King of Stage

Chapter 835: Double 1000

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"It's exploded. Doesn't this album sound good to my wife? Just kneel down! It's even more powerful than the previous one!"

"Ronan is worthy of being Ronan, bold and wanton, crazy and enthusiastic. From the beginning of the arrangement, you can see Ronan's intention to make further attempts, to the writing of the lyrics, and once again let people feel the Bob-Dylan style. Poetic, and finally unparalleled singing, the perfect combination of mellow bass, magnetic midrange and clear treble, there is no doubt that this is the best of the year!"

"Mom asked me why I was listening to the song on my knees! My knees are really broken!"

"One person, one favorite: I have been completely captured by the'rebels' now!"

"Wait, you said, which one is the title song? I can't tell from the song list at all, but the "Today Show" unexpectedly performed the "Rebel", and the final encore of the Los Angeles tour is also this one, isn't it? It’s the main hit? But it’s actually on the eighth track on the album list? This is too bold, right?"

"There is no way to choose, there is really no way to choose. Other albums are often the best. Even if they are not, you can choose one or two of the best, but this time there is really no way. For now, I like it. 'Rebels','Strangers','Splashing Mars','Unbelievers', and'Lost Ego', and also, the change in the style of'Changed Mind' sounds really nice! Besides, is it possible that Does no one like'trembling'? I really can't do it anymore!"

"The main title of the whole album! From my personal point of view, except for the style of'Love Always', which is slightly incompatible, all the other nine works can be rated as five stars-the two hidden tracks of the album have not yet been listened to, but this Enough for the album to be among the gods."

"A question, is I the only one who doesn't like it? I think the sense of fashion is too heavy.'Lost Self' and'Young Blood' are both too popular and too slobber. This is not the king of the day I am looking forward to."

"I agree with the view that the album's popularity has increased, but I think it also makes the'Nine' more approachable and the market should be more acceptable."

"Indeed, you can feel Ronan's different attempts. The album style does have some breakthroughs and some fusion, but I think this is a normal attempt."

"Popularity has increased by +1, I don’t like'young blood' and'lost oneself', but there is no way,'unbelievers','mars splashing' and'rebels' are really kneeling three times in a row,'trembling 'And the'Stranger' is completely surrendered to the soul. There is no way to dislike it. Ronan Cooper is really too strong."

"I'm here to announce that this is the best work of 2014, and I am the master of my list!"

"The average quality is high, really high, and next year's Grammy's annual album is booked in advance!"

"Crazy crazy, the brain completely stopped spinning! It's so nice! I want to swear foul language!"



Just as the knights lined up to buy physical albums, the social network had exploded, and passers-by who listened to the album on the digital audio platform for the first time went into madness, and the chattering discussion spread vigorously, like a hurricane. Unparalleled destructive power-

There is no organization and no discipline. It is purely a spontaneous hot discussion by netizens. Naturally, there is no specific hashtag. However, the two hashtags "King One Day" and "Nine" are both ranked in the top ten in the hot search list. After the "Today Show" performance, it swept the top two spots in the hot search list.

Sturdy! ferocious! fanaticism!

Boom boom boom!

It can be clearly felt that this surging heat wave continues to soar. Netizens actively take their own views and opinions. Although they are not professional and focused, they can still see the rising curve of this wave.

On the first day, "Nine" broke out the sales data of 330,000, which is the most intuitive proof.

Such outstanding performance has been able to break the wrist with the momentum of Justin Timberlake’s new album "Perfect Vision" last April; moreover, even in the face of the sturdy sales data of "Perfect Vision", "Nine" is nothing. Not inferior, the sales on the first day were already on par, and the momentum was shocking.

Of course, the first day is only the first day. In a long week of seven days, whether the "Nine" can maintain such a momentum, or whether it can maintain a strong stamina for a longer month or a whole year, this is even more important. Important-otherwise, Justin will not lose to Bruno Mars in the year-end sales rankings.

Then, for the next week, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, people are paying close attention to the crazy market performance of "Nine" every day, refreshing their cognition and bringing surprises every day; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, professional comments are like Bamboo shoots have generally sprung up after the rain, and Internet hot discussions have continued to create new highs.

Undoubtedly, "Nine" broke the expectations of all professionals with a turning out posture. When the Grammy effect has almost returned to calm, the March period was shockingly detonated, bringing this summer to the entire North American continent. The first heat wave attracted all attention.

In previous years, March was indeed relatively deserted. The film industry and the music industry are both like this. Because the cold winter has just passed and the ground has just broken in spring, the major awards ceremonies summarized in the year have also come to an end in a lively manner. The entire entertainment industry is undergoing cultivation. To save energy for the coming summer.

However, this year, the king broke the routine and cast the first heavyweight since the beginning of 2014 in March, and the stormy sea revived.

It is precisely because of the "coldness" that the rise of the "Nine" has become a standout, without any suspense, gathered all the attention of the eye, every move can affect the attention of the entire industry, and then it is in the sight of thousands of people. This newly-emerged album was released with hot sales in its first week—

One hundred and seventy-three thousand sheets.

Wait, what?

Numbers, how many zeros are there?

To be precise, it should be "1, 173, 398", a full seven digits.

In other words, the album "Nine" has swept over one million sales in just seven days, becoming the twentieth album in the history of the North American continent that achieved "a million sales in the first week".

One million in the first week!

In the long history, only nineteen albums have reached such a height, and now "Nine" has become the glorious twentieth album!

And in the first week's sales history list dignifiedly reached the top ten, ranking ninth.

Super Boy’s 2000 album "No-Strings-Attached" sold 2.41 million in the first week, which is still the best in history, and it is also the only album in history that has sold more than 2 million in the first week. The album, which tops the charts, still can’t see the shaking posture—

But no one thought that Adele's "25" easily broke the record and exceeded a lot. UU reading

After this, in 2001, Super Boy, "Celebrity".

2000, Eminem, "Marshall-Mathers (The-Marshall-Mathers-LP.

2000, Backstreet Boy, "Black and Blue (;amp; Blue.

2002, Eminem, "The-Eminem-Show".

2001, Britney-Spears, "Oops, I-Did-it-Again".

2012, Taylor Swift, "Red".

2001, The Beatles, "1 (One.

The above-mentioned works were ranked in the top eight of the first week's sales breaking million in the history list. Then, "Nine" also joined the first week of the Million Club as a new member.

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