King of the Fairy City

Volume 3: Advancement to the Immortal Town Chapter 289: Boarding the Ship

If you really want to show your identity, which fairy city will not treat you as a distinguished guest and entertain you with all your heart.

But he chose to live in seclusion in an unknown slum area of ​​Xianzhen, willing to be a black market guide.

Ye Mo resisted not using his spiritual consciousness to explore the cultivation level of Huang Xiazi, and took advantage of this time to think hard.

If Blind Man Huang wanted to pretend to be an ordinary person, there was no need to deliberately hide his cultivation when he was exploring the cabin and say those words when he saw him.

The white-haired old man must have done this deliberately to let Ye Mo know his true cultivation level, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

"The house is simple and there is no place to entertain distinguished guests. Please forgive me, Lord Ye City." The white-haired old man continued to speak in a nonchalant manner, and even directly pointed out Ye Mo's identity.

"Senior, do you recognize me?" Ye Mo asked with a complicated expression.

"Ye City Lord was the first to discover the Purple Sword Immortal Palace some time ago, but his reputation spread far and wide, causing quite a shock in the Blood Sea War Zone. Even though my eyes are blind, my ears are still good."

Huang Xiazi said with a chuckle.

"It makes the seniors laugh, but it's just that the juniors are a little more lucky."

Ye Mo said nervously.

"You don't have to be too modest. Luck is also a kind of strength. However, I am very curious. Not long after you were promoted to the city lord of Xianzhen, you actually left Xianzhen alone and traveled thousands of miles to find this area of ​​​​the Blood Sea. Old man, do you know that the Neutral Islands are extremely dangerous, and that’s where I lost my eyes.”

When Blind Man Huang talked about his own eyes being blinded, it was as if he was talking about other people's deeds. His expression was extremely indifferent and his emotions did not fluctuate at all.

"This junior is also forced to go to a neutral island to buy an exotic treasure. Without this rare treasure, I'm afraid it will be difficult for my fairy town to develop."

Facing a golden elixir monk who seemed to know everything, Ye Mo also knew that concealing the truth would probably offend him, so he could only tell the truth.

"Oh, the neutral island is full of dangers, and you're not worried at all?" Huang Xiazi didn't seem to be interested in the exotic treasures Ye Mo mentioned.

"Forgive me for being presumptuous, if my guess is correct, Mr. Huang's cultivation level is at least the Golden Core stage. With your Golden Core cultivation level, even if you are not invincible in this blood sea war zone, there should be no problem in protecting yourself. How could this happen? …”

When Ye Mo said it at the end, he looked a little surprised.

"How could you blind your eyes?"

Huang Xiazi took over the conversation, shook his head disapprovingly and said, "Young man, you are still too young. If you really think that the golden elixir monks can have no scruples in the blood sea war zone, you are totally wrong.

Due to the restrictions of the Immortal Alliance, Golden Elixir monks rarely move in the Blood Sea War Zone, but there are also some Golden Elixir monks who secretly appear in this sea area.

I think back then, there were more than ten golden elixir monks on the neutral island who died because of disputes. I am thankful to God that I can come back with a single life."

Huang Xiazi sighed and seemed unwilling to talk about the past.

Although Ye Mo only heard a few words, there was a buzzing sound in his mind.

More than a dozen Jindan monks died, what a terrifying scene this must be.

"Old Liu, are you okay now? I heard that his son and daughter-in-law are dead. It's a pity, it's a pity." Huang Xiazi suddenly asked about Liu Nandu's situation.

"Mr. Liu's current situation is pretty good. Senior Lao Huang is worried about him."

Ye Mo responded quickly.

"I'm afraid not necessarily."

The blind man Huang turned sideways, with a pair of black holes in his eye sockets facing Ye Mo, and said in a deep voice, "Although Old Man Liu has some friendship with me, I once warned him that he must not let others know about me unless he has no choice. "Being a guide for the black market passenger ship, if it weren't for your great kindness to Old Man Liu, or if you used some method to threaten Old Man Liu, I guess he wouldn't have disclosed this matter."

After saying this, a faint spiritual thought floated out of Huang Xiazi's body, locking Ye Mo firmly.

Ye Mo felt the terrifying pressure like a mountain, and felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He thought that the old blind man must have thought that he had threatened Liu Nandu, and that was why he did such a move.

"Senior, I misunderstood. The reason why Ye Mo is recognized by Mr. Liu..."

Ye Mo had no choice but to bite the bullet and describe the cause and effect to Huang Xiazi, but he still deliberately concealed the matter about the soul-nurturing wood and the soul-fixing bead.

"I see!"

Huang Xiazi did not doubt the authenticity of Ye Mo's words and directly withdrew the spiritual thought that oppressed him.

Ye Mo relaxed and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"The strength of the Golden Core cultivator is too strong. There must be no head-on conflict in the future." Ye Mo was frightened and silently warned himself in his heart.

"Since you are kind to Old Man Liu and insist on going to the neutral island, I can do this for you. However, I also have something to do. Please help me."

After Huang Xiazi pondered for a moment, he suddenly said.


Ye Mo didn't agree straight away, but said in a dumbfounded voice: "You are a Golden Core cultivator. If you can't do something, the younger generation may not be able to do it. The younger generation can't guarantee that you can do it. But we must try our best”

"I haven't said the specific request yet, how do you know you can't do it?" Huang Xiazi said angrily, and he scratched his wrinkled old hand, and a jade bag suddenly appeared in his hand.

"If you get to the neutral island, help me find a golden elixir monk named Bai Lingfeng and hand over this jade slip to him for me. This is a trivial matter. I am too lazy to go."

Ye Mo was stunned when he heard this. If he just found someone to deliver the news, it wouldn't be that difficult.

