King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Disaster on a Deserted Island Chapter 202: The Elixir is Mature

Under the command of Lou Jiejun and Yue Xier, the commanders of each fleet watched the changes in the battle situation nervously, constantly adjusting the fleet formations to ensure that there were no loopholes in their own defenses, while also giving powerful bombardments to the opponent's warships.

A battle involving hundreds of warships obviously cannot be decided in one day.

This battle lasted from morning until dusk, until it was so dark that it was difficult to distinguish between friend and foe several feet away, and they could no longer fight, so they retreated.

The Lou clan alliance did not gain much upper hand, which made the Lou clan city lord and monks somewhat discouraged.

"If City Lord Lou hadn't spent a lot of financial resources on spiritual vultures, we could have produced many more ships, and it would be easy to defeat the Yuezhi Alliance."

"This is the city lord's decision, and we little guys can't do anything about it."

Many monks had complaints.

On the contrary, the Yuezhi fleet was greatly encouraged.

Although he failed to gain the upper hand, at least the pressure of the past few months was relieved. The shadow of failure finally completely faded from his heart, replaced by the desire for victory.

Shi Hanhai's eagle cavalry and the eagle cavalry team of Deng Qiangqiang and Lu Yangsheng also made several exploratory attacks.

However, these two eagles were too expensive, and both sides were afraid of losing too much if they killed each other. They almost did not fight head-on, but were very enthusiastic about harassing the other side's warships.

The air riders on both sides went to harass the other's ships, but they were actually at peace with each other. Both sides were harassed and attacked, and for the entire naval battle, the role of the eagles on both sides was offset.

Behind the Lou Clan Alliance, Ye Mo was still harassing the abdomen of the Lou Clan Alliance as usual.

Bai Xijun led the team of spirit vultures and chased after Ye's Eagle Cavalry.

Bai Xijun's performance was similar to that of Lou Jiejun. Facing Ye Mo's elusiveness, he had no better way and could only passively follow behind. Such chases have almost become routine.

"Brother Ye, are we going to keep dealing with Lou's Eagle Riders like this?"

Gao Jian followed Ye Mo back to a temporary camp in a fairy village of the Linggu Alliance, and said a little tiredly.

Their group recently settled in Yan's Fairy Village and built an independent Eagle Riding Camp in the village.

Ye Mo smiled when he heard this and said calmly: "If you persist for a while, things will turn around soon."

"Still waiting?"

Gao Jian's expression became a little ugly, but he soon recovered, "Forget it, just hang out with them more. This is also good. I feel that my mana has become much more refined recently, and there is also a lot of improvement in my soul." Progress. After a while, I should be able to break through to the ninth level of Qi training."

In the entire Ye Clan Fairy Village, only Ye Mo was the first to break through to the ninth level of the Qi training stage.

Gao Jian also reached the late stage of the eighth level of Qi training two months ago, following Ye Mo.

There are also a few other monks who have reached the eighth level of Qi training.

Ajin, the eldest among the five Tunu guards, has reached the middle stage of the eighth level of Qi training and has become the third master of late Qi training in Ye's Fairy Village. The other four guards are not much different. They have all reached the eighth level of the Qi training stage and still need some time to polish.

"City Lord, City Lord Yan wants to see you"

At this time, a report from an immortal guard came from outside.

When Ye Mo heard this, he walked out of the big tent and saw a monk in his twenties with a dark complexion and dressed in Chinese attire walking in.

This person is the owner of this place, City Lord Yan.

Ye Mo has been staying in Yan's Fairy Village in the past few days.

"City Lord Yan, I don't know what's going on"

Ye Mo smiled.

City Lord Yan also had a strange look on his face and said: "City Lord Ye, an old friend of yours said he wanted to visit you and asked me to pass on a message."


"Bai Xijun, Lord Ye, can't think of it, right?"

"Why would he want to see me? Is he trying to play some trick?"

