King of the Fairy City

Volume 3: Advancement to Immortal Town Chapter 279: Enemy Attack

Liu Wen obediently stopped crying, pursed her lips and said, "Wenwen thought big brother would leave us alone."

Ye Mo laughed dumbly, and the uneasiness of deviating from the waterway was somewhat diluted. He squatted on the ground and chatted with the two brothers and sisters about some interesting things.

Liu Xin was encouraged to learn that Ye Mo came from the Nine Provinces Continent and had to practice hard to achieve what he is today. Liu Xin was encouraged, and his eyes that originally seemed a little panicked became firmer.

After a full hour, the ship's hull gradually stabilized from the violent shaking, and Ye Mo decided to go out and take a look at the situation.

"Liu Xin, please protect your sister. I'm going out. No matter what happens, don't leave my defensive circle."

With his encouragement, Liu Xin firmly agreed and took Liu Wen into his arms again.

Ye Mo nodded and left the room with satisfaction. After locking the door, he walked straight towards the deck.

The storm subsided, the crew guarding the deck entrance had left, and many monks stepped onto the deck.

Ye Mo was dressed as a casual cultivator and had a restrained aura. In the eyes of ordinary people, he looked like an ordinary Qi-training cultivator. He did not attract much attention when he appeared.

"Old sir, can you tell where we are now?"

It's still the old man in brocade clothes in the lobby, but because of his previous explanation, he has attracted the attention of many passengers. At this moment, he is surrounded by a group of passengers asking about the current situation.

The old man in Jinyi was not proud of this, but looked worried. He looked at the surrounding sea in silence for a while, and then said:

"The most difficult thing to determine in the sea is to determine the direction, but don't worry, every passenger ship is equipped with a navigational device based on star positioning, so it can know its current position."

Although Ye Mo was still far away from the old man and the old man's voice was not loud, he could still hear these words clearly in his ears.

"This person is indeed experienced, but he doesn't know that positioning weapons also have grades. The higher the grade, the more accurate the positioning. If the grade of the passenger ship is too low, the hull will be pushed too far away by the storm. , even if it is a positioning magic weapon, I am afraid it will not have much effect unless it is a higher level positioning magic weapon.

Magical weapons are one level higher than spiritual weapons, and can more keenly capture the surrounding aura of heaven and earth for positioning. As the city lord, Ye Mo still has a little understanding of some basic equipment of ships and basic knowledge of navigation.

It was already late at night, the sea was pitch black, the sky was full of dark clouds, and the wind was surging.

It is temporarily impossible to rely on the stars for positioning. After escaping from the storm, the passenger ship stayed on the sea without any movement. It stopped sailing and obviously lost its position.

"It seems that the positioning tool has not worked. We can only determine the current position when the dark clouds dissipate and the stars are revealed." The old man in Jinyi waited for a long time. Seeing that the passenger ship had not moved, he finally couldn't help but sighed and said Tell the truth.

What the old man thought was similar to Ye Mo's guess. The sea area in the Blood Sea War Zone was really too big. It was impossible to determine the position in the unfamiliar sea area. It was better to stay quietly on the sea to avoid unnecessary dangers.

Ye Mo has been staying quietly on the deck, watching the surroundings with extreme caution, his consciousness spread out, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

"There are ships coming from afar, and there are more than one."

Ye Mo looked into the distance and said suddenly.

The surrounding Qi-training monks looked at Ye Mo with some surprise. Their eyes and consciousness were far less powerful than Ye Mo. There was nothing else in their ears except the sound of the sea breeze and waves.

"It's so dark in the distance, how can there be any ships?"

A muscular man complained dissatisfiedly.

"Maybe it's his first time on a sea ship. Don't worry about him. He's just a country bumpkin. He hasn't seen much of the world." The companion next to the strong man said disdainfully.

Although the two of them said this, they stood on the side of the ship and stared at the surrounding sea with wide eyes, fearing that Ye Mo would be wrong.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Just when the two of them were sure there was nothing unusual and were about to turn around and scold Ye Mo, dozens of crackling sounds suddenly came from the air.

Two dark javelin weapons burst out, and the tips of the spears emitted a little lavender light, which was obviously blessed by mana.

The two of them just looked dumbfounded before their bodies were penetrated by javelins one after another.

"Enemy attack, there is enemy attack"

There was an exclamation, followed by a harsh flute sound, and there was chaos on the deck.

There were many monks on the deck who were stabbed by javelins. Along with the sound of flutes, they let out bursts of heart-rending screams. Many monks made magic formulas in their hands, and groups of colorful mana light shields shone on the deck.

Ye Mo secretly shook his head while resisting the incoming javelin.

The actions of the monks on the deck to release spells are actually causing trouble. Using mana shields in the dark night will only become a living rake for the enemy.

Moreover, most of these monks' cultivation levels are not high, and their mana shield is only a thin piece. Except for a few people, most of the monks are unable to withstand the javelin weapons fired from them.

Soon, more javelins were fired at him, and Ye Mo casually saved a few Qi Refining Stage monks around him, but he was unable to do anything to deal with the crowd further away.

Ye Mo stretched out his hand and took a javelin that was coming towards him in an understatement. He held it in his hand and inspected it, his heart trembling slightly.

These javelins are all at the level of mid-level spiritual weapons. The metal at the tip of the spear is made of the red fire ore that Ye Mo is very familiar with. The tip of the spear is engraved with a miniature golden talisman array, which can greatly increase the damage of the javelin. force.

