King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 239: Defeated and Defeated

The crazy battle on the bottom of the sea shocked the entire sea.

It wasn't for the strong shocks and explosions that set off huge waves of tens of feet, and the surging seawater rocked more than a dozen cargo ships floating on the sea, almost overturning them.

The sailors on the ship all looked pale, looking at the battle under the deep sea in horror. They didn't know the battle situation under the sea and were extremely worried.

This naval battle may determine the fate of Jiuxian Town.

In just half an hour, the Rakshasa pirates were defeated.

A large number of corpses of Kraken sharks and Rakshasa pirates floated on the sea, and only a handful of them were the corpses of the sea cavalry of Nine Immortals Town. The other Rakshasa pirates have either been strangled or seriously injured and captured.

Only the seven or eight leaders of the Rakshasa pirates were still resisting.

The witch's eyes swept across the surrounding sea area, and she felt a sense of pain in her heart.

She came to hunt down Ye Mo with full confidence. She originally thought that she could easily capture Ye Mo and bring him to trial, shocking all the fairy towns and letting them know that Rakshasa pirates should not be offended.

But he didn't expect to run into the heavy encirclement of nine city lords, and almost all the Rakshasa pirates in the entire branch were buried here.

Although her own strength is strong, she cannot withstand the overwhelming number of people in the Immortal Town and join forces to attack.

"Chief, we have been defeated. Escape. If you don't escape, it will be too late."

King Kong leader yelled.

"Follow me and rush out"

There was extreme unwillingness, anger and bitterness in the witch's tone.

Several leaders followed the demon girl and joined forces to charge towards the top of the sea.

The city lords were about to pursue them with all their strength, but Zhuge Tian stopped them.

"Don't chase this witch. She is the most important subordinate of the Rakshasa King. Killing her will attract the Rakshasa King, so let's just let it go."

The city lords couldn't help but stop.

The witch took the few remaining leaders of her men, rushed out of the sea, and escaped with her sword.

The Rakshasa pirates who had no time to escape were all captured.

The monks from various fairy towns were excitedly clearing the battlefield.

This battle was a great victory, but the city lords were not too happy and were still worried. They know the details of the Rakshasa pirates very well.

The strength of Rakshasa pirates is not limited to what they see in front of them.

Their city lord, King Rakshasa, was even more formidable with his early stage cultivation of the Golden Core. Due to the constraints of the Immortal City Alliance, Golden Core monks are not allowed to participate in conflicts between fairy towns, so there are almost no activities of Golden Core monks in the Blood Sea War Zone.

The Rakshasa King is the city lord of a wild town and is not subject to the strong constraints of the Fairy City Alliance, so he will not leave the Blood Sea War Zone.

No one is willing to offend the Rakshasa King unless absolutely necessary.

But this time, Jiuxian Town and the Rakshasa pirates led by the demon girl fought on a large scale and won a great victory. They must have caused big trouble.

The demon girl is one of the three most respected leaders under the Rakshasa King, and she has a noble status.

But this time she was defeated, defeated at the hands of Nine Immortals Town, and a large number of Rakshasa pirates became prisoners.

This result is bound to anger the Rakshasa pirates.

As a last resort, the nine city lords gathered on the ship to discuss how to deal with the subsequent problems.

As the host, City Lord Wang was a little worried: "This time we join forces to destroy one of the three major camps led by the demon girl. Will it attract the anger of King Rakshasa and come to us personally?"

His worries were not unnecessary. He had been around the entire Blood Sea War Zone for decades. Although he had never seen the Rakshasa King in person, he had heard of the Rakshasa King's reputation.

"If King Rakshasa comes in person, I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with."

City Lord Zhuge frowned and said calmly.

"I'm not worried that the Rakshasa King will attack our fairy town. What I'm worried about is that we are going to explore the ancient Purple Sword Immortal Palace. If we are caught by the Rakshasa King halfway, it will probably be very disadvantageous."

City Lord Wang said with concern.

The strength of King Rakshasa at the golden elixir stage is like a mountain that suppresses the hearts of all the foundation-building monks. With their current strength, they cannot be shaken at all.

"This Rakshasa King has established a Wild Fairy Town on his own, and his strength is extraordinary. With our current strength, even if we have three hundred powerful sea cavalry, we will never be able to match this Rakshasa King. If we go straight on, it will be easy for the Rakshasa King to discover our destination. We have to think of a countermeasure to confuse this master of the Golden Core Stage."

Lord Zhuge said.

These words were approved by all the city lords.

The ruins of the ancient Purple Sword Immortal Palace are really important. It is related to whether Nine Immortals Town can quickly develop into a powerful Immortal Town, or even be promoted to an Immortal City.

Once the ruins of the Immortal Palace are exposed, the Rakshasa King will definitely take it for himself at all costs.

By that time, all their efforts in Nine Immortals Town will be in vain and all their efforts will be in vain. In order to excavate the ruins of the Purple Sword Immortal Palace this time, they have invested huge sums of money and even used their family wealth. If they fail, they may never be able to turn around.