After nodding, Ye Mo took the jade slip handed over by Huang Xiazi with both hands and stuffed it into his arms.

"Senior Huang, please rest assured, this junior will do his best."

"There is no need to force this matter too much. It would be best if you could meet this person. If you really can't find him, it doesn't matter. No matter what the outcome is, I will be very grateful to you when you come back."

Huang Xiazi raised his head and said to the door of the wooden house, "Someone will come to pick you up soon. You'd better not reveal my true cultivation level to anyone."

Ye Mo naturally agreed.

Huang Xiazi asked about some things that happened before Ye Mo became the city lord, and Ye Mo also told them everything respectfully. Huang Xiazi nodded repeatedly when he heard it, and his tone gradually became softer. When he heard the wonderful points, he even praised them repeatedly.

The two chatted and their relationship became much more harmonious.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and Ye Mo was about to ask some questions about cultivation. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Huang Xiazi quickly stood up from his seat, his wrinkled face full of smiles.

"Huang Xiazi, are there any guests today?"

A rough male voice came loudly from outside the door.

"Yes, there is an immortal today." Huang Xiazi hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door with a respectful expression.

The person who knocked on the door was a muscular man with only the advanced level of Qi refining.

Ye Mo looked at the blind man who looked like a different person with a strange look on his face, and shook his head incomprehensibly. I don’t know why Blind Man Huang disguised himself as a low-level Qi-training monk and lived in this slum.

"Oh, Foundation Establishment Stage Immortal?"

A tall and thick man walked into the room and ignored the hunched yellow blind man who kept coughing. He bowed to Ye Mo respectfully.

"Since you are an immortal in the Foundation Establishment stage, it's easy to say that there happens to be a first-class cabin available today, but there are no seats in the lower-class cabin. It's just about the price..."

“The price is easy to talk about.”

Ye Mo directly threw a bag of spirit stones, which happened to be the hundred that Huang Xiazi had mentioned before.

"Okay, please come this way."

After a brief count, the strong man threw a spirit stone to Blind Man Huang, saluted Ye Mo with a smile, and took the lead to walk out of the wooden house.

"Take care, Immortal." Huang Xiazi smiled meaningfully at Ye Mo as he passed by. After he left, he turned around and closed the door.

Ye Mo followed closely behind the strong man, bypassing more than a dozen alleys and arriving at the bank of the small river that passed through the slum area.

A medium-sized sea ship is staying on the shore.

The strong man turned around and handed Ye Mo a silk scarf, and said cautiously: "Sir, if you don't want to be recognized by others, you'd better wear the black scarf we provided."

Ye Mo nodded and took the black scarf. With a glance of his spiritual consciousness, he could see that this seemingly ordinary silk scarf was actually embroidered with a small talisman array with golden silk thread, which was used to block the monk's spiritual exploration.

After putting on the black scarf, Ye Mo followed the strong man and officially boarded the medium-sized ship heading to the neutral island.

The man surnamed Wu circled around the fairy town, but in the end he couldn't find Ye Mo's whereabouts, so he had to fly back to Yunlai Inn with his sword downcast.

In the lobby on the first floor of Yunlai Inn, Yang Han sat at a square table with a gloomy face, and six trembling monks stood in front of him.

"Commander Yang"

The man surnamed Wu pushed open the door, glanced around with his eyelids, and walked over.

"Wu Xiaosheng, you can't stand it even if you stare at someone, but you still have the nerve to come back," Yang Han slapped the table and shouted loudly.

Wu Xiaosheng's legs went weak and he knelt down directly. He said with a sad face: "Commander Yang, this person's speed is too fast. His subordinates followed him immediately, but unfortunately they lost him."

"Hmph." Yang Han snorted coldly. After all, he and Ye Mo had met once before and knew that the other party's cultivation level was unfathomable. Wu Xiaosheng had just advanced to the Foundation Establishment stage. Currently, he only had the first level of Foundation Establishment cultivation, so he couldn't keep an eye on him. Ye Mo is considered normal.

"Although my subordinates did not find out the specific location of this person, they also got a general idea that this person should have landed in the slums in the south of Xian Town. However, my subordinates searched the slums all over and could not find this person. There are traces of people." Seeing Yang Han's expression softening, Wu Xiaosheng hurriedly expressed his thoughts.


Yang Han's face turned cold. As the commander of the Immortal Guard, he naturally knew what was hidden in the slums.

"Okay, you've done your best, so I won't pursue this matter. You can bring a few people to capture Liu Nandu from Beicheng."

"Well," Wu Xiaosheng couldn't help but feel a hint of embarrassment, "Commander Yang, you also know that Liu Nandu is an official registered resident of our Li's Fairy Town after all. If he is rashly arrested and tortured, I'm afraid it will cause panic among the residents in the city. If City Lord Li knows about it, we will have to live with it. Commander Zhang has always been against us in recent times. If he gets a handle on something, I'm afraid something bad will happen."

Although Wu Xiaosheng's cultivation is average, he has always been highly valued by Yang Han. This is because he is very scheming and often helps Yang Han with suggestions. If it were not for Wu Xiaosheng, Yang Han would not be promoted from a deputy commander to an orthodox leader.

"I'm just the shopkeeper of an elixir shop. With such trouble, Zhang Jihuan, a small deputy commander, still dares to find fault with me?" Yang Han said impatiently.

"Even if he is a registered resident, it would be okay for Commander Yang to arrest him and torture him, but this person's son and daughter-in-law were once subordinates of Deputy Commander Zhang. I'm afraid..." Wu Xiaosheng waved his hand and said.

"It doesn't matter who his son is, we'll talk about it after he's captured. I'll explain it to City Lord Li."

Yang Han said with a ferocious expression.

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