Ye Mo was stunned and frowned.

Hearing this, City Master Yan shook his head and said: "City Master Bai is already in my reception room. He came alone. In my fairy village, he will definitely not be able to use any tricks."


Ye Mo was really surprised this time, "He is quite brave."

City Lord Yan said angrily: "He is sure that I won't embarrass him, so there is no need to be afraid."

It has been said that since ancient times, wars have been fought without cutting off the envoys. What's more, Bai Xijun is also a member of the City Lord's Immortal Alliance and came to Yan's Immortal Village openly and honestly. It is indeed impossible for City Lord Yan to embarrass Bai Xijun in this situation.

"Okay, I'll go see him."

Ye Mo really couldn't imagine what Bai Xijun would do if he came to him, he said.

The guest room in Yan's Xiancun City Lord's Mansion is not large, but it is very elegantly set up. Not only is it cushioned with soft monster furs, but the tables and chairs are not ordinary items, but are made of high-quality fragrant wood, exuding a light wood smell. fragrant

Bai Xijun stood there, carefully admiring the ancient animal carvings on a spiritual wood screen.

When Ye Mo walked in, he woke up and turned around. A complicated expression flashed across his face, then turned into a smile and said, "City Lord Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's been a long time."

"City Lord Bai chases after you every day. We see each other every day. It's not a long absence, right?"

Ye Mo said angrily.

Bai Xijun shook his head and said with a wry smile: "This kind of chasing is a waste of time, isn't it?"

Ye Mo said calmly: "You can withdraw your troops."

It was naturally impossible to withdraw the troops. Bai Xijun said solemnly: "City Lord Ye, no matter what, we all come from Qingyun Lord Immortal City, so we can be considered as friends. Except for you, our nine city lords of Qingyun Immortal City are all in the Lou family. In the alliance, why don't you join us? Let's work together to unify the entire sea area and soon obtain the resources of the entire archipelago. When the time comes, we will be promoted to Fairy Town together, which is much better than killing each other to the death.

"Join the Lou clan alliance and be promoted to Immortal Town together?"

Ye Mo was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Bai Xijun to make such an invitation.

If he doesn't have the foundation-building pill formula, he might consider this suggestion.

But he had already planted the elixir in the Ancient Painting Fairy Village. After a while, he can refine a batch of foundation-building pills. There are not many obstacles to upgrading Fairy Town, and it is even easier than Lou Jiejun, Bai Xijun and others.

He just needs time.

"To upgrade a fairy village to a fairy town, you need foundation-building monks. This requires a large amount of foundation-building pills. One foundation-building pill requires one hundred thousand spiritual stones. A fairy town needs at least ten foundation-building monks to be able to protect itself after moving to the town. Strength. You should have known this for a long time. What a great thing it is for the ten city masters of Qingyun Immortal Academy to be promoted collectively. As long as City Master Ye agrees,"

Bai Xijun saw Ye Mo slightly startled and thought he was moved.

In other words, a fairy village requires resources of one million spirit stones in exchange for ten foundation-building pills. With these resources, as long as the cultivation level is reached, you can be promoted to Immortal Town.

Ye Mo naturally knew about the one hundred thousand spirit stones and one Foundation Establishment Pill. The price was astonishingly high. Now that he had other options, how could he spend a huge amount of money to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill?

If he didn't get the foundation building pill drawings and had to rely on spiritual stones to buy them, Ye Mo wouldn't even know how many resources to prepare.

Ye Mo smiled and said, "I robbed Lou Jiejun of a few soul boxes, he will definitely not be able to tolerate me."

Bai Xijun looked disappointed and wanted to persuade him again.

Ye Mo interrupted directly and asked: "Does City Master Bai have anything else to do? If not, please come back."

Seeing that Ye Mo had no intention of joining the Lou Alliance, Bai Xijun could only leave in disappointment.

