King of Stage

Chapter 819: 3 Carriage

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the king of stage!

In the second week of March, the Billboard Singles Chart ushered in a new chapter, "Happy", successfully reaching the top!

Following "lucky" and "blurring the boundaries", Pharrell-Williams ushered in the third billboard championship single in just one year. Not only the success rate is 100%, but every time the championship seems to be It seems that they have been able to defend the title for more than a few weeks, and this time they have already revealed their grandeur.

In the past year, Farrell has indeed swept the army and is very hot!

In fact, Farrell has been in the music world for more than 20 years.

As early as 1992, Farrell produced the second-place works of the Billboard Singles Chart as the main producer, and there are countless superstar names on the list of collaborations.

As early as 2003, Farrell won his first Grammy nomination, including album of the year, and in 2004 won two phonograph trophies for best pop album and best non-classical producer.

As of this year, Farrell has received a total of 26 Grammy nominations and seven Grammy trophies.

In other words, Farrell is an industry leader through and through.

However, he has always been more active in the field of behind-the-scenes producers, from musicians to TV series to film soundtracks and so on. His seven phonograph trophies include two best non-classical producers. Award; he did not release his first studio album until 2006, which is also his only studio album so far.

It is precisely because of this that people's cognition of Farrell has always been covered with a veil.

This year, Farrell is about to release his second studio album. There have been rumors that he will join the seventh season of "Voice of America" ​​as a judge, officially sounding Farrell’s clarion call from behind the scenes to the front stage. To put it simply, the big guy behind the scenes is finally ready to stand under the spotlight.

Therefore, it is not an accident that "Happy" reaches the top. It just proves that Farrell is worthy of being one of the hottest top producers in North America.

at the same time!

Runner-up, "young blood"!

Although the strength and sturdiness of "Happiness" has attracted countless attention, the momentum of "Young Blood" to create topics is not weak, and once again keeps up with the pace, hand in hand with Farrell to dominate the top two of this week's bulletin board singles chart. Name, one day the name of the king once again shines across the venue and brings surprises.

A big surprise!

Since the end of the Grammy Awards ceremony, "Young Blood" has dropped from the top 20 on the airborne list. In just six weeks, it has continuously refreshed its peak, and has shown unparalleled explosive power behind the raging "happiness". , Soaring together like a shadow, and even slowly narrowing the gap.

Farrell, the coming is menacing; but the king for a day is not bad at all.

Similar to Farrell, in the past year, the king has shown an upward momentum throughout the whole day, and every action can ignite the topic.

Unlike Farrell, King One Day does not have a rich resume, and only relies on himself, just like Sun Dasheng popping out of a rock, but he has already set off stormy waves in the entire North American music market.

Last week, everyone was discussing whether the billboard singles chart will change days; now, although it has been delayed by a week, the singles chart has finally ushered in a change day, and it is not only the championship that has completed the change. Even the runner-up also changed together, completely overturning the whole country.

Surprise, double!

Moreover, this is not all!

The "dark horse" slipped to third.

"Speaking dirty", ranked fourth.

"All-of-Me" rose to fifth.

The lyrical single "My Everything" from John-Legend is a love song he created for his wife. It was released in the second half of last year, but the lyrical song is difficult to burst out with great energy from the beginning, so single After the song entered the chart, it started a long and arduous journey of climbing the chart.

John-Legend played and sang "My Everything" at the Grammy Awards. It was gentle and moving, but because there were so many exciting performances that night, "My Everything" could not be out of the circle in the first time. People waited patiently for the precipitation and fermentation of time, and people slowly discovered it.

This week, "My Everything" directly overtook the top five from the 11th place on the singles chart. At this time, the single has been on the chart for 20 weeks.

Surprises, one after another—Before, the fierce competition between Farrell and King One Day has not yet decided the outcome; here, John has sounded the horn, from the download of digital audio sources to the data of streaming media, an average increase in all directions , Which also means that “everything of me” still has room for improvement.

I am afraid that in the next few weeks, the battle for the Billboard singles chart will be more intense, and none of them are good.

Sure enough, at this time, I can feel the heat of summer one after another.

Ranking is only one aspect, and more important is the data behind the ranking—

Digital audio downloads, streaming media data, social network discussions, radio on-demand data, etc.

The trend of singles' popularity can be seen in all aspects. "Happy", "Young Blood" and "My Everything" show the great potential of the troika. In terms of sales, "Happy" leads, and streaming data accounts for "Young Blood". You and "My Everything" are relatively balanced, and they really show the attitude of three singles sweeping the music market. It can be expected early that there will be a battle between them.

The onlookers couldn't help but eagerly gear their hands, looking forward to seeing a wonderful contest again this spring and summer.

It is precisely because of this that Farrell and One Day King are the two most popular singers of the moment.

John-Legend’s fourth studio album was released at the end of August last year, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com "everything about me" is the first wave of the main hit; but Farrell and the King of the Day both released the first singles to promote the new album, and now the first singles have detonated the market, which also makes people talk about the new albums of the two singers. Pay more attention to the release dynamics:

When will the new album be released? Will the two singers collide? How to arrange the promotion schedule? Will there be any choice in the program invitation? Moreover, the two singers both released their second studio album. Is this a fateful encounter?

Farrell has won countless honors as a producer, but as a solo singer, can he withstand the market test? The album and single market are also two completely different fields. Can the name "Pharrell-Williams" drive album sales?

One day, the King’s first album was brilliant, and naturally put more pressure on the second album. Now the "young enthusiasm" has been accused by many voices of "too popular", "catering to the market", "losing characteristics", then Can the album continue the sales level of its predecessors?

There are too many suspense. With the advancement of time every day, I can clearly feel the gurgling sound of the whole market, and even the major radio stations and major TV stations have started to act early. No one wants to miss it. This party.

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