King of Stage

Chapter 810: General's Wind

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First, the piano keys appeared abnormal, and then the amplifier equipment was out of power, and the continuous equipment failure made the King's performance of the day into a desperate situation at the beginning.

Such a situation has never happened on a Grammy-level stage, and it even makes people wonder whether someone secretly manipulated their hands and feet. Not to mention the guests present, even the audience in front of the TV can perceive it. It’s difficult to ignore the three-second blank of the live broadcast accident.

Scout Braun is also live at Staples Center tonight. Although Justin Bieber did not win the nomination, although he missed one day, the two top singers, King and Cathy Musgraves, became many people. The laughing stock, but an occasion like Grammys is still not to be missed.

When the fault occurs, hum! Scout was overjoyed and almost jumped out of his seat.


Who the **** is it?

Scout’s first reaction was also that someone was behind the scenes, which led to the equipment failure, but when you think about it carefully, the Grammy stage should be more difficult. After all, the entanglement of interests is too wide. Move your whole body", Scout thought about it but chose to give up——

Benefits and risks are not proportional.

So, should it be a pure accident?


Even God is on his side, unable to understand the pride and indulgence of the king, and the hotness of the king, in such a way to teach the king and let them make a fool of themselves in front of a global audience. , Slammed a somersault, gnawed mud.

Just imagine that the footage of this live broadcast accident was spread to the world through live broadcasts, through rebroadcasts, through tubing videos, etc., and was recorded in the annals of history, turning the King for a day into a laughing stock, and Scout's blood could not be controlled. It boils, even happier than Justin Bieberna Grammy.

Skurt himself didn't realize that he clenched his fists because he was too excited, and tried his best to suppress his urge to jump up and celebrate, but after all he restrained himself and stared at the stage intently, looking forward to it. The embarrassment of the Japanese king is firmly in his mind.


With cheerful laughter surging deep in his throat, Scout felt like he was in heaven.

In fact, Scout is not the only one who gloats for misfortune, because there are not a few people who are jealous because the king rises too fast a day, and they all expressed their "stroke" at this time: look, even God can't see it. In the past, it was decided to teach the King One Day a lesson, "Vanity Fair is not that simple."

But these sharp, critical and proud sights are not the mainstream after all, and most of the guests and the audience can't help but get worried and stare at the stage with worry-

Comparing heart to heart, no one wants to experience such a terrible accident on their stage.

Amidst the sparks and flints, the audience was full of emotions, but standing on the stage, the members of the king had no time to panic.

In fact, they are more or less panicked. After so many tours, they have never faced such a predicament. Moreover, on the Grammy stage, in front of 40 million audiences, the chaos and tension instantly release the difficulty. The pressure of confidence is enough to crush anyone.

However, they have no time or space to immerse themselves in the panic.

Standing in the forefront, Ronan, bathing in the sight of the audience, quickly stabilized.

On the stage, with a high concentration of attention, Ronan has entered a state of total selflessness, and he can calmly deal with everything calmly.

In the first reaction, Ronan asked the on-site sound engineer to see if it was an irreversible fault. The sound engineer immediately made an "OK" gesture, and quickly checked the equipment in the shortest time. Found the problem——

It's not that the loudspeaker has a device failure, but the connection line has dropped, and you only need to reconnect the connection line.

At the same time, Maxim, Ollie and Cliff exchanged sights. Two consecutive equipment failures can no longer be ignored. So what should we do next?

However, he saw Ronan turn his head and quickly cast a look at Ollie. Between the sparks and flints, he gave Maxim and Cliff a hint with his gaze.

This is obviously not enough. What can you communicate with just one eye contact? This is not a comic, and there are narrations in the eyes.

But Ronan still hopes to calm everyone down through eye communication, and then trust the abilities of the band members and the tacit understanding between each other, play on the spot according to the live situation, and get back on track.

Because the performance must continue.

There was a sense of determination in the eyes. As long as they calm down, they will be able to find a solution, and they will definitely be able to complete the performance.

In just three seconds, Ronan had taken his gaze back, and the band members had calmed down.

Ollie's palm sweated slightly, and he could not help tightening his fingertips, but feeling the concentration of power on his tight fingertips, he calmed down slightly.

This is obviously not the first time that the band has encountered an accident. They also had an accident when they warmed up for Bruno, but Ronan managed to turn the tide. Of course, today’s accident is an unprecedented situation, but don’t forget, one The King of Japan is no longer the band that didn't know anything.

Ollie squeezed the drumsticks tightly, and his distracted attention quickly gathered and concentrated.

At this time, Ronan's fingertips continued to fall on the black and white keys, searching for the root cause of the gong sound.

The voice is back!

The PA equipment was reconnected, and the Staples Center felt the melody again. Although the harsh gongs still interfered with the performance, at least the crisis had been lifted. The silent space once again flowed with the melody, and the cold deadlock was just there. Slowly soften it down At the same time, the band's performance has also changed slightly. Cliff and Maxim press on the strings, leaving only Ollie's drums and Ronan's notes, a lightness A thick, but circling and playful like a dancing butterfly, the melodies of different textures are intertwined and burst out wonderful sparks.

More importantly, without the guitar and bass, the melody becomes simple again, so the gong noise in the piano will not be so redundant.

Although it was still harsh, the whole performance became much lighter, as if the disturbed lake water became clear again.

Ronan’s singing was not affected in any way, and continued smoothly. The whole-hearted singing was even more delicate and moving, so that the audience in front of the TV was deeply fallen into it, and the piercing sound of the gong had been ignored in a trance , I even thought it was part of the band's performance.

Like last year's violin, Ronan used a different technique this year to bring a new experience.

Ronan, who was calm and restless, showed an unparalleled general style. He regained the initiative in just three seconds, and the nervous and chaotic Staples Center was once again immersed in the performance!

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