King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Disaster on a Deserted Island Chapter 221: Golden Core Rakshasa King

After the robbery by the Rakshasa bandits, the monks and warriors in Ye's Fairy Town all heightened their vigilance and sent a large number of golden eagles to explore the surrounding sea area dozens of miles away. They took turns patrolling twelve hours a day.

Once a suspicious ship of unknown origin is discovered, Ye's fleet immediately avoids it to prevent it from being attacked again by other pirates.

After several days of sailing, they finally saw several green islands.

"Look, we've arrived. We finally saw the islands in the Blood Sea War Zone, hahaha."

Wang Hu saw the islands in the distance and laughed excitedly.

“Great we’re finally there”

A smile bloomed on Gao Jian's face, like the spring breeze blowing on his face, adding a bit more color to his heroic face.

Everyone also came to the deck one by one, looking at the island getting closer and closer, with smiles on their faces.

The months of rough seas are finally over.

All the monks and warriors on the warship cheered heartily.

With the island, you can find a piece of land suitable for the development of the fairy town. In this way, the fairy people of Ye's fairy town will have a stable place to live.

Ye Mo stood at the bow of the ship with his hands clasped behind his hands. Looking at the happy people, he felt very happy and even let go of the worries about the previous attack.

"City Lord, we are finally here and can build our own fairy town."

Chang Fei said with some excitement that until now he was still glad that choosing to follow Ye Mo was the most correct decision in his life.

Chang Fei successfully broke through to the foundation building stage two days ago and became the thirteenth master of the foundation building stage in Ye's Fairy Town. The strength of Ye's Fairy Town has been enhanced again.

"Yes, this is our new beginning. We want to promote Ye's Immortal Town to Ye's Immortal City. We must not only become foundation-building monks, but also Golden Elixir monks in the future."

Ye Mo smiled.

The heroic words gave everyone in Ye's Fairy Town extremely strong confidence.

No matter how difficult it was or what opponent he encountered, Ye Mo never thought of giving up. He started from scratch and led the monks to this point.

"Looking at a warship coming in front, it's coming towards us. The flag of Wang's Fairy Town is hoisted on the ship.

An eagle-riding immortal guard flew back to the flagship and reported to Ye Mo.

"Wang? We don't seem to know each other. What is the intention of this warship approaching our fleet?"

"This time they are not pretending to be pirates, motherfucker. If they dare to come again, see if I don't tear them apart."

Wang Hu said in a low voice, what happened last time still made him angry.

"I don't think they are pirates. This place is already close to many fairy towns and islands, and there are many ships. Just one warship would not dare to cause trouble for one of our fleets."

Gao Jian smiled.

While everyone was guessing, the warship appeared in the distant sea and kept approaching Ye's fleet.

It was a large naval warship, similar in size to Ye Mo's main warship, but the warship's material was significantly higher. The flag on the warship has a huge king character written on it, inlaid with gold edges, and is extremely luxurious.

"The person opposite is the Lord of Ye's Fairy Town who migrated from the Aolai Islands?"

On the bow of the warship, a burly monk wearing bright silver armor and a beard shouted loudly.

Ye Mo was surprised.

He has no connection with Xianzhen in the Blood Sea War Zone. How could anyone here know him?

"Your Excellency, Ye Mo, is the city lord of Ye's Fairy Town?"

Ye Mo was shocked, but he still replied loudly.

"Ye City Lord, we are Wang's Immortal Town in the Blood Sea War Zone. I am Wang Kai, the guard commander of Wang's City Lord's Mansion. I have been ordered to come to greet Ye City Lord and ask Ye City Lord to allow me to board the ship."

The monk wearing bright silver armor said loudly.

After confirming that he is a monk from the Immortal Town of the Immortal City Alliance, there is nothing to worry about.

Ye Mo signaled the main ship to approach, and Wang Kai successfully boarded Ye's warship.

"I wonder how you know me?"

Ye Mo was confused. He didn't remember that he knew the city lord of Wang's Fairy Town.

Wang Kai quickly explained.

It turns out that Wang's Fairy Town in the Blood Sea War Zone is also a town-level fairy city under the jurisdiction of Qingyun Lord Fairy City.

