King of Stage

Chapter 97: City heartbeat

   The breeze is blowing, and there are clinking wind bells, walking through the transpiring midsummer heat; faintly can hear the sound of the traffic lights switching at the intersection of the street, "Di! Di! Di Di Di!"

There is a wonderful tacit understanding between the two sounds, which seems to be shining each other, and then it is covered by the sound of the subway roaring under the feet, and the sound of crashing into the rails makes the entire ground sway, creating an earthquake effect. Unreasonably covering all the sounds in the neighborhood.

However, if you calm down and listen carefully, you will be able to find the sound of the rail crashing at a uniform speed and powerfully whizzing past, as if the snare drum unit of the symphony orchestra is beating the layers of clanging drums and venting mightily; Then the blaring horns and engine sounds can be clearly heard in the busy streets with endless streams, and the buzzing sound plays the role of the bass part, pressing the center of the music score loudly and deeply.

   sonorous sonorous.

   Di Di Di Ba Ba.

The sound of leather shoe heels hitting the ground, the sound of skateboard rollers rubbing against the ground, and the sound of traffic lights counting down, all melted in a breeze, and all mingled together in a disorderly but harmonious way, like the high pitch, instantly making the whole The vigorous melody is rich in layers.

   Boom boom boom, a group of black guys with dreadlocks swaggered across the market carrying portable speakers.

   Brush and brush, the sprinkler is slowly sweeping across the street next door to physically cool down.

   Rumble, the pile driver under construction at the corner of the street unscrupulously broke the sound balance.


If you are truly immersed in your mind, you can capture an irregular rule in the man-made noises of these cities, chaotic but harmoniously resonating with each other, stacking the bass, midrange, and treble parts one after another. Like a symphony, it usually plays in the space between the tall buildings in the city.

   There is even...

Panicking dog barking, revolving door knocking the ground, bicycle bells, motorcycles roaring by, the sound of flag hunting, the sound of drilling machines, and the alarmed pigeon. The sound of flapping wings and the sound of plastic bags across the ground.



These trivial sounds are all gathered together, and the thumping and clanging metal crash is compiled into a melody, and a movement is composed by the artificial intelligence of the city. It is like a rhapsody that is wanton and unassuming, rough and wild. Involuntarily followed by blood spurting.


The sound of blood flow is like the roar of a train, and the sensation of heart impact is like a drilling operation. Every pore involuntarily opens up breathing, deeply feeling the excitement and cheers of every cell, and then every inch of skin can really feel the air. The scorching heat and vibrations coming.


The whole body trembles uncontrollably, as long as you pay attention, you can find the existence of melody in every corner of life, whether it comes from a natural ensemble, or a performance in the city, or it is softly humming and singing. The burst of notes.

   The only thing that needs to be done is to calm down and listen carefully. The music is everywhere, even the blood flow and the heartbeat are rhythms.

   Ronan, completely immersed in it.

   Since his hearing recovered, Ronan has discovered a whole new world.

Once, when hearing is healthy, it is difficult to really observe the world with one feeling, the sound is just sound; but after the loss is restored, Ronan always likes to close his eyes and concentrate on hearing the world with his ears, and then a completely different one. A whole new world is unfolding before our eyes.

The melody played from nature to the city to human beings is like using a glass cup filled with different amounts of water to complete the performance. It is always everywhere; slowly, this feeling is further amplified, clearer and more delicate. , It is also more three-dimensional, and can even clearly capture the rhythm behind each sound.


   Even the conversations, quarrels and shouts in the ear can become part of the graceful melody.

   "...No, do it again. Ollie, focus! Try it yourself, the rhythm is not right, you are always rushing to shoot."

   "Still wrong! Again."

   "Wait, Cliff, what's the matter with you, you also grabbed a half shot."

   The twitter debate is close at hand, but Ronan did not participate in it, but carefully captures the natural symphony created by the city.

   "Ronan? You help us judge. Ronan, started again..."

   "Don't bother him, he will come back on his own when he finds the rhythm. Maxim, are you sure I was still fast? How do I feel right?"

   "I'm not so sure, so I need to ask Ronan."


At this moment, One Day Kings is on the Las Vegas Strip, which runs through the busy tourist area of ​​the city. Not far behind is the famous Venetian Hotel. There are countless people coming and going. And the square in front of the hotel is setting up a broadcast site—

  Because this is another presidential election year, the upcoming candidate debate will be held at the Venetian Hotel.

In a blink of an eye, there is only one tail left in the summer, and the setting sun in August is about to burn out; and the one-day road tour of the Kings has all the way to the casino city of Las Vegas, and there is no more left from the final destination, Los Angeles. How far is it? If you want, you can drive there for eight hours. UU reading

The end of    is not far away, but the situation of the band still seems to have not changed, and the fate of "The Chosen Sons" did not take care of them.

   However, in just three months, the King Band has gained a lot.

They seem to have returned to the college days, full of enthusiasm, and devoted all their energy to creation, practice, and performance. When the excitement and excitement came up, they continued to practice Spartan-style crazy all night. It is not uncommon to really rely on chicken blood to support every day.

   So, the road trip became more colorful, and I didn’t even notice the passage of time, so I arrived in Las Vegas all the way.

   Street performance is not as simple as imagined, but at the same time it is not as difficult as imagined.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once through the initial struggle and running-in period, things are quickly on the right track. The band members adapt to the rhythm and atmosphere of the street performance without spending too much energy, not only without the jerky and embarrassing imagination. , And gradually fell in love with this feeling.

   Interact with the audience anytime, anytime, and get the most true and undisguised response the first time. Both positive and negative reviews need to be calmly faced.

This also means that performance errors and deviations are easily caught. The band gradually develops a habit. Once mistakes occur, they will remember them. When there is no audience, they will adjust and practice on the spot as a kind of The adjustment of rest, really treat every performance every day as practice time, and keep polishing one's skills.

   For the band, this is an extremely precious and rare period of time. Every member can truly immerse themselves in it, making performance and practice a joyful enjoyment.

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