King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 48: The Power of the Siren Snake


"Finally, is it about to appear? The sea monster is extremely terrifying, capable of turning over rivers and seas, and knows magic. It is a legendary existence that is comparable to an immortal! Can we, the weak warriors, be able to defend it?"

"Maybe... Brother Ye can defeat them!"

The warriors were holding weapons in the camp, looking tired and looking at the depths of the jungle in confusion, where danger lurked.

They were talking in low voices and couldn't help but look at Ye Mo, who was standing on the main arrow tower.

Ye Mo himself is already a peak-level ninth-level warrior in the body refining stage, reaching the limit of a warrior's physical training.

Wearing a piece of solid gold armor made of young demon crab armor, and holding a "magic weapon" golden spirit sword that only cultivators possess, his strength far exceeds that of a peerless warrior like He An, and he is very close to a true warrior. Immortal cultivator.

When they saw Ye Mo standing on the towering arrow tower with an expressionless face, they couldn't help but feel a little relieved, and most of the anxiety and haze in their hearts was immediately swept away.

Unknowingly, Ye Mo has become their confidence.


"Look, that sea monster, it's coming!"

Suddenly, there were sounds of panic in the camp.

I saw a giant blue sea snake about ten feet long with blue scales all over its body, staring up at the camp. Every blue snake scale on its body is comparable to the size of a spirit wood shield, and a pair of ice-cold snake eyes emit bursts of heart-stopping cold light under the bloody full moon.

Its snake body was so huge that its raised head was almost higher than the arrow tower in the camp, and it carried an aura that made other ordinary sea beasts fear and surrender.

Farther away, there was an adult golden sea monster crab. It glanced at the giant sea snake from time to time, but did not approach the giant sea snake. The monster body of the Kraken Crab is not as big as the Kraken Snake, making it appear slightly weaker.

These two sea monsters seemed to be afraid of each other. They were also low-level sea monsters. None of them dared to move. They neither fought each other nor attacked the cave camp. The wave that hit the camp just now was all caused by the small sea beasts they brought with them.

"Siren Snake, Siren Crab~!"

Ye Mo held the hilt of the sword tightly and clearly felt the strong fighting spirit coming from deep inside his heart, burning like a blazing fire in his heart.

"A low-level sea monster that is common in the East China Sea!"

"Ordinary sea beasts have strength that is no less than that of a peak warrior. The sea monster absorbs the essence of the world and refines the demonic energy in its body, and cultivates its innate demonic skills. It has a strength that far exceeds that of ordinary sea beasts."

"The bodies of the lowest-level sea monsters are also incredibly powerful. Ordinary worldly weapons and precious swords can hardly cause substantial damage to them!"

"Relying on ordinary spirit wood throwing spears, it is impossible to break through the scales of the Kraken snake, let alone the crab armor of the Kraken crab. Only the golden spirit sword in my hand can be effective."

Ye Mo looked at the two-headed sea monster outside the camp and couldn't help but frown.

It's okay to say that a Kraken beast still has a chance of winning.

But the presence of two at the same time was extremely stressful for him. If the two-headed sea monster breaks through the spirit wood fence, it will cause very serious consequences, and I am afraid there will be heavy casualties.


The giant sea snake was a little impatient, turned around and screamed sharply at the golden sea monster crab. It seemed that the golden Kraken crab was getting in the way and affecting its hunting, so it wanted to drive it away.

The golden sea monster crab was startled and slowly retreated into the distance until it was out of sight of the giant sea snake.

The giant sea snake then retracted its gaze and stared at the cave camp. With the Kraken Crab gone, it can safely sweep through this warrior camp to prevent the Kraken Crab from taking advantage.

Although the attack by the group of small sea beasts just now failed, it had already clearly seen the strength of the enemy in front of it, and it was no match for it at all. Those fragile swords, arrows and spears can only hurt some weak little sea beasts, and even their scales may not be able to hurt them.


The giant sea monster snake swam quickly towards the cave camp from a hundred feet away.

The warriors in the cave camp suddenly tensed up, and the timid warriors even swallowed their saliva and turned pale. Almost few of them had any experience fighting the Kraken.

"Everyone, prepare the spirit wood throwing spear!"


When Mo Ling saw the Siren Snake approaching 40 to 50 feet and already within shooting range, she immediately screamed and at the same time, she suddenly shot out the Spirit Wood Throwing Spear in her hand.

Immediately, twenty five-foot-tall arrow towers projected their spirit wood spears almost simultaneously.

There was a dense "呲呲" sound.

A rain of sharp spiritual trees hurled spears, tearing open the air, and shot at the huge Siren Snake 40 to 50 feet away at high speed.

This piece of spiritual wood rained down spears, shooting at the giant sea snake like it was free of charge.



Numerous messy spirit wood spears hit the blue scales of the Siren Snake, leaving only shallow scratches at most, and then bounced around. These spirit wood throwing spears are like hammers hitting it. Although it will not hurt it, it will not tire of it.

The first wave of projectiles was fired.

