King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Disaster on a Deserted Island Chapter 247: Five Elements Formation Plate

Countless golden swords roared in, and a tsunami erupted in the vast ocean. The layers of huge waves were like the sky turning upside down, smashing down fiercely. The world was shaking and turning, and huge rocks were flying. In the sea of ​​fire, the fire snakes seemed to come alive and roared to the sky.

Ye Mo had been trapped in this inexplicable formation for half an hour, his body was covered in blood and he was exhausted.

But the Golden Spirit Sword in his hand still emitted a brilliant golden light, shattering the sword light and spells that attacked from all around.

The sharpness of gold is indestructible, the vastness of water is boundless, the heat of fire burns everything, the thickness of earth shakes the earth, and the vitality of wood destroys everything. The world in this formation is wonderful, and the destructive power is endless, and it will not stop until death.

Ye Mo fought against this mysterious formation power with his own strength.

However, his power was too small to shake this endless power at all, even if he exhausted his magic power. He had countless wounds of all sizes, ice spikes, fire burns, and sword marks on his body.

After defeating a wave of flames, he was bleeding profusely, half-kneeling on the ground, looking exhausted, and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

"Damn it, what kind of formation is this, it's so powerful"

Ye Mo felt a little scared.

He had tried every way to break out. But this formation had no exit, and five killing formations appeared in turn, and it seemed that they would not stop until death.

However, although Ye Mo was afraid, he was not desperate.

He touched the mysterious ancient painting scroll in his arms, which was his last life-saving killer, indestructible by water and fire.

Although he was covered with scars, the ancient painting scroll was not damaged at all. It shows that this terrifying killing formation could not hurt this ancient painting scroll.

Just when Ye Mo's mana and physical strength were almost completely exhausted, the ancient painting scroll suddenly emitted a soft glow.


Ye Mo was directly taken into the ancient painting. The power of the formation outside could no longer threaten him.

The whole ancient painting burst out with a strong light, which was as dazzling as the scorching sun in the sky, covering all the light.

The chaotic spiritual energy of the golden sword, tsunami, earthquake, fire snake, etc. in the formation calmed down in an instant.


In this ancient underwater medicine garden, a mysterious disc flew out from the ground where the phoenix wood was originally located. It spun around and was collected by the ancient painting scroll.

Ye Mo entered the ancient painting fairy town and quickly treated his injuries. It took him an hour to gradually recover.

A Li, A Zhi and the little fire crow were all looking at him nervously.

"What are you guys staring at me for?"

Ye Mo said with a smile.

A Li was full of charm and asked curiously: "Master, what did you bring in again? There is a very strange thing behind our fairy town."

Ye Mo was slightly stunned and asked in confusion: "What is it?"

Under the leadership of A Li, Ye Mo quickly came to a vacant land behind the ancient painting fairy town, and saw a huge disc suddenly appeared here.

The entire disc is about several feet in size, with dense patterns and a large number of mysterious symbols carved on it.

There are five spirit beads in five different colors on the disc, including gold, green, blue, red, and khaki, emitting five powerful spiritual energies.

"This is what is engraved on it, which should be a formation. Is this the formation disc I was trapped in before?"

Ye Mo was surprised.

He has never seen this thing before, but he can speculate that it should be something like a formation, very similar to the teleportation formation in Ye's Immortal Town.

Looking more carefully, you can find that the large number of mysterious symbols on the disc are strangely connected together under the infusion of the spiritual energy of these spirit beads. Near this formation disc, you can clearly feel the rich five elements of spiritual energy.

The countless rune patterns on this disc seem to outline a complex and powerful formation, but Ye Mo did not understand what formation it is.

He found two lines of small characters in the center of the disc.

"Big Five Elements Gathering Spirit Array"

"Five Elements Reversal Array"

Ye Mo silently read the words above.

"Big Five Elements Gathering Spirit Array, I wonder what the effect is?"

He frowned and thought about it, a little confused.

The Gathering Spirit Array was only seen in ancient times. It is said that with the help of the Gathering Spirit Array, the surrounding spiritual environment can be changed, and any cultivator can quickly practice in this array.

But this kind of array is rarely passed down in this era, and it is unexpected that it appears here.

The more Ye Mo looked at it, the more strange it felt. He reached out and gently touched the rune marks.

Suddenly, the disc seemed to turn, and some of the originally dim runes suddenly seemed to be activated. A stream of spiritual energy quickly came out of the Five Elements Spirit Pearl, connecting all the lit rune marks.

Instantly, changes occurred.

A group of five-colored light burst out from it, covering Ye Mo's entire body. In this group of five-colored light, thousands of mysterious rune marks appeared densely, as if they had consciousness and drilled into his body.

And on the five spirit beads, each burst out a group of spiritual energy, shooting towards Ye Mo and drilling into Ye Mo's body.

"Five-element spiritual energy is very pure. For people who cultivate immortals, this pure spiritual energy is more pure than the spiritual energy absorbed from heaven and earth. Let's try to see if it can let me practice."

