King of Stage

Chapter 82: Fall apart

"You are not thinking with your brain, but with emotions, Cliff." Amidst Ronan and Cliff's high-pitched roars, Maxim's roars surging back and forth between the valleys, but Failed to control the situation, but made the noise in the room more noisy.

   is not so much yelling at each other as it is a self-talking emotional catharsis, everyone is trapped in their own thoughts and cannot extricate themselves.

   Like drowning, sinking slowly and suffocating.



Ollie could no longer face such a scene head-on. He turned to face the wall in pain, put his head against the wall, hiding all his expressions and eyes, but the stiffness of his back muscles still revealed his true thoughts at this moment. , Is resisting the surrounding quarrel with all his strength.



   "Ke! Li! Husband!"

With a sinking dantian and full of air, Ronan's voice exploded like thunder on the ground, and the buzzing waves of air could be felt on the eardrums, and the powerful and heavy aura was so full of fire. After laying out, with a louder sound, suppressing the noise of the audience forcefully.

   The vocal and resonance of the lead singer still burst out of absolute power, controlling the scene with an iron fist.

   Maxim and Cliff were both stunned. They couldn't believe their ears, and looked at Ronan with a stunned face, as if they didn't know the person in front of them at all.

But Ollie still didn’t look back, his shoulders curled up, and his steps unknowingly moved closer to the wall, as if hiding in a safe haven. As long as he didn’t see it, he could be free from this chaos, like an ostrich, even if All of my weaknesses have been exposed, and I still continue to convince myself: this is safe, this is safe.

Ronan didn’t notice Ollie’s movements, and all his attention was focused on Cliff. At this moment, he could no longer care about the astonishment and surprise in the eyes of his friends, because there are more important things to focus on. .

   Ronan's eyes burst out with a sturdy and powerful force, expressing his views word by word, like a hammer hitting a nail, and he slammed it toward Cliff.

"What he is not! Scout, he is a business genius, but has nothing to do with music! His judgment is not counted at all, are you really going to believe in Scout's professional vision? Ah? Justin Bieber? This Is it your self-positioning for our band? You should be smarter!"

But Cliff, who was in madness, couldn’t listen. He just shook his head repeatedly and yelled at Ronan, “Then what professional advice do you need? Tell me! What else do you need? What advice can we continue? Persevere? We have no commercial value, understand? Even if we are really talented, so what? No company is willing to publish worthless music, and no audience is willing to buy it!"

   "Commercial value is nothing, but it is our only hope to continue!"

   Ronan’s opinions are clear and firm, but in the One Day King Band, he is never the one who expresses his opinions and makes decisions. Although Ronan suppressed the scene with his aura, Cliff found his idea again in a blink of an eye, and he was not persuaded by Ronan.

Seeing Ronan want to say something, Cliff was no longer willing to listen anymore, "If so, then I accept his evaluation. Do you know? I was never the talented one, I used to be Maxim and Ollie, it's you now, but it's never been me."

"Yes, Scooter is not a musical genius, but he knows how the market works. This is enough. He is enough to determine our destiny. Even if Scooter's view of music is wrong, but What do you think, what can I do? What can Maxim and Ollie do?"

   "What else can I do? No, I can't do anything, then that's it."

Cliff’s voice calmed down, with a frustrated calm, the eyes watching Ronan returned to the colorless calmness. Ronan seemed to have realized the words that Cliff had prepared behind him. He shook his head repeatedly to stop Cliff, but this time he failed.

   Or to put it another way, these three ups and downs, the three short days of hope that appeared and was extinguished, made Cliff really made up his mind.

   "I'm over. If this is the case, then my journey will end here. I give up and I officially end all efforts."

   Cliff said this, but there was unshakable firmness in his calm tone, without hesitation or hesitation.

Maxim couldn't believe his ears. He stepped forward and tried to grab Cliff by the collar, but the mattress prevented him from walking, and then he could see Cliff stepping back halfway. Step, step aside, Maxim's eyes burst into a cannibal look, "What? Cliff! What did you say? You say it again?"

But Cliff no longer hesitated. Faced with Maxim's aggressive questioning, without guilt or flinching, he still calmly said, "You heard my words, I said, I'm over. This is the end of the matter. Now. UU reading"

"So what about us? What about our persistence and hard work? We said we couldn't give up. What about our band? How about our seven years?" Maxim's anger also broke out again, and it seemed to have returned to what it was three days ago. That night, the illusion of the past few days was pierced again.

   Cliff gave a mocking smile, "There is no band without us."

"I heard it, you should have heard it too? The only trivial highlight of Scout's evaluation of us is Ronan! You heard it! You heard it! Ollie heard it too! We are just a bunch of untalented trash. So, what are we upholding? What should we continue to uphold?"


"Seven years? Seven years is just an obsession. What are we insisting on? Do we really know what we’re insisting on? Do you know? Or you? Or maybe it’s Ollie, who doesn’t dare to face our quarrel at all. Do you know the significance of our seven years?"

   "Answer me! Give me an answer! Then I will stay! I will keep going! Maxim, aren't you so determined and determined? Now is the time, give me a reason to persist."

   Cliff couldn’t control his emotions, so he yelled at Maxim, the calm emotions surging again, and the endless anger also proved that he cares—

   He still cares after all.

   Even in the dilemma of anger and despair, Cliff still cares.

But this time Maxim failed to find his own voice. He just opened his mouth and looked at Cliff in a daze. The despair in his eyes widened little by little, and the painful struggle dragged on like this. Ankle, slowly sinking into the bottomless abyss.

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