"What Zhuge City Lord said makes sense, so how can we divert the attention of the Rakshasa King? The Rakshasa King is not so easily confused."

Tong Yuan, the lord of Tong's Immortal Town, who had been silent all this time, spoke up for the first time.

Everyone also understands this truth. King Rakshasa is able to independently run Yexian Town. In terms of wisdom and means, it is beyond the reach of ordinary city lords.

City Lord Zhuge gradually relaxed his brows, stroking his beard with one hand, and said, "I have an idea, maybe I can get away with it."


City Lord Chen asked impatiently.

Zhuge City Lord suggested: "Let's break it up into parts. We divide our troops into nine groups. Each City Lord leads his own immortal guards to set off from different directions and act separately. The Rakshasa pirates don't know our true purpose.

If anyone is targeted by the Rakshasa King, lure him away as far away as possible. This will make it easier for the rest of the people to move.

Other fairy towns went to the island of the native tribe discovered by Lord Ye City to join together. After we gather the rest of the fairy towns, we will secretly go to the deep sea ruins together. After the ruins of the Purple Sword Immortal Palace are excavated, a portion of it will be given to the city lord who did not participate in the excavation. There are huge benefits for everyone.”

"I agree with Lord Zhuge's suggestion. This method is indeed feasible."

"I agree too"

The city lords decided to follow the proposal of the city lord Zhuge.

More than a dozen large ships were divided into nine routes, led by the city lord of each fairy town, and headed in different directions first. After a few days, if you are not targeted by the Rakshasa King, then head to the Purple Sword Immortal Palace and the nearby native island.

The witch took several pirate leaders and fled in embarrassment to a desert island, where they settled temporarily.

The witch felt desolate in her heart.

The casualties this time were too heavy. More than a hundred of her Kraken Shark Cavalrymen who were in the foundation-building stage were either killed or captured. Even among the dozen or so most effective leaders, only four or five were left to follow her.

The demon woman's heart is bleeding, these people are all her strength, and now they are all gone. Although there are still some Qi-training pirates left in the branch camp, they are of no use at all.

The demon goddess was emotionally exhausted. She leaned on a boulder and looked at the remaining men in front of her. All of them were injured. A feeling of desolation and despair rose from the bottom of her heart.

"Chief, we were jointly besieged by Jiuxian Town and suffered a disastrous defeat. What should we do next?"

The King Kong leader was a little hesitant, worried about offending the demon girl, but he still gritted his teeth and said.

The other leaders all looked at the witch.

The demon girl's red eyes lost their previous light, and she looked confused: "Where else can we go?"

As one of the three leaders of the Rakshasa pirates, she failed in the entire battle because of her poor decision-making.

There is no other place to go except to find the Rakshasa King.

But she didn't have the face to see the Rakshasa King, and she didn't dare to go.

The loss this time was too great. Even though she was one of the three most relied-upon leaders of King Rakshasa, she did not expect King Rakshasa to forgive her easily. Punishment is inevitable, and life may even be lost.

Unless she can save the situation and make atonement, the Rakshasa King can forgive her.

"Wait a minute, maybe I can go find them both."

The enchantress's delicate body moved slightly, her eyes flashed red, and an evil spirit emanated from her body, and she seemed to have regained some vitality.

"Ye Mo, there are eight other fairy towns, you are waiting for me, the demon girl will not be defeated so easily.

The witch secretly swore in her heart that she could only wash away this shame with blood.

Standing up suddenly, the demon girl endured the severe pain all over her body and did not pay attention to the injuries. She said in a cold voice: "Let's go find reinforcements."

"Chief, where should we find reinforcements?"

Several pirate leaders said in surprise.

"Go to the two leaders Hong Mei and Green Man. And we have to do it quickly. We must use their power to rescue the captured brothers and restore some of our strength."

The witch said coldly.

The pirate leaders were immediately overjoyed. If the other two Rakshasa leaders were willing to take action, it would definitely not be a problem to rescue their captured companions.

Half a day later, on a huge island.

This island is full of spiritual energy. It is full of spiritual trees and strange flowers and plants. I am afraid that this island can be regarded as a good spiritual island in the entire Blood Sea War Zone.

This place is only a thousand miles away from King Rakshasa's Yexian Town, not too far. Although the Rakshasa pirates were openly stationed here, no one dared to cause trouble.

This is the branch camp of the Red Rose leader.

As for the leader of Green Man, the demon girl has sent a pirate leader to invite her to meet Hongmei, saying that she has important matters to discuss.

The witch and others appeared near the island and immediately alerted the pirate guards on the island, who rushed out to question them.

But when they saw the ruthless witch wearing a mask, they were all taken aback, and their attitudes immediately became respectful.

The witch was obviously not in the mood to argue with them, so she asked a pirate to report the news, while she led several of her leaders to the island.

On this island, the pirates' residences are much more luxurious, with city walls, continuous bluestone houses, and even streets, just like a fairy town.

After a while, the witch came to a palace on the island, called the guards, and asked to see the leader of Hong Mei.

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