King of Stage

Chapter 86: Group performance

The long queue is indeed a bit scary, but fortunately, the production of hot dogs is not complicated, and the speed of the team is satisfactory. Even so, it still waited for 30 minutes before it was Luo's turn. A group of people in the south.

   Ronan happily spotted four different flavors, then turned to look at Ollie and Alice, "How about you?"

   Ollie took a half a beat before reacting, "Are those not including us? I thought you would eat two..."

"What are you talking about! All four are mine!" Ronan's eyes rounded, as if Oli had said something like a fantasy, looking at Ou with an expression of "how can you bear to see that I only eat two?" Lee, "How can two be? It's not a kitten's dinner, who do you send."

Ollie touched the back of his head, always feeling like he was offended, but looking at Ronan’s appearance, he quickly comforted, "Four, four, you eat four. I want one original, and then Alice’s words …"

   Ronan leaned over, carrying Alice who was shooting with the camera, and stepped back in disgust, "You are out of the picture."

But Ronan didn’t care, and returned to the camera, “I recommend you to taste the barbecue sauce, which contains special shrimp paste and pickled cucumbers.” He still gave the recommendation conscientiously, and then got Alice’s hastily nodded affirmative reply. He turned around again to complete the follow-up order.


The roasted aroma filled the air, and the fresh gravy rolled on the hot iron frame, and then fell on the red coals, making a pleasant sound, accompanied by a strong smell of meat. The steaming smoke made the whole simple mobile stand filled with a Michelin three-star posture, and then the stomach began to gurgle, and the saliva secreted strongly protested.

   Alice, who was not hungry at all, could also feel all the gluttons in her stomach awaken.

   After finally waiting for all the hot dogs to come out, carefully carrying the hot dogs to the long wooden table next to them, the three people were seated on both sides.

Ronan solemnly picked out a hot dog, and began to observe the material, appearance and aroma of the hot dog with a very serious attitude, as if he was tasting top dishes. After completing the observation from the two angles of color and fragrance, Ollie’s hot dog has been eaten. Halfway through, Ronan took his first bite.


The plump gravy bursts out like this, filling the entire mouth, and the elastic mouthfeel is even more solid and delicate. Not only is it not jerky and firm after the meat is stuffed, but you can also feel the strong flesh between the lips and teeth. Dancing, the sauce did not take away the taste of the hot dog itself, but enriched the layers of taste. From salty to fragrant to sweet, countless flowers bloomed on top of the taste buds.

   As expected!

   well-deserved reputation!

The only regret is that the sauce is still slightly salty, which is a bit of a breakdown in balance, but Ronan also knows that this is the characteristic of the New Orleans diet. The diet for the past three days is like this. They sprinkle salt as if they don’t need money. , This also made Ronan the first time to comment on the "heavy oil and heavy salt" of Huaxia cuisine—

   Isn’t this more salty than Chinese food?

   But I have to admit that the salty taste is still appetizing, as long as it is not overwhelming, it can be liked. It would be even better if paired with rice for one night.

   Ronan couldn't help closing his eyes and chewing carefully. At this time, he could feel someone appear next to him, and subconsciously opened his eyes to take a look, and then saw Cliff appearing in front of him.

   But I haven't seen him for just an hour, Cliff seems to have calmed down again, his bloodshot eyes and drooping dark circles on his face are indeed not very good.

This is understandable. In the past fifty-six hours, I haven’t closed my eyes to rest, and have experienced the ups and downs of the roller coaster. Ronan and Ollie are not in much better condition than Cliff. All of them looked similar to the zombies next to them.

   said it was the shooting scene of "The Walking Dead" and there was no problem. The group actors came out for breakfast.

But the storm has passed, Cliff’s aura has completely calmed down, even a little depressed, his sight is drifting, not being able to face Ronan and Ollie’s eyes, in the eyes of others, there is a kind of pitiful and lonely indescribable, just like The trembling little dog in the rainstorm made people unbearable to blame.

For Ollie, there is no such problem. He glared at Cliff and expressed his strong dissatisfaction. He clearly did not speak, but he was scolding swear words with his eyes, "Didn’t you give up? What are you doing back then? ?"

   Cliff is sitting on pins and needles.

   Cliff tried to explain, and then he realized that he didn't know what to explain or where to start, so he fell down like this, bowing his head under Ollie's gaze.

   Ollie twisted his head angrily. If he sees Cliff's face again, he is not sure if he will just wave his fist directly.

"How do you know we are here?" Ronan was the first to speak. Ollie gave Ronan a gloomy look. UU reading was a little anxious, and almost stood up directly, constantly looking at Luo. Nanshi winked, blaming Ronan for taking care of that guy.

   Ronan glanced at Ollie, smiled, and comforted Ollie with his eyes.

Ollie slumped his shoulders depressed, but after all he did not continue to condemn Cliff aggressively. He just bit the hot dog in his hand angrily, as if he was eating somebody’s flesh and blood. It was a hot dog but he ate the sugar cane. Effect.

Ronan looked at the hot dog in front of him and hesitated for a moment. Although he was a little bit disheartened, he still reluctantly pushed one to Cliff-now it is still a special situation. Compared with food, you still need to take care of the atmosphere inside the band. Otherwise, I have been watching the appearance of Cliff and Ollie tit-for-tat, the food in the mouth will also affect the taste, "eat something."

Cliff tilted his head and glanced at Ronan, the words of rejection had already reached his lips, but thinking of Ronan’s attitude towards food, he swallowed this time and silently picked up the hot dog, “I’m going back to the motel first. Did not see you, and then asked the front desk, because you asked about the location of the hot dog booth, so you came." Cliff simply explained.

   Ronan’s attention was on Cliff’s hot dog: unexpectedly, this guy actually ate it! Actually! Don't you need to politely refuse it?

But think about it, I actively recommended this, even if it is resentment, I can only shut up, so I gave up the obsession, and it took a lot of effort to turn my eyes back from the hot dog and stared fiercely. Cliff's glance—

   Cliff, who was inattentive, didn’t notice at all, so it was tantamount to glaring at the blind man. Ronan had no choice but to withdraw his eyes and concentrate on tasting the hot dog in his hand.

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