King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 257: Treasure Hunt

Ye Mo's eyes swept across this side hall. In such a hall, the ancient monks took away a lot of things in a hurry, but they did not leave anything behind.

He searched for a while, and his eyes fell on an inconspicuous stone platform in the middle of the hall.

There is a square mark on the stone platform, and it seems that a large vessel should have been placed on it. However, the utensil above was missing, leaving only an empty table.

Ye Mo walked over and fumbled around on the stone platform, feeling the lines of the square marks on his hands.

Soon, he felt that the square mark was obviously different from the stone platforms on all sides, as if it felt a little sunken, and there was a slight gap in the square mark.

He tried to stretch out his palm, put it in the center of the square mark, and pressed it down with great force. Soon, the sunken square mark sank down again.


The stone platform made a soft sound.

Ye Mo was slightly surprised. He felt that something that could be hidden like this must be extraordinary.

The palm force in his hand continued to increase, and the square stone immediately sank. As it sank, a hidden grid appeared on the stone platform.

Ye Mo reached into the secret compartment and took a small yellow book into his hand.

Perhaps because it was buried deep here for many years, the booklet is slightly yellowed, but it is not broken.

When Gao Jian, Wang Hu and others saw that Ye Mo had found a yellow booklet, they couldn't help but gathered around to see what good thing he had found.

"Brother Ye, what is this? It looks like a secret book."

Wang Hu's eyes lit up.

"I don't know, let's see"

Ye Mo remained calm and opened the first page.

It was different from what he had imagined. It was not some secret manual for cultivating immortals. There are many pictures drawn on it, as well as a large number of formation runes.

After a while, Ye Mo closed the book page with a snap and exhaled.

"What is it?"

Wang Hu was still curious and asked.

“See for yourself”

Ye Mo smiled and his expression returned to his natural state. He gave this ancient book to Wang Hu and others.

Driven by curiosity, everyone looked at it one after another.

They saw images of different shapes inside, towers of different shapes, and some spiritual cannons, some of which even they had never seen before. As the pages turned over, different changes appeared in those patterns.

"Is this a magic tower from ancient times?"

“At that time, we were able to do something so sophisticated!”

Everyone became more and more frightened as they watched.

Wang Hu scratched his head, not too interested.

Chang Fei sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that the weapon refining technology in ancient times could reach such a level. It's so powerful."

"These are all the most primitive ancient magic towers. If my guess is correct, the magic towers in various fairy cities are inherited from that period."

Ye Mo reached out and took the booklet.

His mind was spinning rapidly. The ancient original drawings of these magic towers were obviously very important. As long as you master it, Ye's Fairy Town's defense will be much stronger.

Ye's Fairy Town needs to arrange special monks to study this magic tower.

The spell tower is a very special instrument. Its power is huge, driven by spiritual stones, far exceeding ordinary magical weapons of the same level. However, because the carved formation is too bulky to move, Yu Jian was set up as a fixed fort.

Building a large number of spell towers can greatly make up for the lack of manpower among monks.

Not only that, this booklet also records a spell tower besides the Five Elements and Three Wonders - the dark spell tower.

The Five Elements and Three Wonders are great auras, and human monks can master their use. However, only dark spiritual energy can be mastered by ghost monks.

But in this booklet, the art of making a dark magic tower appeared, which shocked Ye Mo.

"In my Ye's Fairy Town, there are no talents who know how to build magic towers. This is a bit troublesome."

Ye Mo fell into a brief thought.

Except for his most trusted subordinates to study the original drawing of such a powerful magic tower, he would never leave it to an unknown person to make, but in Ye's Fairy Town, there are almost no such monks.

Ye Mo put away the booklet and put aside the matter of the spell tower.

However, this matter should not be rushed for now, and we will consider it slowly in the future.

Ye Mo searched for a while and found nothing else, so he decided to take everyone out of the side hall and search elsewhere.

Just as they were exiting, Wang Hu suddenly accidentally touched an inconspicuous candlestick beside the door. The spiritual candle on this candlestick had completely disappeared, and there were still pieces of wax oil on it. After thousands of years, it had completely withered. .


The candlestick made a soft sound, which immediately attracted Ye Mo's attention.


Ye Mo stared at the candlestick and stopped the other people.

Ye Mo gently pressed his hand to the base under the candlestick and touched it. He slowly turned it left and right, and the candlestick immediately made a "click" sound.

On one side of the candlestick, a dark and narrow passage was revealed. It was silent inside and had obviously been abandoned for a long time.

"A secret passage to the Immortal Palace?"

"There is actually this thing in the fairy palace. Is it used to escape?"

Several of them were immediately surprised.

I don't know where this passage leads. It's all dark inside, without any light.

"Go in and see if you can find anything."

Ye Mo walked directly to the depths of the passage. With his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, the environment here did not affect his vision, and he could still see clearly.

