King of the Fairy City

Volume 3: Advancement to the Immortal Town Chapter 270: Blood Sea Monster Crow

Ye Mo released his flying sword and prepared to deal with the three fastest Blood Sea Demon Crows himself.

"Master, be careful. Those demon crows are rotten demon beasts derived from the dark system. Do not fight them in close combat, otherwise they will be contaminated with corpse poison and you will be in trouble."

Ali said.

"Dark type, are they ghost beasts?"

Ye Mo said in surprise.

The dark element is exclusive to the ghost clan in the world of cultivation. Even the "Five Elements and Three Miracles Sword Art" he practiced himself, although it has all the five elements and three wonders, it lacks the dark element alone.

"It's not a pure ghost race, it's one of the derivative races of the ghost race. It's very dirty."

Ali said in disgust.

"Derived race?"

Ye Mo was very surprised.

"Yes, these demon crows will lay eggs on dead corpses and hatch on the corpses. Whether these corpses are human or demon clan, it is required that they cannot die for more than seven days. The demon crows will hatch within seven days and then be born. The young demon crow will feed on the internal organs of the corpse. When the young demon crow eats the entire corpse, it will be able to survive independently."

Ali said.

Ye Mo couldn't help but shudder as he thought of an ugly young demon crow emerging from a corpse.

"They are different from the ghost tribe. They are not really dead creatures, but they are also half-corrupted. Their bodies are full of strong corpse poison. Such rotten beasts are often driven by ghost tribe monks and are not easy to deal with."

Ali added.

"Well, here we come."

Ye Mo understood somewhat, nodded, and looked closely at the sky.

The little fire crow has already gone to contain the three thousand-legged demon centipede. The three Blood Sea Demon Crows seemed to have a strong interest in it and rushed towards the Little Fire Crow. The distance was getting closer and closer. In just a few breaths, the Little Fire Crow would be overtaken by the three Demon Crows.

Ye Mo was shocked and controlled the lightning flying sword to shoot towards the little fire crow.

"Thunder Net Technique"

The next moment, blue lightning flashed in the sky, and a thunder net that spread more than thirty feet suddenly appeared in the sky.

The three demon crows immediately fled in a hurry. However, flying at high speed in the sky, it is impossible to retreat at any time, let alone in front of the thunder spell known as the instantaneous spell.

The three demon crows just fluttered their wings and turned, and were enveloped by the thunder net.

They let out a horrifying cry, and then their whole bodies were flashed by thunder and lightning. A burst of charred smoke suddenly appeared from the monster body with corpse poison, and it fell towards the ground. Although it only fell seven or eight feet, it stabilized its figure again.

Lei Fa is the nemesis of all ghost clans. It also has a powerful suppressive effect on evil things such as rotten beasts.

Ye Mo pinched the magic spell with his hand, and the thunder method in the "Five Elements and Three Wonderful Sword Art" was activated.

Ye Mo's whole body made a crackling sound at this moment, and the arc thunder filled with destructive aura spread and gathered on the flying sword, turning into a huge thunder sword in the blink of an eye.

He and the three golden eagles blocked the way of the Blood Sea Demon Crow. The little fire crow finally got rid of the demon crow and went to contain the thousand-legged demon centipede alone.


When the three demon crows saw Ye Mo holding a thunder flying sword, they were frightened and furious, and fiercely slapped their bare, ugly and smelly giant wings. A strong corpse poison suddenly spread around them.

This kind of zombie-like monks is very difficult to deal with. You have to use the most violent real fire or thunder to eliminate them.


Ye Mo took a deep breath and poured all his mana into the flying sword, turning into a giant thunder sword and slashing at one of the demon crows.

The three golden eagles pounced on the other two demon crows.


The giant sword pierced the air and passed through a Blood Sea Demon Crow with boundless power. The demon crow was directly turned into ashes by the burst of thunder in the air, and it could not even stop the giant sword turned by thunder.

At the moment when the demon crow was destroyed, Ye Mo, who had almost lost all his magic power from the sword, almost fell from the air.

"Master, are you okay?"

Ali said a little worried.

"I'm fine"

Ye Mo shook his head.

He turned to look at Sanjin, who were inextricably fighting against the two-headed demon Wu. Although the number of demon crows is smaller than that of golden eagles, they are one level higher, and the corpse poison of demon crows has begun to affect the three golds.

Ye Mo didn't dare to neglect. After recovering a little, he immediately took action and teamed up with the three golden eagles to eliminate the three demon crows.

Upon seeing this, the little fire crow immediately got rid of the three thousand-legged demon centipedes and fled back in a hurry.

In this trial space, there are only four one-horned jade rhinoceros and three thousand-legged demon centipede left, and Ah Zhi is still dealing with the four one-horned jade rhinoceros.

After the one-horned jade rhinoceros reaches adulthood, its general strength is between the seventh and eighth levels. It can be said that as long as it lives to adulthood, it will be a golden elixir level monster. Fortunately, the four jade rhinoceros in front of them are just cubs in a real sense, and their strength is only in the middle stage of foundation building.

The Jade Rhinoceros is as hard to break as the strongest jade, and its strength even exceeds that of magical weapons of the same level.

"Ali, don't be lazy, hurry up and support Aji"

Ye Mo changed his flying sword and glanced at Alidao.

Ali pouted, then stepped forward and slapped a jade rhinoceros hard. The sharp claws drew a series of sparks on the jade rhinoceros' hard head.

The jade rhinoceros roared in pain, flew its hooves, and slammed into Ah Li.

The next moment, the sword technique in Ye Mo's hand suddenly changed, and the blue ice sword was suddenly covered with white flames. When the flames on the flying sword slowly changed from white to black, it suddenly moved towards Yu Xi's head. With a wave of his hand.