Ye Mo was a little surprised and tried to run Hunyuan Gong.

After this test, he immediately showed his joy.

As the Hunyuan Gong technique was running, Ye Mo's limbs and bones all relaxed, and all the acupuncture points and pores on his body opened up, and began to absorb the five elements of spiritual energy that permeated around the spirit gathering array.

Suddenly, the five elements of spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array seemed to have found an outlet, and like a tide, it rushed directly into Ye Mo's body.

Almost forcibly poured in, a large amount of five elements of spiritual energy entered from the pores of his limbs, merged into the eight meridians, and finally all poured into the dantian. Moreover, this spiritual energy was extremely violent and chaotic.

Ye Mo felt a little out of control. This spiritual energy came too violently, and even he himself did not expect that this idea, which was originally just a try, could not be stopped anymore.

An unprecedented swelling feeling came from his body. He felt that the spiritual energy in his body was more abundant than ever before, and it was still increasing.

And he could clearly feel that his physical strength was rapidly becoming stronger, the meridians in his body were forcibly expanded, and the spiritual energy in his dantian was gathering more and more dense. In the end, there was even a trace of liquid formation.

Ye Mo's eyes widened. Now everything in his body was completely out of his control. The Hunyuan Gong technique was practicing for him on its own, naturally and smoothly, ethically and naturally in line with the way of heaven and earth.

"No, if this goes on, I will be blown up"

Ye Mo hurriedly closed his pores that absorbed spiritual energy, cut off the communication between Hunyuan Gong and the external spiritual energy, and vented all the excess spiritual energy.

Ye Mo finally controlled the spiritual energy in his body with great difficulty, and he couldn't help but feel a lingering fear. It seems that absorbing too much and too quickly from the outside world may not be a good thing.

Gradually, Ye Mo felt that his body had recovered, and Hunyuan Gong had stopped running. At the Dantian, five streams of spiritual energy were swirling in a clear and distinct manner, and he could feel the unparalleled power from them.

Ye Mo finished his training and stood up, his eyes shining with divine light. The whole person looked full of spiritual energy, like a sharp sword, full of energy.

The three beasts were still watching him.

A Li asked excitedly: "Master, what is this? The master seems to have changed a lot, and looks full of spiritual energy."

The little fire crow also felt the change in Ye Mo's breath, and immediately recovered his spirit, flapped his wings, and ran to Ye Mo's side.

"This is the formation disk, used to set up the formation"

Ye Mo smiled.

After playing with the three beasts for a while, he left the Ancient Painting Fairy Town.

Ye Mo returned to the Ancient Medicine Garden again, but the original formation was no longer there at this time. It seems that after the formation disk was collected by Gu Hua, it had no effect in the outside world.

Under the original formation disk, a cave was actually exposed.

The cave was only big enough for one person to enter and exit, and there was no light inside, but for a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building, he could still see clearly in the dark.

The stone wall of the cave was flat and smooth, and seemed to be man-made, not naturally formed.

Ye Mo walked along the stone wall curiously into the cave.

On the stone wall here, there was a picture of Xu Guxiu fighting with the demon race.

A group of cultivators in Taoist robes from the Purple Sword Immortal Palace were fighting against the overwhelming monsters, including the ferocious demon cultivators and the sinister ghosts.

The battle was very tragic, and countless cultivators died in this battle. Countless immortal palaces were destroyed, and blood flowed, dyeing a sea red.

There was a painting that deeply attracted Ye Mo. The picture was a large formation launched by the cultivators of the Purple Sword Immortal Palace, with flying swords flying all over the sky, lightning flashing, and thousands of flying swords blasting countless demon cultivators into slag.

The Purple Sword Immortal Palace's protective formation - "Thunderbolt Immortal-Destroying Sword Formation"

This sword formation is extremely powerful and has the power to destroy immortals.

However, the last few pictures in these pictures show that the sword formation of the Purple Sword Immortal Palace was finally broken by the demon clan alliance.

The painting wall ended, but the stone cave was not over yet.

Ye Mo continued to walk forward and went deeper into the cave for dozens of feet. He saw an invisible five-color light wall blocking the way. This light wall looked very gentle.

"This should be a light wall formed by the five elements of spiritual energy."

Ye Mo guessed secretly. He stretched out his hand and pushed the light wall, trying to use the five elements of spiritual energy to resonate with the spiritual energy of the light wall.

Without any obstruction, he successfully entered the light wall.

"Sure enough, I have the five elements of spiritual energy, and this light wall will not block my entry at all."

Ye Mo passed the light wall and found that the hole was not big. The length and width were only about ten feet. There was only a simple table and stone bench inside.

There was also a monk's skeleton, which was golden in color, and he was wearing a purple Taoist robe and sitting cross-legged. It didn't look like the skeleton of an ordinary low-level monk, but a monk with extremely high cultivation.

"This should be an ancient monk from the Purple Sword Immortal Palace?"

Ye Mo walked in front of the skeleton and couldn't help but be surprised. It was the first time he had actually seen the skeleton left behind by an ancient monk from ten thousand years ago.

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