He reached out and touched the walls on both sides, and found that they were very flat. They should be made of hard stones without any gaps. I don’t know what the Purple Sword Palace built such a passage for.

For half an incense stick of time, the five of them walked in this passage. There was no other sound in the whole passage. It was terribly quiet. Only their footsteps stepped on the ground, making slight and tiny sounds.

Finally, a ray of light appeared in front.

Ye Mo was happy, and finally saw the exit.

Before he walked to the exit, Ye Mo smelled a strong bloody smell.

Gao Jian and others suddenly changed their faces.

"Be careful of changes"

Ye Mo said cautiously to the others, first from the exit of the passage, holding the flying sword, half of his body stretched out, and found that this was actually in mid-air.

Below was a spacious palace corridor, where five or six monks in different costumes were lying on the ground in all directions. One monk was nailed to the wall by a flying sword, and blood was all over the ground.

Ye Mo was stunned when he saw this scene.

These five or six people were all foundation-building monks who entered the Immortal Palace to search for treasures. From their clothes, it can be seen that they were two monks from the Five Strong Town and three scattered monks.

Another monk was seriously injured, his pupils were already dilated, and he was not completely dead yet. Blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth, but he could no longer speak. There was a deep sword mark and a dark mark on his chest, and the blood dyed the black mark red.

In his hand, he was still holding a brocade box tightly, and he didn't know what treasure was inside that made him want to hold it in his hand even at the cost of his life.

"They are fighting for the treasure"

Wang Hu said in a low voice.

"There are probably quite a few cultivators who want to fight for the treasures in this fairy palace."

"It seems that they are both losing."

Gao Jian, Chang Fei and others nodded in agreement. The tragic scene in front of them was obviously a fight between the five strong town cultivators and several independent cultivators for the treasures of the fairy palace.

Ye Momo took the brocade box from the thin man's hand. He didn't know what was inside that made the two groups of cultivators plunder frantically regardless of their lives.

The brocade box was covered with a layer of prohibition, but after ten thousand years, this prohibition has become very weak.

Easily breaking the prohibition, Ye Mo opened the brocade box.

There was only a crystal clear vessel inside, which seemed to be made of jade, but it was not like it. A warm breath was transmitted from the vessel. It made Ye Mo feel comfortable physically and mentally, and he was very excited in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I don't know what this three-legged vessel is, it actually has a refreshing effect on the soul."

Ye Mo was slightly surprised.

This unexpected little treasure made him very satisfied.

He ignored the corpses.

"Let's go"

Ye Mo calmed down a little, and took Gao Jian, Wang Hu, Chang Fei, A Jin and others to leave the passage directly.

He didn't know how many passages he had walked through, but there was no end, just like entering a maze. At the end of each passage, there were always several forks, leading to different directions, extending in all directions, and no trace could be found.

They walked on their intuition, and finally walked out of the passage after several hours.

In front of them was a somewhat dilapidated ancient temple, which seemed to have been abandoned for a long time and sat alone here. There was no plaque, no gate, and the surrounding walls were slightly cracked and seriously damaged.

Ye Mo went directly into the ancient temple.

There were tablets in the ancient temple, and there were many majestic statues of ancient monks. It seemed to be a place like the ancestral temple of the successive palace masters of the Purple Sword Fairy Palace.

He looked up and saw a stone platform in the middle of the ancient hall. On the high stone platform was a scroll.

"What is this?"

Ye Mo had some doubts. He went up to the stone platform and took down the scroll.

The whole scroll was golden. The two main parts were made of ten thousand year old agarwood. The scroll was made of neither gold nor iron. It was unknown what material it was made of.

Ye Mo slowly opened the scroll. A series of exquisite pictures appeared in front of him. There were many words next to these pictures. From these words, Ye Mo knew what the scroll meant.

The first chapter of the scroll recorded that in ancient times, the human race was invaded by the demon race. The Tiandao League, including the "Purple Sword Fairy Palace", fought hard. The East Sea demon race joined the Western Region ghost race and the Northern Region spirit race to attack the human continent.

The latter part of the scroll did not record the battle between the Tiandao League and the thirty-six demon tribes in the East Sea, but unexpectedly recorded a legendary secret of the four realms.

The Four Realms are four mysterious worlds that are circulated among the human race today. According to legend, they are the high-level interfaces that cultivators enter after breaking through. They are the Eastern Ancient Demon Realm, the Western Ghost Realm, the Northern Abyss Spirit Realm, and the most mysterious Immortal Realm.

These four mysterious worlds are still a legend in the Immortal Cultivation World.

No one has ever seen anyone ascend to these worlds.

Among the known strong men in the East Sea Immortal Cultivation World, the strongest are the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, and there are very few of them. Even for them, these four realms are out of reach.

However, in this scroll, it is recorded in detail that these four realms really exist, and tens of thousands of years ago, there were indeed cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World who reached that level and successfully entered other realms.

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