“No shadow level?”


“With so many prisoners, do you take care of it?”

“It’s okay, with my Heavenly Dungeon Technique, these prisoners can’t condense Chakra, and like ordinary people, it’s not difficult to govern them.”

“Well, take us somewhere else.”


Ghost Lantern City is still very big.

Under the leadership of Wuwei, he turned around for a short time, but he couldn’t see the whole city, but only a small part of the area.

For the rest, Jin Shining didn’t bother to look at it anymore.

Because they are all similar, there is not much difference.

“Wuwei City Lord, where is the Chest of Elysium?”

Jin Sparkle spoke.


Although he had already expected it, Wuwei still glanced at Ye Cang first, and saw that she didn’t object, so Wuwei had nothing to say.


Ghost Lantern City has already been submitted, so it is more thorough to obey, and it can be regarded as a surrender.

Today’s Wuwei is still young, not long after giving birth to his son, he still has a happy family.

Plus there is not much research on the Chest of Elysium.

So, he didn’t indulge in it and felt how important that thing was.

“Sir, the Chest of Elysium is under the City Lord’s Mansion, I’ll take you there.”


Under the leadership of Wuwei.

The group came to the city lord’s mansion again, entered through the secret entrance of the office, and walked no less than dozens of stairs.


Only then did I come to the underground space that was 100 meters deep and saw the box of bliss.

Although it is not the whole picture, it is just a smiling face, but it can also make people feel the strange atmosphere coming from the box of bliss.

“Adult, if you want to open this box, you must invest a lot of energy, normal people can’t do it, maybe you can use those tailed beasts.”

“Have you opened it?”

“Of course not.”

Wuwei quickly shook his head.

“Then count yourself lucky.”

After laughing, Jin Shanshan said again: “Okay, in the future, you don’t need to intervene in the matter of this box, and manage Ghost Lantern City well.” ”


Anyway, everything that should be said has already been said, and it is nothing without touching the box of bliss, and Wuwei directly agreed.

“You guys go out first.”


After waiting for Wuwei, and Ye Cang to leave.

Jin Shanshan closed his eyes and opened them again, and four golden jades appeared in his eyes.

That’s right.

That’s four goujade, a total of eight in the two eyes.

The reason why this is so is because of the relationship of Ghidorah’s genes, and the Sharingan Eye Blood Inheritance that he plundered has also changed a lot.

In fact, when the three-hook jade.

Jin Sparkle also thought that he could awaken the kaleidoscope.

It’s a pity that it’s not like that at all.

When the fourth gouyu came out, it startled him.

But fortunately, the four goujade writing wheel eyes are also okay, not too bad.

Although there is no Susano, there is only one Hitomi technique.

But the awakening is simple, not so difficult, and it is easy to upgrade.

The pupil power has also been strengthened a lot, and I can see things more clearly.

And it’s all trifles.

Think about it.

The number of four is certainly not the end.

If you can awaken all the way to the Nine Hook Jade Writing Wheel Eye, starting from the fourth, each additional hook jade has a pupil technique.

So how much should there be?

Four five six seven eight nine!

Exactly six!

If that’s the case, it’s not a big deal.

The other is.

This pupil technique that awakens now is not bad.

On the contrary, it is very powerful.

Golden Flash gave it the name Hyperdimensional.

What is Hyperdimensional?

It is to be able to transcend the original dimension and reach a higher dimension.

The effect applied to himself is far more exaggerated than the divine power of Uchiha Obito, and it cannot even be compared with each other.

Because, the divine power with soil is only a spatial pupil technique, and it does not involve time.

But hyper-dimensional is different.

It allows the golden flash to enter the four-dimensional space.

In terms of defense, if you can’t break the three-dimensional space, you can’t touch him, let alone hurt him.

Other than that.

What does 4D mean?

It’s the addition of the time dimension.

Although you can’t exert influence to manipulate this timeline.

But in this state, he can see the past and the future.

Entering this state in battle, isn’t it equivalent to being invincible.

The most important thing is.

Who says four-dimensional is the limit?

When the pupil power becomes stronger in the future, will it still be able to enter the five-dimensional, six-dimensional, or even higher dimension?

Kim Sparkle didn’t know.

But there are great expectations for this.

Therefore, he was also very satisfied with his pupil technique, so he didn’t care about the little thing of the kaleidoscope.

As for saying.

It’s not a kaleidoscope, how can you awaken such a strong pupil technique.

In Jin Shansheng’s own opinion, it should be two reasons.

The first one.

Star-eating Ghidorah is a high-latitude creature.

And he, who inherited all Ghidorah’s abilities, has the potential to enter the high-dimensional world in his own right, which can be regarded as laying the foundation.

Not rootless.

Second point.

What is Sharingan?

The embodiment of yin, the pupil of spiritual portrayal.

The ability to awaken will also shine into reality according to one’s own deepest needs.

Basically just say.

What you want to do, it will evolve what kind of pupil technique, at least it is also related, and it will not be lost for no reason.

First of all.

Jin Shanshan is a traverser, who knows the concepts of space and dimension after being bombarded with network information, and has this consciousness.

Another is that he really likes and envies Obito’s Kamui Pupil Technique, as well as Ghidorah’s high-dimensional setting.

Want to have.

No, the portrayal of the heart comes.

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