King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 54: Prison

"This Golden Spirit Sword is indeed an immortal weapon, more powerful than the wolf-toothed sword in my hand. It's a pity that I practice sword skills and am not suitable for using swords."

Feng Xiongchang picked up Ye Mo's Golden Spirit Sword and suddenly struck a pair of spirit wood shields with his sword, breaking the spirit wood shield in one go. He couldn't help but admire it. After appreciating it for a while, I couldn't help but feel regretful.

Every warrior basically has his own weapons and martial arts skills that he is best at.

Swords are the most commonly used, as are most swords by Ye Mo, Gao Jian, etc. Others use knives, guns, and daggers.

Feng Xiong was good at using the knife.

Each weapon has unique performance, which is related to the warrior's expertise and hobbies. Many martial arts also require specific weapons to be easily performed. Using other weapons will definitely weaken the power a lot.

Feng Xiongchang noticed that there were two spiritual wood boxes sandwiched among a pile of dry food, fresh water and miscellaneous items. He couldn't help but be surprised and opened one of the wooden boxes in front of everyone.


A blue crystal ball of light lay quietly in the spirit wood box. Strange runes flashed on the surface of the ball, causing the pirates to exclaim in surprise.

Even a very vulgar mortal can tell at a glance that this is anything but ordinary.


"Is this the rune seal of water spells?"

"If so, then I'll give it away! If I sell this ball of light to a vendor in the Fairy Village, I can exchange it for the extremely precious Vitality Pill, and hopefully become an immortal cultivator! Unfortunately, I don't have the spirit yet, so I can't practice this talisman. Grammar Seal!”

Feng Xiongchang was shocked.

"Is this the immortal's treasure?"

The charming woman next to him widened her eyes in surprise. She had never seen such a thing before.

All the pirates looked greedy.

Feng Xiong played with it for a while before reluctantly closing the spirit wood box. He raised his head and remembered that Ye Mo and others had not dealt with it yet.

"Ship Master, although there are not many of these people, they are not our opponents. If we imprison them in a room, I am afraid there will be some trouble."

The yellow-toothed old man whispered into Feng Xiongchang's ear, his eyes constantly scanning Ye Mo's group of warriors, "In my humble opinion, they should be dispersed and put into different cells. This way, they won't be afraid of uniting to resist. !”

"Amei, I'll leave these prisoners to you. Separate them into different slave cells! After you're done, go back to your room and let's take a good look at these treasures."

Feng Xiong's eyes flickered, he nodded slightly, and said to the charming woman next to him.

"Yes, Captain!"

The charming woman smiled sweetly.

Later, under the arrangement of the charming woman, Ye Mo, Gao Jian and other twenty or thirty warriors were completely dispersed, escorted to the bottom of the cabin, and locked into different cells.

Ye Mo didn't have any orders, so Gao Jian, Lin Zhi and the other warriors could only endure.


In the dark passageway at the bottom of the cabin, there was a dim oil lamp every ten feet, dimly illuminating a small area.

The footsteps of a group of warriors broke the dullness in the cabin.

After entering the cabin, Ye Mo looked around the passage and found that the rooms in the cabin had been transformed into cells, separated by arm-thick spiritual trees. Each cell held ten or twenty unarmed people.

"There are so many hundreds of warriors in this cabin! This scar-faced captain actually captured so many slaves!"

Ye Mo was secretly surprised.

In these cells, the expressions of the prisoners were completely different. Some looked gloomy and confused, as if they were waiting for death.

There are also prisoners with ferocious faces and naked faces. They are obviously unwilling to give in and will definitely escape if they seize the opportunity.

Soon, Ye Mo was taken outside a cell where seven people lived.

"Get in and stay there! As long as you don't cause trouble, I will send you to the Fairy Village to mine and you will survive. If you dare to cause trouble, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

The two pirates who were at the third level of the body training stage cursed and pushed Ye Mo suddenly.

Before Ye Mo could see the seven people in the cell clearly, he was pushed into the cell by the two pirate warriors.

Then the two pirates locked the cell with arm-thick chains, glanced at Ye Mo jokingly, and then strode away to go to the deck to drink, gamble and fight.

The seven people in the cell were a little surprised.

This pirate slave ship has been sailing on the sea for a long time, why did people suddenly appear?

However, even if there are more people, they are just prisoners like them, and sooner or later they will be destined to be mine slaves.

They just glanced at Ye Mo, then turned their heads and went about their own business.

Ye Mo was wearing a rag shirt. He was obviously a commoner like them. He was not very old either. He was only eighteen or nineteen years old. He was probably worse than them.

Naturally, they were too lazy to pay attention to such a young commoner.

"A tiger falls flat and is bullied by a dog! When I use the last vitality pill to break through the soul in one fell swoop and become an immortal cultivator, I must take care of the pirates on this ship."

Ye Mo felt bitter in his heart.

Being scolded and bullied by two little pirates made him angry and funny. He lost the Golden Spirit Sword, and now he is not strong enough to defeat the pirates on this ship in one fell swoop, so he can only endure it for now.

Just after he recovered, Ye Mo felt the cold eyes of others in the cell.

Ye Mo didn't care. After all, they were not familiar with each other, so it was normal to give him a cold face.

“I don’t know what the material of this cell is made of!”

Ye Mo soon discovered that the wood of this cell was very hard.