On the jade rhino, the solid jade skin suddenly exploded in the violent alternation of cold and heat, and then, the ten-foot-long head was cut open by the long sword in Ye Mo's hand, and red and white things were scattered all over the sky.

Ye Mo killed a jade rhino with a sword, and Ah Li over there also fought against another one-horned jade rhino

Ye Mo stood aside.

This was the first time he saw Ah Li fighting with other monsters head-on. During the first trial, Ah Li was just waving flags and shouting, and did not directly participate in the battle.


Ah Li flexibly avoided the horn of the jade rhino, and slapped the jade rhino's eyebrows with a heavy claw, splashing countless sparks.

The angry jade rhino hit Ah Li again and again.

However, its petite body was too agile and swift. In contrast, the bulky body of the one-horned jade rhino could not catch up with its agility and speed. Even if it was a monster of the same level, this jade rhino was no match for A-li.


A-li easily dodged another collision, and the jade rhino roared.


Within the radius of dozens of feet around the jade rhino, hundreds of earth spears about ten feet long and as thick as bowls broke through the ground. For a moment, the entire ground turned into a stone forest of earth spears.

A-li finally failed to dodge and was enveloped by this earth magic.


Ye Mo was startled and was about to take action.

"Huh, you dare to stab me, I'm so angry!"

A dissatisfied cry came from the stone forest, and the next moment, it turned into a roar, and invisible energy rushed out of its petite body.

With A-li as the center, like a thunder ball that suddenly exploded, the earth spears around it rolled back one after another, and countless broken earth spears hit the ground around them heavily.


Ali stared at the jade rhino in front of her, and her eyes suddenly shone brightly, full of charm and magic.

"Charm spell"

Ye Mo was secretly amazed. This spell did not belong to any of the five elements, three wonders and one dark nine attributes, but was a magical spiritual mind control spell.

And it was a spell unique to the fox clan, which other monsters did not know at all.

The one-horned jade rhino that broke through the stone forest was looking at Ali, and its consciousness suddenly fell into a brief confusion. The huge monster body relied on inertia to rush towards the place where Ali was originally standing.

Ali dodged sideways at the moment when the jade rhino rushed over, and a pair of sharp claws did not hesitate to imprint on the vital part of the jade rhino's eyebrows.


The harsh sound of bones breaking exploded, and the entire head was shattered by the shock.

The one-horned jade rhino rushed forward weakly for more than ten steps, and its huge pupils lost focus, and then staggered and fell to the ground.

Another one-horned jade rhino was solved.


Ye Mo looked at the battlefield.

The last two jade rhinos were no longer a threat. Three golden eagles, little fire crows, and sea monster horses went up to besiege them.

Azhi was freed from the battle and was obviously much more relaxed.

It flew high in the sky, its yellow phoenix feathers were dazzling, its gorgeous tail wings dragged across the sky, and its sharp eyes stared coldly at the three new opponents on the ground - the thousand-footed demon centipedes.

The three thousand-footed demon centipedes screamed at the sky in anxiety, a little afraid.

For the thousand-footed demon centipedes, the birds are their natural enemies. As the leader of the birds, the phoenix is ​​an extremely terrifying existence. Facing natural enemies, they can only exert their strength.

Ye Mo was looking forward to it.


Azhi swooped down and cried, and the huge demon body suddenly drew a beautiful arc in the air with the # plane as the tangent.

The Earth Talisman Pheasant swooped down again. Before its huge figure landed on the ground, the strong wind pressure had already caused a flurry of sand and rocks on the ground. The three thousand-legged demon centipedes on the ground suddenly panicked.

The natural enemy came, and the three thousand-legged demon centipedes bounced under the strong pressure, leaped up five or six feet and bit over, aiming directly at Ah Zhi's abdomen.

The abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the bird race. If the three thousand-legged demon centipedes succeed, Ah Zhi will probably capsize in the gutter this time.

Ye Mo was shocked.

The cultivators will not really die in this trial space, but what about the death of the demon beasts they carry with them? This point was not mentioned by the Purple Dragon Sword Immortal, and Ye Mo did not dare to make this bet.


I saw a yellowish-brown aura shield suddenly floated on Ah Zhi's body. The aura shield was circular, with Ah Zhi as the center, spreading out to the surroundings, and completely wrapped Ah Zhi together.

The three thousand-legged demon centipedes were about to touch Ah Zhi's abdomen, and they hit the oncoming spiritual shield fiercely.

"Is this the Luan tribe's defensive spell?"

Ye Mo looked at the little fox on the side in surprise.

"It should be."

Ah Li thought for a while: "Whether it is the nine-tailed spirit fox or the earth Luan, they are all inherited by blood. As long as the strength is reached, they can naturally master it."

Ye Mo just sighed softly about the unique advantages of these demon tribes.

When Ah Zhi flew into the air again, the body of a thousand-legged demon centipede had been torn apart by its claws and struggled desperately.

Seeing this, Ye Mo was completely relieved. The whole person simply sat cross-legged on the spot, replenishing the magic power lost in the previous battle, waiting for the battle to end.

The only two remaining thousand-legged demon centipedes were just ants to Ah Zhi.

A moment later, a jade platform suddenly opened in front of him.

Ye Mo nodded, staring at the opened jade box on the jade table. The jade box was about a foot long, with fine jade and fine brocade inside.

There were five golden pills in the jade box, which were as big as longan. Before he walked in, he could smell a faint sandalwood scent.

"What is this?"

Ye Mo was slightly surprised, a little hesitant, and didn't dare to confirm.

"The color is golden, the pill is like longan, and it smells strange - this is the golden pill"

Ye Mo opened his mouth wide, surprised and couldn't close his mouth.

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