King of the Fairy City

Volume 3: Promotion to Immortal Town Chapter 293: Longchang Sect

"Bastard" Guo Qifeng was so angry that he pinched the magic formula in his hand and the golden flying sword flashed towards Ye Mo who had snatched the formation disk.

"Brother Ye, be careful"

Cheng Jingshan eagerly wanted to rescue him, but he was still some distance away from Ye Mo and it was too late.

The flying sword flashed past, and there was no tragic scene of heads falling to the ground.

Ye Mo just raised his hand and grabbed it without any care, and caught the flying sword in the palm of his hand.

The flying sword caught in Ye Mo's hand trembled violently, and the buzzing sound was endless. Unfortunately, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape Ye Mo's hand.

Ye Mo shouted softly, and a ball of golden light burst out in his hand. The golden flying sword dimmed and became silent. No matter how Guo Qifeng drove it, there was no reaction at all.

Guo Qifeng looked at the scene in front of him in stunned silence, his lips trembling and he was speechless for a long time.

"It's difficult for someone like you to wield a flying sword, let alone kill a chicken." Ye Mo ridiculed the opponent for a while, then threw the flying sword and the formation disk back to Guo Strange peaks.

Guo Qifeng and others originally wanted to take back the formation disk forcefully, and then use the formation disk to trap the two of them and find an opportunity to kill them. They did not expect that the young monk who was traveling with Cheng Jingshan would be so tyrannical.

After receiving the flying sword and formation disk, the three of them apologized and left in a panic, never daring to have any thoughts of offending Ye Mo.

Cheng Jingshan's heart was filled with huge waves, and the eyes he looked at Ye Mo looked more respectful and humble.

"Let's go and meet the leader of your Longchang sect. If you can help me get the soul-fixing beads or soul-raising trees, it won't be difficult to help you build a sect-protecting formation."

The neutral island is not a single island, but a huge island group in the sea west of the Blood Sea battle zone.

There are at least hundreds of islands in the island group, and various forces are complex. In addition to evil cultivators, casual cultivators, and pirates, many islands are even occupied by monsters and have become monster lairs.

The island where the black market passenger ships dock is called Tianguan Island. It is located at the outermost edge of the neutral island group and is the gateway to the entire neutral island group. Almost all black market passenger ships from the Blood Sea War Zone dock at this island.

If the monks in the Blood Sea War Zone want to go deep into other islands in the island group, they must use this island to transit.

Mainly because the waters to the north and south of Tianguan Island are extremely dangerous. Not only are there several groups of monsters stationed in these waters, but there are also large storms raging on the sea all year round.

It is only possible to travel to other islands in the island group by traveling from the safe port at the western end of the island.

As the gateway to the entire neutral island group, Tianguan Island is of vital strategic importance in guarding the east-west artery. For this reason, Tianguan Island was settled here by a casual cultivator of the Golden Core Stage and built a large-scale castle comparable to an ordinary fairy city. Yexian Town.

The major fairy towns in the Fairy City Alliance have wanted to conquer this neutral island group many times. Although the various forces in the neutral island group are usually scattered and attack each other, once it comes to the war in the Fairy City Alliance, they will put aside their prejudices and the various forces will unite. It formed an extremely powerful fighting force and passed through Tianguan Island to fight against the invading Fairy City Alliance.

The Immortal Alliance cannot drive them all away, after all, there are still a large number of ordinary casual cultivators here. After many fruitless campaigns, they had to abandon the neutral island group in this sea area.

Ye Mo and Cheng Jingshan did not stay long on Tianguan Island, but quickly boarded another passenger ship and headed to Longchang Island where the Longchang faction was stationed.

After a period of sailing, the passenger ship arrived at Longchang Island safe and sound.

In order to attract more casual cultivators to settle on neutral islands, various forces made an agreement. No matter how fierce the war between them, they would not take action against ordinary passenger ships sailing between the islands.

Because of this, the route to the neutral island is actually much safer than the route to the Blood Sea War Zone.

The appearance of Longchang Island is like a coiled dragon, standing in a spiral shape in the sea. In the center of Longchang Island, a stone tower over a hundred feet high has been built. From a distance, it looks like a towering tower. faucet

As soon as Cheng Jingshan set foot on the island, he couldn't wait to take out a light yellow paper talisman. After chanting something, he pinched it with his hand, and the paper talisman turned into a yellow stream of light and shot straight towards the stone tower.

"Sir, wait a moment. I have already informed the senior management of our sect about your visit. I believe it won't be long before someone will come to greet you in person."

Ye Mo remained silent and looked around at the surrounding environment.

The area of ​​this island is about three times larger than the island occupied by Ye's Fairy Town. The only port is at the southern end of the island. The rest of the island is surrounded by cliffs, with various kinds of buildings standing on the cliffs. defense tower.

The terrain of Longchang Island is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The defensive sentry towers almost cover the entire periphery of the island, which is perfectly integrated with the steep terrain of the island.

Any local force in the Blood Sea would have to pay a huge price if they wanted to capture this island.