He grabbed the wooden bars of the cell door with one hand and exerted force, but there was no movement from the wooden bars.

"Little brother, please stop wasting your efforts. This cell is made of spirit wood! Do you know what spirit wood is?"

"At first glance, you look like a country bumpkin. You don't understand anything. This spirit wood is a specialty wood on Spirit Island in the East China Sea. It is used by immortals to build houses. This wood is very hard. It cannot be broken without the strength of a thousand pounds."

"The strength of both arms of a ninth-level peak warrior in the body refining stage is no more than three hundred kilograms. If you use this kind of spirit wood to build a prison cell, you will be sure to be locked up tightly. Don't even think about escaping! With small arms and legs like yours, I'll give you a You can’t even look at the knife!”

"Don't believe it! I, Zhao Dafu, am the most well-informed person in our county. I still know this."

In the cleanest place in the cell, a fat man wearing brocade clothes and a somewhat rich appearance opened his mouth with a lot of ridicule.

"This little brother is here for the first time. He knows nothing about pirate ships. Brother Zhao has seen the world, so stop making fun of them!"

A plump and pretty woman about twenty years old said with a smile. It seemed that he was speaking for Ye Mo, but in fact he was also sarcastic.

Ye Mo glanced at the two of them, speechless and ignored.

This woman is also quite beautiful, but compared with Princess Mo Ling, Huang Yi, etc., she is obviously much inferior, at most Xiaojiabiyu.

Seeing that Ye Mo ignored him, the woman's eyebrows were slightly unhappy. She was quite confident in her appearance, but after she spoke, the ordinary-looking young man didn't even look at her.

This made it difficult for her to accept it for a moment.

"Mingyan, you seem a little uncomfortable, but you didn't sleep well last night?!"

A young man dressed as a scholar next to him saw the displeasure on the brows of the plump woman and couldn't help but ask.

The plump woman named Mingyan did not answer his words. She turned around and continued talking to the rich man who was laughing at Ye Mo, leaving the scholar aside.

She didn't like this poor scholar at all. What she liked was a wealthy family like Zhao Dafu, a squire who was a wealthy family in the county and respected by everyone.

Although she has now become a captive slave of the pirates, this concept has been deeply ingrained in her mind, and it will never be changed in a short time.

Ye Mo didn't say much. He found a dry place to sit in the cell and listened to their chatter.

Ye Mo also occasionally added a word or two.

There are eight people in this cell, including Ye Mo.

It didn't take Ye Mo long to gradually understand their identities.

The rich man's name was Zhao Dafu. He was the son of a wealthy man in a county in Donglai State. He was extremely greedy for money and liked to brag about himself.

I was originally doing business in a small county town, but I don't know who was bewitched me to embark on this boat of seeking immortals, hoping to do the business of immortals. After getting on the ship, I realized that I had been deceived. This was a pirate den.

There are several women in this cell.

The two sisters You Mingyan and You Mingqiao are the most eye-catching. You Mingyan is very unrestrained, while her sister You Mingqiao is shy. The two of them originally left their hometown to seek refuge with their relatives, but after being tricked by a liar who offered them free shipping, they boarded a pirate ship.

There is also Wu Shan, who was born as an Orion. He is capable and stable, and does not talk much. He got into trouble in his hometown and fled, only to get on a pirate ship.

Among this group of people, there was also a scholar named Zhang Yun who was studying. The whole family was waiting for him to be promoted and make a fortune and live a good life.

After finally passing the examination as a scholar, he saw a bright future, but on the way back to his hometown, he was so unlucky that he was knocked unconscious with a stick and kidnapped on this broken ship.

Unexpected disasters made him heartbroken several times. At the beginning, Zhang Xiucai cried in the boat for several days and was ridiculed by Zhao Dafu. He gave up when he really had no strength.

There is another teenager named Jin Hao, who is timid by nature and timid.

In addition to these six people, there is another woman named Qian Ying, the daughter of an armor shop owner and the only warrior among them. He usually doesn't like to talk, he just stares at the cell door in a daze.

After Ye Mo learned about the origins of the seven people in this cell, he was speechless.

Who are these people? It seems that in order to earn money from the slave trade, these pirates use all kinds of tricks to deceive and kidnap, regardless of whether they are warriors or not, they all use them to make up the numbers.

"Little brother, don't bother trying to get out. I tried, but the wood is harder than iron and I can't open it!"

Orion Wushan said in a deep voice. He is also a young man, but there are some traces of vicissitudes of life between his brows.

Compared to the two people just now, Wu Shan gave Ye Mo a much better impression. At least there was no mockery or falsehood in his tone.

"Well, thank you for reminding me, brother."

Ye Mo glanced at Wu Shan. Although Wu Shan was not a warrior, as an Orion hunter Kong Wu was powerful, shrewd and capable, his hunting experience might not be worse than that of a warrior.

"This cell is too strong, let alone opening it. Even the guards on this ship seldom patrol. They come once a day in the morning and evening to deliver food and patrol to see if anyone has died."

Zhang Xiucai sighed after hearing this and looked very helpless, "We can't escape from such a strong cell even if there is no one to guard or patrol it!"


Everyone in the prison was helpless and sighed at the thought of being sold into slavery.

"Only patrol twice a day?"

Ye Mo wrote it down secretly.

He didn't plan to stay in this dark and smelly cell for long.

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