I am afraid that only monks in the late stage of Qi refining can avoid being broken through the shield by a javelin blow.

"This kind of javelin is expensive to make, and the identity of the invading ship is probably not simple."

Ye Mo pondered and raised his eyes to look high into the sky.

"It's the evil cultivators who are finished. It's the evil cultivators who have surrounded our ship."

In the watchtower above the deck, a crew member turned on a spiritual lamp for use in the dark, and finally found traces of the invading ship.

Through the exploration of his spiritual consciousness, Ye Mo has already seen that the ship is unusual. Although the size of the ship is only less than one-third of the passenger ship, it is fully armed and has a large number of cannons placed on the sides of the ship. The ghastly muzzles are at the moment. They all faced the passenger ship that Ye Mo was riding.

"It is really an evil force. It seems that our surrender will not help. Only by fighting to the death can we have a chance of survival."

Most of the passenger ship guards on the deck were in the late stages of Qi refining. When they heard the sentry detective’s affirmative tone, they all turned pale and sacrificed various spiritual weapons on their bodies.

"Everyone, since they are evil cultivators, you must also know that this group of people is cruel and murderous. Even if they are lucky enough to escape with their lives, they will be captured and taken to the wild city as slaves. You may as well join us to resist the evil cultivators. Invasion"

A tall middle-aged man with a dignified appearance, wearing a golden captain's uniform, strode up to the monks on the ship.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were more than 20 foundation-building monks wearing silver armor and holding magic swords. They were the elite guards of this passenger ship.

After stepping onto the deck, the captain did not hide the powerful aura on his body.

The captain's cultivation level is even slightly stronger than that of Ye Mo. He has reached the sixth level of the foundation building stage and is only one step away from entering the late stage of the foundation building stage.

The appearance of the captain immediately calmed the chaotic passengers on the deck. More than twenty foundation-building monks were a considerable fighting force in the Blood Sea battle zone. They seemed to have seen a glimmer of hope for survival.

"There are three warships in total, with at least forty foundation-building evil cultivators." Ye Mo frowned and looked into the distance. Under the light of the spiritual lamp, he could vaguely see the outlines of the three warships.

"Use all your strength to protect the ship formation. We must survive their first round of artillery attacks. Aim the spiritual fire cannon on the bow at the warship in front. Use full power to ram it for me and break through their siege."

The captain's calmness infected many people. The originally panicked crew members returned to their posts and were busy operating the passenger ship in an orderly manner.

"Although the passenger ship is equipped with not many spiritual artillery, it is still a force of combat and should be able to form a considerable deterrent. Moreover, the ship has a strong hull and is protected by a large array. It can withstand a burst of artillery attacks. As long as you break out of the encirclement, you can rely on these two With the combat power of more than a dozen foundation-building monks and numerous Qi-refining monks, there is still a possibility of escape."

Ye Mo was a little impressed by the captain's commanding skills.

As the crew members began to perform their duties, light blue light spots lit up around the ship's hull. Teams of crew members rushed to these light spots, using magic techniques in their hands to pour mana into the light spots.

After a while, the light spots everywhere on the ship became brighter and brighter. The captain standing in the middle of the deck took out a disk from his arms and began to mutter something.

"Array Disk"

Ye Mo took a brief look and found that the disk in the captain's hand was somewhat similar to his own Five Elements Formation disk, but it was slightly smaller, only the size of a palm, and the runes engraved on it were obviously much simpler.

"Canglan Water Stop Formation, open"

The captain shouted loudly, and the formation plate in his hand emitted a bright blue light pillar, which rushed straight into the sky and connected end to end with a blue light point above the sentry tower. The sound was so powerful that it caused the surrounding monks to exclaim.

As the light pillar appeared, the blue light spots around the hull also brightened, turning into thin blue lines connected to the top of the sentry tower in an arc.

When all the blue arcs jumped into the sky, the formation was fully activated. With a "buzz" sound, a semicircular blue mana barrier directly protected the entire hull within it.

"Among the five elements of magic, the defense of earth magic is the most powerful. The water spirit is the weakest. But on the sea, the water spirit is rich, and it is the strongest shield. Facing the attack of spiritual artillery, the defense effect of the water magic circle is only Afraid of getting worse"

Ye Mo nodded secretly. During this period of time, he had been studying the "Five Elements Formation Essentials" in his hand, and his understanding of the formations was far better than before.

"Keys to the Five Elements Formation" records the methods of arranging and cracking various formations, including the Canglan Zhishui Formation. Because when traveling on the sea, water element aura is the most abundant, so this set of formations is often used on sea ships. defense.

However, the Canglan Zhishui Formation is just an extremely ordinary third-level formation, and its defensive capabilities are not very good. Although it can continuously obtain mana through the water aura in the sea, it is mainly used to resist the attacks of various storms. Facing the artillery attack from warships, the magic circle's mana acquisition speed will definitely not be as fast as its consumption speed, and it will be broken sooner or later.

"Full speed ahead"

The captain shouted loudly.

Many monks also joined in. Under the protection of the ship guard formation, these people were high in fighting spirit and were no longer as panicked as before.

"This captain knows how to inspire people. He opens the formation in front of the monks and relies on the amazing momentum when the formation is opened to create an illusion of indestructibility."

Ye Mo nodded secretly.

Not everyone is as knowledgeable about formation arrangements as he is. In the Fairy City Alliance, only the formations below the third level are circulated on the market. The formations of the third level and above are regarded as strategies, just like the foundation-building pill formula. The materials are sealed and it is impossible for ordinary monks to obtain them.

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