King of Stage

Chapter 833: Hidden track

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"Sorry, have you finished your selection? If it's over, can you please get out of your way?"

A polite voice came from behind, but it could be felt that the other party was doing everything possible to suppress her irritability and anxiety, and politely asked Sophie to step aside.

Sophie Vielar was a little embarrassed.


Sophie nodded quickly, "Sorry, I was so excited to see the new album, I'm sorry, sorry."

Sophie can fully understand the other party's mood, because she herself is also bursting with blood at the moment, and the sound of gurgling blood is constantly surging above the eardrum, and the roaring makes her also in a weightless suspended state, as if With both feet off the ground, everything is erratic.

"It's okay, we all just want to buy the album as soon as possible. God, I have been waiting for two months!"

Sophie's words made Sophie laugh too, she didn't continue to occupy her position, she vacated the space, and then dodged aside.

Looking up, you can see the neatly organized long dragon spreading all the way, and there is no end in sight. The faces filled with excitement and excitement made Sophie jump with joy.


The roar above the eardrum was still surging, Sophie hurried to line up in front of the cashier--

Obviously, there is also a long line here.

Standing in the line, Sophie looked down at the back cover of the album. In fact, she was just looking at the cover and back cover, and her first reaction was to think of King One Day’s worldview. She couldn’t help wondering what secrets the album was hiding. After a little bit of recollection, she was going to look at the song list. The result was Time was lost.

Some are completely forgotten.

Now I finally have time to look at the album song list.

1. If-I-Lose-Myself

2. Heathens

3. Strangers

4. Sparks are splashing all around ()

5. Shaking

6. A-Change-of-Heart (A-Change-of-Heart)

7. Youngblood

8. Rebel (Renegades)

9. Let-The-New-Begin

10. I-Have-Always-Been-In-Love (Note 1)

Hidden tracks:

1. Hidden track 1

2. Hidden track 2

Clear at a glance!

Although I didn’t listen to each song one by one, the "Strangers", "Embracing Newborns", "Young Bloods" and "Rebels" performing on the Encore stage of the "Departure" concert can see some clues. The whole album is obviously Continued the theme and content of "Seven" to further explore life.

Day after day, year after year of mechanical repetition, life loses enthusiasm and vitality, and every day seems to be meaninglessly plunged into nothingness. The busy going around makes people forget themselves, and even forget that they work so hard. The original intention of living so hard.

From lost to sleepy to the stranger who didn’t know oneself at all, it just fell apart step by step, and then fell into suffocating despair, breathless, until the despair passed before rediscovering the meaning of life, bravely breaking through the shackles and tearing the shackles. , Bravely become a rebel——

Embrace the new life.

From chasing the dream of "Seven" to returning to life on the "Departure" tour to breaking the shackles of "Nine", one day the king is developing his own kingdom step by step, guiding every knight to find his own never island. , That piece of sunny, vibrant, and timeless soil.

Involuntarily, Sophie started to get excited, even if she just browsed through the album's track list, as if she could feel the power of those notes through the rubbing of her fingertips, the faint temperature spread in her palm, and then her chest The butterfly wings inside began to flap.


There are also hidden tracks! There are actually two hidden tracks!

Looking up at the front line waiting for the checkout, Sophie finally resisted the urge to unravel the album on the spot, and caught a stranger who was browsing the album just after the checkout, "Excuse me, what are the two hidden tracks?"

The other party was stunned, his gaze fell on the stack of albums in Sophie's arms, showing a hearty smile, and then said, "One is a classic with Justin and Bruno; the other is Ronan and Ollie alone. The collaborative work is called'murderer'."

"Ah!" Sophie's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her ears.

The other party also nodded and expressed affirmation, "I was also very surprised. I didn't expect Ronan and Ollie to work together separately, and Maxim also participated in the composition of lyrics and music this time. Does this mean the next album? , Can we continue to see more of the band?"

Sophie nodded indiscriminately, excited and excited, and she wanted to open the album even more urgently.

And Sophie is definitely not alone.

Just as the major record shops ushered in a wave of customer frenzy, social networks have been fried!

Compared with the knights who went to the physical record store to buy the album, the audience waiting for the Internet was still the majority. The first time they listened to the entire album through the digital audio website——

but! Hidden tracks are only available for physical albums, so online audio source websites and digital audio downloads are not available, which is covered by a layer of mystery.

As a result, when netizens learned that there were hidden tracks, neither of them could sit still, and they expressed strong protests.

"Discrimination against digital audio sources", "requires online audition to go live", "can't kidnap us to buy physical albums", "physical albums really don't have to be bought, it's better to release them online", "forcing us to buy albums is too ugly to eat"... …

Boom boom boom!

The condemnation was overwhelming, and the majority of netizens were obviously very dissatisfied, but unfortunately, they failed to seize the moral high ground this time.

Other passers-by couldn't see it, expressing their strong contempt--

From the definition, it can be seen that the two hidden tracks were not intended to be listened to by the general audience, but were presented as gifts to fans who bought the physical album. If you are curious, buy the album instead of shouting "I am also a fan". The white prostitute refused to support it.

Of course, the download of digital audio sources also requires payment, but digital audio sources are originally bought and sold one by one. If you don't like it after free trial listening, you can refuse to buy it.

The problem is The fans who really like basically buy the album directly. Only those prostitutes who don’t want to pay but want to join in the fun are clamoring, concealing their favorite bands and curious bands. His true feelings are cursed to cover up his mentality of trying to use prostitution for nothing.

In the eyes of passers-by, it is naturally unpleasant.

After waiting for the knights to purchase the album and go online, the overwhelming momentum drowned those messy sounds in a blink of an eye, showing a debilitating momentum. Although the protests and complaints have not completely disappeared, they are a minority after all, and the social network soon recovered. Order.

But it is undeniable that the so-called "controversy" itself is the best proof of the king's popularity in one day-

There are many reds, right and wrong, at all times.

The first day of the official release and sale of "Nine" triggered such a momentum, and the band’s appeal was clearly felt from the side, which also caused a shock of surprise:

Could it be that one day King's album sales can still bring surprises?

Note 1: All songs can be found in the song list related to the work.

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