Regardless of the result, the second wave of spirit wood spears from the warriors followed.

For a moment, the air was filled with "Whoosh! Whoosh!" The spirit wood throwing spears did not stop at all.

After three or four rounds of crazy projections, the spirit wood spears were inserted almost everywhere, and the Siren Snake had already rushed ten feet outside the spirit wood fence.


"The Lingmu Throwing Spear is of no use!"

"This siren snake is too scary. It is invulnerable. How can you fight it!"

"What should I do? I don't know if Brother Ye can kill it. If not, I'm afraid we will be in trouble tonight!"

The warriors shouted in disappointment.

As for Gao Jian, who was responsible for guarding the fence wall below the camp, and a group of more than ten warriors, many of them were even more desperate. They have to fight the Kraken in close combat, and the pressure is even greater.

In the middle of the camp, in the tallest main arrow tower, stood Ye Mo and Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi's heart became tense and his palms began to sweat.

Now the warriors in this camp are like grasshoppers on a rope. Once the camp is breached, in this dangerous dark night, sea beasts will be rampant on the island, and no one will be lucky.

Lin Zhi turned around and glanced at Ye Mo.

What surprised him a little was that Ye Mo was still as calm as water, without any fear.

"The Kraken is about to attack the fence wall! Raise your shield to prevent the Kraken Snake's sorcery——!"

Gao Jian shouted sharply at the dozen or so warriors beside him.


The warriors raised their shields, and a row of thick spiritual wood shields stood in front of them, ready to withstand any demon attacks that might be unleashed by the Siren Snake.

There used to be a very small number of warriors on the island who had valuable experience fighting against sea monsters.

Only warriors like Ye Mo who have experienced it personally know how terrifying the power of monsters and magic is.

If he hadn't had an indestructible ancient painting scroll with him last time, and the young demon crab's water archery skills were immature, I'm afraid he wouldn't be alive now.

The spirit wood shield is the only weapon that warriors can use to defend against evil spells on this island.

The body of the giant sea monster snake was so huge that the warriors did not dare to rush out to stop it. Even masters like Gao Jian and Li Ruofeng would not dare to try such a dangerous thing.

The giant sea monster snake had already rushed to the spirit wood fence with the volleys of dense spirit wood throwing spears. It suddenly flicked its snake tail, carrying a violent wind whirlpool, and swept towards the thick spirit wood fence.

As a sea monster, its physical body is already incredibly powerful. The power of its tail swing is more than one or two thousand kilograms.


The spirit wood fence, which was built directly from piles of foot-thick logs, trembled violently under the sweep of its snake tail.

Several spiritual wood fences were directly sunk in.

The huge sound shocked the generals in the camp and made them jump with fear.

"We can't let it destroy the spirit wood fence! If this continues, once the spirit wood fence wall is broken, the entire camp will be destroyed by it!"

The warriors looked frightened and anxious.

But even though they knew this, no one dared to step forward to stop the snake demon.

Its monster body is so huge that a single flick of its tail weighs one or two thousand kilograms, which is enough to crush a fully armored warrior into a pulp. No sword or sword can damage its hard scales.

Only the warriors on more than twenty arrow towers were still frantically shooting their spirit wood spears.

All these efforts were in vain, as they could not break the snake's scales, and the Siren Snake ignored them at all. Only occasionally, a few spirit wood spears would hit its snake eyes, causing it to roar in anger and madness.

Many warriors looked at Ye Mo in the main arrow tower in despair, hoping that Ye Mo could turn the tide.

"Brother Ye, the spirit wood wall is about to be broken by it. When do you plan to take action?"

Lin Zhi was also anxious and stared at the battlefield below the arrow tower.

Ye Mo didn't want to jump down and fight the Siren Snake, but he resisted the urge to do it. He held the hilt of the Golden Spirit Sword, shook his head and said coldly, "This Siren Snake is an adult monster, far from a juvenile monster. Comparable. I only have one chance to take action, and I must kill it with one strike. If I miss it, it will unleash its magic in fury and will never give me a second chance to take action!"

After practicing the "Wave-cutting Technique" for ten years in the mighty waves of the Wu Kingdom, Ye Mo knew very well that in a real life-and-death battle, the opportunity to take action often lies in the blink of an eye. If you cannot seize this moment, you will be knocked over by a big wave.

This subtle feeling can only be accurately grasped by those who have experienced this dangerous scene countless times in big waves.


The Kraken snake flicked its tail towards the fence wall again.

Each impact contained a force of one or two thousand kilograms. After several consecutive hits, more than ten spiritual wood fences collapsed with a "bang", revealing a huge gap.

Under the bloody moonlight, the Siren Snake swam its huge snake body of more than ten feet, quickly passed through the large gap, rampaged through the camp, knocked down the towering arrow towers, and tried to block it with its bloody mouth. Its warriors bit it.

"It collapsed! The fence collapsed, it's over!"

"No~, ah~!"

"Don't mess with the formation, kill it! Surround it from the side and kill it. If we can't hold the camp, we have nowhere to escape!"

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