King of Stage

Chapter 843: King style

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The music market is changing.

"One Day King VS Farrell-Williams" came to an end with a unilateral crushing victory, which caused an exclamation. Farrell's crisp defeat was an upset, and the King's domineering one day was also an upset.

However, the story is still not over.

In the first week of April, the market ushered in a small explosion.

George-Michael, Kylie Minogue, Skrillex, Foster-the-People, Enrique-Iglesias, etc. The singers who can have a name in the world music scene will release new albums together.

Crowded and noisy, the whole market is thriving.

It is a pity that no one can shake the strength of the king for a day.

In the second week of April, the much-anticipated second wave of duel came as scheduled, with Shakira and the rock band My Chemical Romance both debuting.

This is also Shakira’s first album after she once again established her position as a Latin goddess through the "Voice of America". Not only fans of the Latin series are looking forward to it, but countless sights from the North American mainland have also gathered closely, looking forward to Shakky. La was able to create the pinnacle of the Latin goddess again after Jennifer Lopez.

Including Shakira herself also had high hopes for the album, naming the album after her own name, "Shakira", such small details can be felt-

She also looks forward to this album becoming her own icon, leaving a strong mark in the North American music market, and taking her career to the next level and opening up a new world.

Ambitious and full of expectations, it is precisely because of this that people think that the duel between Shakira and King One Day will become a new highlight.

One small point is that Shakira and One Day's new album promotion methods take two paths.

Shakira is the orthodox route.

"Voice of America", as a popular talent show of the traditional public television station NBC, is undoubtedly the top in terms of exposure and topicality. It has always been on the cusp of the hottest, from Adam Levine to Blake Shelton (-Shelton). Because of this show, we ushered in a brand new career peak——

Last year, Molihong's latest album was named "Super Exposure", which is a kind of self-ridicule, because after the show, their exposure rate has exceeded the standard.

One day the king is a wild road.

He has also appeared on a TV show since the beginning of the road, "Jimmy Chicken Feather Show". This time, "Saturday Night Live" and "Today Show" both appeared in conjunction with the promotion of the new album. Normally, touring is the only way for the band to promote, but it has come to the present step by step by relying on this method.

Of course, all roads lead to Rome, and there has never been more than one road to success.

Now, one day the king ushered in an incredible explosion, and the United States is looking at it; next, it will be Shakira's to see if she can achieve a breakthrough in her career as she wishes.

Countless eyes were watching, "Xia Qi has gone to the field.

However... it's another dud! After Farrell's "girl", another "unpopular" was born.

The 69-point media review shows that it is basically on the same level as the "girl", but in the final analysis, the deviation of the expected value has caused the failure.

The album "Shakira" debuted under the name Shakira, but in fact, the album is the one that deviates from her personal musical inspiration and roots the most. The Latin elements are compressed to the point where there is little left. The style completely caters to the mainstream style of the North American continent, trying to win public recognition.

But one phenomenon worth paying attention to is that Shakira’s fans did not initiate overwhelming protests and complaints-

When Taylor Swift switched from the country to popular, he encountered a lot of complaints from fans and professional music critics; the same was true when Nora Jones left the jazz style. Both professional reviews and public impressions showed a plummeting trend. .

Shakira did not face such a predicament.


In the final analysis, it is still a question of "image/fixed impression".

Taylor and Nora, the public's impression of them are creative talents, when they change their styles and even cater to the market, it is naturally unacceptable.

Shakira, the public’s impression of her is sexy, especially the dance image of the Latin goddess. There is a unique amorous feeling between her gestures, so the style change is not important. The really important part is whether she is still **** or not. Whether it is still dance music, whether it is still a goddess.

There is no controversial reason, right here; but again, the reason why the album failed is also here.

The album "Shakira" lacks the distinctive gimmicks and **** positioning of Shakira's previous albums. It tried to restore Shakira's own color style, but it turned out to be "lost of edges and corners" that catered to North American popular music. The market reacted. The coldness is as expected-

Does not match expectations.

This is the original sin.

One hundred thousand.

The sales volume of "Shakira" in the first week was even lower than that of "Girl", and its moderate performance was far below expectations, directly declaring a commercial failure.

A little exclaimed!

First Farrell, then Shakira, the media have high hopes, expecting them to burst out with huge energy, even if it is not "huge" energy, but at least they will be able to deliver about 200,000 to 300,000 album sales. Revitalizing the market will bring a ray of light to the spring downturn.

As a result, both encountered Waterloo.

Far below expectations! Far away!

In sharp contrast is the King of One Day.

It broke the record in the first week, crushed Farrell in the next week, and easily stood out among the competitors in the third week. When Shakira's new album debuted, it was already the fourth week of the album's release!

However, even in the fourth week, the performance of "Nine" did not show any signs of decline, and once again sold 270,000 copies, topping the Billboard Albums chart for the fourth consecutive week with an amazing performance.

It is not a lack of competitors, but an unparalleled strength in the fierce competition where the bayonet has become popular. "Nine" has won four consecutive titles on the billboard albums chart since its release, and its outstanding performance has been able to I faintly see the king's demeanor; what's more commendable is that one month after its release, the album sales have broken through the two million threshold and become the sales champion in the first quarter of 2014 without any suspense.

At this moment, looking back at the media reviews and public comments after the release of "Nine", things become interesting.

From the perspective of professional music critics, "Nine" is more popular and more popular. To some extent, it loses the corners of the King of the Day. This is disappointing. In fact, Farrell and Shakira's albums are more or less. The same is true or less, but the difference is that even with slight changes and adjustments, Ronan still succeeded in grasping the key to moving the soul in the midst of the epidemic.

Therefore, in the eyes of the public, the popularity of "Nine" is more intimate, and the "young enthusiasm" won an explosive and enthusiastic response. Even in the face of the heavenly "happiness", it can still be difficult to kill. To solve the indispensable, this is indeed a further recognition in terms of popularity.

The success of the Billboard Singles Chart means that the King has received more recognition in the eyes of the general public in one day; and then ushered in four consecutive championships on the Billboard Albums Chart, which shows that the conversion rate of passersby into fans is very effective. !

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