Ye Mo returned to his temporary camp and told Ah Shui to stay outside and not let anyone approach.

Ye Mo opened the scroll and entered the Ancient Painting Fairy Village.

Most of the one hundred acres of spiritual fields in the Ancient Painting Fairy Village are planted with spiritual valleys.

Ye Mo's eyes fell on the corner of the spiritual field, where all kinds of elixirs were planted and were almost mature.

He carefully looked at the elixirs needed for the dozen foundation-building pills, showing a satisfied look.

"Master, these dozen elixirs have reached the age requirements specified in the formula."

Ah Zhi held his head high and walked towards Ye Mo with proud steps. As a spiritual beast of the Luanfeng clan, it always shows its extremely proud and noble bloodline.

"Can we use them to make medicine?"

Ye Mo was overjoyed when he heard this. He took out a pack of spiritual beans from his storage bag and said, "This is the fourth-level spiritual beans I sold back, as a reward for you."

The pheasant was immediately very happy. Its favorite food was all kinds of spiritual grain beans. The higher the level, the more it liked it. The fourth-level spiritual bean is a fourth-level spiritual object and cannot be grown in the Ancient Painting Fairy Village for the time being.

Only when Ye Mo's cultivation reaches the foundation building stage and the ancient paintings are upgraded can he plant fourth-level spiritual objects.

Ye Mo occasionally goes to the main fairy city and buys back some fourth-level spirit beans to serve as snacks for Ah Zhi and Ah Li.

"Ali also wants fourth-order spiritual beans."

Ah Li happily rushed over from the alchemy smelling the fragrance, jumped on Ye Mo's shoulders, and begged for the spirit beans very affectionately.

Seeing this, Ah Zhi snorted and left, not bothering to fight with the little green fox.

Ye Mo laughed and took out another bag of Lingdou, "How can I miss you? There is another bag here for you."

Ah Li took out a handful of purple beans and poured them into his mouth, chewing them for a few times with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Ali, how is your alchemy skills going?"

"Master, I am now at the top level of an alchemist. These are the elixirs I have refined in the past half month. Most of them are third level, and a few are first and second level."

Ah Li quickly took out a dozen emerald green jade bottles.

Monks with different cultivation levels take different levels of Vitality Pills. First-level Vitality Pills are taken at the beginning of Qi training, second-level ones are taken at the middle stage of Qi training, and third-level ones are taken at the end of Qi training. Nowadays, the cultivation level of the core monks in Ye's Immortal Village is gradually improving, and the demand for third-level vitality pills is also gradually increasing.

The elixirs that Ali refines every month are much more than those refined by the Ye Village Alchemy Pavilion outside.

“So awesome”

Ye Mo took the jade bottle and showed surprise.

Ah Li said proudly: "Of course Ah Li is very powerful. The success rate of the third-level vitality pill has increased to 89%. I have refined more and more spiritual pills now."

The supply of various elixirs is basically fixed, and Aji has a plan.

The number of various types of elixirs Ali gets every month is basically fixed, so the increase in the number of refined elixirs means that its success rate in elixir refining has increased.

"Foundation Building Pill, are you sure Ah Li will succeed in refining it?"

Ye Mo asked seriously.

"Master, are you planning to start refining the Foundation Establishment Pill?"

Ali's eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved his little paws excitedly, "Ali is the best, master, don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem. I promise to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill within half a month."

Ye Mo nodded and felt relieved, showing a satisfied look.

Although Ali often shows off, he never exaggerates. Since he said so, he will definitely do it.

"Then get ready to start making alchemy"

Ye Mo had a faint smile on his face.

The Yue Clan Alliance will hold on for a while longer. When he refines a large number of foundation-building pills and the fairy village is promoted to a fairy town, they can leave this sea area and migrate to other sea areas.

As for the Lou Clan Alliance and the Yue Clan Alliance, they can fight however they want. It has no effect on him anymore.

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