Deacon Wei of Qingyun Immortal Academy greeted the King's City Master and said that Ye's Immortal Town would move there soon and let Wang's Immortal Town take care of it.

Therefore, the king of the city came and sent Wang Kai to greet Ye Mo and everyone.

"Ye City Master, you are finally here. My City Master has calculated the time for you to arrive at the Blood Sea War Zone, and has long ordered me to wait in this area, specially coming here to meet you. My City Master is still worried that you are not familiar with the place. You have encountered robbery by Rakshasa pirates. Rakshasa pirates are quite rampant in this area, so try not to provoke them."

Wang Kai said to Ye Mo.

After hearing Wang Kai's words, the faces of everyone in Ye Mo changed slightly, showing resentment.

"What? Could it be that you have already encountered Rakshasa pirates? How much damage has been done?"

When Wang Kai saw everyone's faces, his eyes widened and he was shocked.

"A few days ago, our fleet was robbed by a group of Rakshasa bandits. Fortunately, we only lost a few warships, so the loss was not too great. However, thank you City Lord Wang for the reminder."

Ye Mo cupped his hands and said helplessly.

"Fortunately, you are okay, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to the city lord. My city lord has given instructions to pick you up safely."

Wang Kai patted his chest and gave a false alarm.

"It doesn't matter, City Lord Wang can send you to meet us, we are very grateful."

Ye Mo said with a smile.

"City Master Ye is too polite. In fact, my city master is the same as yours. They are both city masters from Qingyun Immortal Academy. We have the same friendship and should look after each other and support each other."

Wang Kai quickly cupped his hands and said.

"By the way, Commander Wang, it stands to reason that there are a large number of fairy towns in this blood sea war zone. They are powerful and cannot allow pirates to run amok.

I wonder where these Rakshasa bandits come from? They were robbing the Blood Sea War Zone, and there was no one in the Fairy Town in the Blood Sea War Zone to exterminate them? "

Ye Mo asked with some confusion.


Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly and said: "Lord Ye City, you don't know something. There are so many pirates in the Blood Sea War Zone. And the most tyrannical group is the leader of the Rakshasa Pirates, who is called the Rakshasa King."

"King Rakshasa? How dare a mere pirate leader claim to be king in front of the Immortal Town?"

Gao Jian couldn't help but snort and interjected.

"Don't mention it, this 'King of Rakshasa' is really recognized by all the city lords. This King of Rakshasa owns a wild fairy town, and has as many as 300 foundation-building monks under his command. His strength is extremely terrifying, and he can be seen from far away. More than an ordinary fairy town.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing.

The cultivation level of this Rakshasa King is at the golden elixir stage, which is truly unfathomable. There were even some monks in the Immortal Town who fell into decline due to various reasons, and finally took refuge in the Rakshasa King's Wild Immortal City.

It’s just that Yecheng does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Fairy City Alliance. If King Rakshasa doesn’t take the initiative to promote, no one will force King Rakshasa to promote the town-level fairy city to a city-level fairy city.”

Wang Kai said quickly.


"King Rakshasa is a monk at the golden elixir stage?"

"Three hundred foundation-building monks are too powerful. Our Ye's Immortal Town only has a dozen foundation-building monks, which is thirty times the difference."

"No wonder the Rakshasa pirates are so tyrannical and dare to rob everywhere in this blood sea war zone."

"So, the small group of pirates we encountered before were actually just a small group of minions under King Rakshasa, a drop in the bucket."

Ye Mo's heart aroused a thousand waves.

All the monks in Ye's Fairy Town were shocked and truly frightened.

Golden elixir monks are enough to make foundation-building monks fearful.

The Rakshasa pirates are so powerful that they are more than enough to deal with Ye's Fairy Town.

Immortal cities with golden elixir stage monks are stationed in them, and their strength belongs to city-level immortal cities. It is not the same as a town-level fairy city.

"This Rakshasa King is so powerful and the lord of the wild town. If he refuses to obey the control of the Fairy City Alliance, if he is allowed to develop, he will one day threaten other fairy towns. The thirty-six major lords of the fairy city will not send any Are the Golden Pill cultivators here to destroy him?"

Ye Mo asked with some confusion.

"King Rakshasa is also self-aware. Although Rakshasa pirates often rob ships in various fairy towns, they generally only seek wealth and rarely kill people, let alone attack fairy towns in the Blood Sea War Zone.

