muses are still my goddess of inspiration."

After speaking, Ronan raised his hands high, put a crossed posture above his head, and gently shook his waist in accordance with the non-existent rhythm. A small dance movement instantly awakened people’s memory. The "Uprising" of the Muses seemed to be ringing in my mind.

The album to which this song belongs has won the 53rd Grammy Best Rock Album three years ago, and the memory is still very vivid, and this year, the Muse has relied on its latest work "Panic-" Nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Rock Song.

Oh oh oh!

Ho Ho Ho!

The audience, commotion.

Cheers, surging.

Ronan's hand-in-hand but fluent and smooth flow of the field successfully won the response of the guests from the audience. This is no longer the level of the award-winning testimonials. It is exactly the level of the Oscar-level opening series. It is light and ingenious, smart and beautiful. He talks and sings and walks through it. The tribute is even more natural.

Audience, boiling.

Ronan had to press his hands down slightly to control the scene, and then continued:

"Of course, when Oz yelled, "Can you take care of my brain for me"..."

Treble, burst.

Ronan didn't seem to have any preparation or expended any strength at all, so he directly soared a stunning high pitch, and the energy bursting instantly made many guests whistles at the scene——

The legendary classic "Paranoid" of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath (-Sabbath) can't be controlled by anyone, even the lead singer of the band Ozzy-Osbourme needs to watch the performance of the day. The state of the voice is good.

However, Ronan’s control and explosive power displayed in a short deduction made people’s eyes shine, and instantly pushed the rising atmosphere of the scene to the extreme. The whistle hadn’t calmed down, and the applause was already in the corner. There was a sound in the corner, and someone could even be seen standing up.

A closer look revealed that it was Paul McCartney who first responded to Ronan with a standing ovation.

"...We can all feel the charm of music, as well as the magic of performance, and sigh, the original notes can give emotions more color and weight, this is the reason we love music, because we still love life, we still Believe in life, those melody will always exist."

Tonight, "God-Is-Dead" of the Black Sabbath is the last finalist for the Best Rock Song Award.

"So, we are here."

Ronan smiled again, his eyes swept across the audience.

"We still believe that there are some things in this world that the darkness cannot take away; we still believe that some things can transcend time and space and solidify into eternity in an instant; more importantly, we still believe that when When the music is in our ears, we can become our own kings."

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

Rather than thank you three times in a row, but once and twice with a pause, using three repetitions to increase the weight of the words, and utterly convey the joy and happiness of your heart.

Everything is just about music.

From thanking Pink Lady and Knight, to paying tribute to the other four nominees, to returning to the King himself for the day, the award-winning sigh in one go, like a mercury drop, unleashing incredible power, and when the last paragraph comes, relax Detonated all the emotions in the chest of the audience.


Paul McCartney raised his hands to applause, David Grew joined him, and the members of the Muses had all stood up.

Miguel Jagger and Ozzy Osbourne were still sitting still in place, motionless, but they either whistled or applauded to pay their respects.

One after another, the guests of the Staples Center stood up, because the King One Day, and because of Ronan’s touching and beautiful speech, once again made them feel the happiness and joy brought by music.

One day when the king won the prize, there was no standing applause. But one day after the king finished his speech, he won the grand treatment of standing applause. This is a rare sight.

Ariana witnessed the whole process up close, her eyes were full of surprises and sighs, she couldn't believe her eyes——

Last year, Ronan's acceptance speech has left a lot of deep impression on people. After the award ceremony, it also triggered a lot of discussion on social networks.

This year, Ronan once again demonstrated his ability to adapt and perform on the spot. Even the winning speech prepared in advance can be impressive. The problem is that the king did not expect this phonograph trophy for one day. Ronan was also temporarily pushed to the front.

Well, this is even more incredible!

After the Grammy Awards Ceremony was, popular discussion posts appeared on the social network:

"Why not invite Ronan to be the host of the Grammys?"

This year's host is still last year's James Smith (LL-Cool-J), but unfortunately, his host is still fragmented and fragmented.

Of course, compared to the Golden Globes and Oscars, the Grammy hosts don’t need too much talent, they just need to play together. After all, the protagonists should be the performances of the superstars. This is also where James Smith can continuously host For human reasons, the audience's attention is not on the host at all.

But there is no harm if there is no comparison. I have witnessed Ronan's complacency and smooth flow in his acceptance speech-this is still on the spot!

The audience naturally couldn't help but start thinking, why couldn't the Grammy welcome a better host?

Even the audience boldly proposed an idea:

"Why not invite Ronan to be the Oscar host?"

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