In comparison, the island where Ye's Fairy Town is located can be said to have a wide open door. Except for several magic towers built around the fairy town, the entire Ye's Island has almost no strong defenses.

This is also because in the area under the jurisdiction of the Fairy City Alliance, the struggle between the city lords does not involve the main island. Over the years, the city lords of the Fairy City Alliance have reached a consensus that the island's defense facilities are limited to the surroundings of the Fairy City, and are mainly used to resist the tide of monsters. .

In the Fairy City Alliance, almost all resources are used to develop combat power, and the island's protection is not very strong.

Just as Ye Mo was thinking about these questions, three streams of light flew out of the stone tower. After a while, three middle-aged men wearing dark purple gowns and high crowns appeared in front of Ye Mo.

"Elder Chang, this is the formation master you spent more than ten years to invite. Didn't you send back a message earlier that the mission had failed?"

The first man was a man with extremely high cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and a somewhat gloomy face. He looked at Ye Mo with doubts in his eyes.

"It turns out that Hall Master Liu came to greet him personally."

Cheng Jingshan quickly stepped forward and bowed, and said solemnly, "It's not convenient to speak here. I will explain it to you in detail after I return to the sect to meet with the leader."

Although the Longchang Sect is stationed on the island as a sect, it has also built a wild fairy town on the island like the Fairy City Alliance. There are many people at the port, and many monks have noticed Ye Mo and others.

"Okay, this is indeed not a convenient place to talk. Mr. Ye's arrival is very important to our Longchang Sect. Mr. Ye, please come with me."

Although Hall Master Liu was skeptical about such a young formation master, he also knew that Cheng Jingshan would not randomly recruit anyone to make up the numbers, and he treated Ye Mo with good etiquette.

After Ye Mo nodded calmly, Hall Master Liu and others took the flying sword again and took the lead to fly towards the stone tower.

"Mr. Ye, don't be surprised. When we arrive at Tianlong Tower and meet the leader, our faction will definitely hold a grand ceremony to welcome you."

Cheng Jingshan said apologetically to Ye Mo.

"No problem"

After Ye Mo left these words, he stood up with his sword and followed Hall Master Liu and others.

A moment later, Ye Mo arrived in front of the huge stone tower of the Longchang Sect. Outside the stone tower, stood two rows of solemn-looking disciples of the Longchang Sect. These disciples were wearing uniforms of light yellow uniforms with a coiled dragon embroidered on their chests. Because most of them are in the later stage of Qi refining.

Every Longchang Sect disciple had a touch of arrogance on their face, and they were full of energy and eyes. Ye Mo's appearance did not arouse their curiosity.

"I didn't expect that the monk's sect is the same as the mortal sect. The rules are strict, and all the disciples in the sect are loyal to their duties. Compared with the Immortal City Alliance, the disciples of the sect follow orders and prohibitions, and their combat strength is not weak at all."

Ye Mo secretly commented that he seemed a little puzzled by the Immortal City Alliance's abandonment of the sect organization.

"Mr. Ye, our leader Li attaches great importance to your arrival. However, the construction of the protective formation is not a trivial matter, so we need to make some mistakes to make sure that he is a true formation master."

Hall Master Liu did not directly introduce Ye Mo to Tianlong Tower, but said apologetically.

"Hall Master Liu, can it be that Sect Master Li can't even trust me, Cheng Jingshan? I stayed in the Blood Sea War Zone for so long in order to find a Formation Master for my sect. I know a lot about Formation Masters. Do you think I would just find someone at random?" To fool you?"

Ye Mo didn't say much, but Cheng Jingshan was stunned for a moment and said with an unhappy expression.

"Growing up, this matter is not something I can decide"

Hall Master Liu frowned and glanced at Cheng Jingshan, then pointed to the Tianlong Pagoda behind him.

"More than a year ago, you sent back the message of mission failure through our Longchang sect's contact person in the Blood Sea War Zone. Leader Li had no choice but to invite monks from major neutral islands who were familiar with formations. Our Longchang faction helps.

These people are now in the hall of Tianlong Tower, accompanied by Head Li personally, discussing the specific matters of building the protective formation. You can't let Head Li blow these people away and receive Mr. Ye alone, right? "

"What, the leader has actually invited the formation master. Don't try to trick me. There are no real formation masters in this neutral island sea area," Cheng Jingshan retorted with a look of disbelief.

"They are just some foundation-building monks who have studied formations for many years. They are not real formation masters. The leader made such a helpless move because of the urgency of the matter.

Naturally, the leader will not doubt your vision, and has also mentioned Mr. Ye's origins euphemistically. However, the monks are not convinced, thinking that Mr. Ye's strength in formations is not necessarily superior to them, so they ask for it together. Look at Mr. Ye’s formation level.”

After Hall Master Liu said these words rather helplessly, he looked at Ye Mo with some embarrassment.

Although he was polite on the surface, Hall Master Liu was actually a little suspicious of Ye Mo. After all, he was too young and did not look like he was twenty years old.

The research on formations often takes many years and months. If Cheng Jingshan brought back an old man with white hair and beard, Hall Master Liu would definitely not have the slightest suspicion.

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