Without violating the bottom line of the Immortal City Alliance, the senior officials of the main Immortal City turned a blind eye and did not suppress the Rakshasa King.

This is why the Rakshasa King can survive here safely. After all, it is just a wild fairy town. It has not been recognized by the Immortal Alliance and does not dare to go too far. "

Wang Kai shook his head and said.

Everyone in Ye Town finally understood.

This group of Rakshasa pirates is not only powerful, but also extremely cunning and will not anger the senior officials of the Fairy City Alliance.

Ye Mo was also helpless. The Rakshasa King was very powerful. At least with his current strength, if he wanted to avenge the previous robbery, he might not be able to do it in a short time.

"It seems that I can only wait until I can compete with the Rakshasa King in the future before planning revenge."

Ye Mo thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but bow his hands to Wang Kai and say thank you, "I'm not familiar with this area. If Commander Wang hadn't said this, I wouldn't have known the details of King Rakshasa. Ye Mo would like to thank you here."

"City Lord Ye, you're welcome. You and I belong to the Immortal City Alliance, and you are from Qingyun Lord's Immortal City. It's right to help each other."

Commander Wang was a little flattered. A town-level city lord could treat him so politely, and he was considered an easy city lord to get along with among all the city lords.

Along the way, Ye Mo and Wang Kai chatted happily.

It also made Ye Mo understand a lot of the real situation.

The Blood Sea Battle Zone is different from the Aolai Sea Zone.

However, the Blood Sea War Zone is a vast sea area of ​​more than 100,000 miles. There are many islands here, but there are relatively few fairy towns, so the competition for the islands is not fierce.

In fact, foundation-building monks need higher-level spiritual objects, and low-level spiritual objects can no longer satisfy their cultivation.

Many islands in the Blood Sea War Zone can only provide some extremely low-level spiritual objects, so the fairy towns do not have a strong desire to possess these islands. Just like a rich man worth millions, his attitude towards dozens of taels of silver is dispensable.

Therefore, many wild islands are of low value, and there are no fairy towns to occupy them, let alone risk their lives to fight for them.

What is really valuable are some high-level monsters and some ancient ruins. The Blood Sea War Zone was once a place where immortals and demons clashed. After hundreds of thousands of years of bloody battles, there are many ancient ruins here, and they are of high value.

"Lord Ye City, there are more than a hundred miles ahead of us, and there is the island where our Wang Clan Fairy Town is located. Lord Ye City, you may wish to come over if you have time. If you need any help, just ask, my City Lord will definitely give you full support."

Wang Kai completed the reception mission and said goodbye to Ye Mo.

"Excuse me, Commander Wang, please tell me after you go back. I would like to thank City Master Wang for his kindness."

Ye Mo couldn't help but be grateful.

Although the king's city lord hasn't seen him yet, he sent someone to meet him when he first came here. This kind of kindness must be remembered.


Wang Kai said goodbye to Ye Mo, returned to his warship, and returned to Wang's Fairy Town to resume his duties.

"The King's City Lord looks pretty good, Brother Ye, should we pay a visit to the King's City Lord another day?"

"The visit is a must. If Commander Wang hadn't come to meet us this time and told us so many things, I'm afraid we would really suffer a loss at the hands of the Rakshasa pirates in the future. It seems that our previous relationship with the Rakshasa pirates I can only let Qiu go and wait until the fairy town is established."

Ye Mo nodded.

Everyone nodded one after another. The situation was stronger than the others, so they had to bow their heads.

"Brother Ye, I think we should find a spiritual island near Wang's Fairy Town to establish a fairy town. It will be convenient for us to support each other with Wang's Fairy Town, and we can have a friendly ally to support us in this bloody battle. It will be of great help to establish a foothold in the area. Previously, I observed a half-moon-shaped island, which is an uninhabited island, which may be suitable for us to build a fairy town. "

Lin Zhi suggested.

"Oh? In that case, let's go to the Half-Moon Island and see if it suits us, we will build a fairy town there."

Ye Mo nodded in agreement, he always attached great importance to Lin Zhi's judgment.

Ye's fleet adjusted its course and sailed towards the half-moon island.

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