The good thing is.

Uchiha Shisui can also be regarded as a young and old person, with his own ideas, he can barely resist this confusion in front of him.

“Brother Jin, I have a question.”

“You say.”

“According to what you said, using a ninja village as a foundation to annex other countries and ninja villages, is this really not an invasion and a war?”

“Look what you think.”

“If you feel like it’s an invasion, then it can only be an invasion, and if you have your own beliefs, you feel like you’re fighting to accomplish something great.”

“What do others say heavy? How heavy is the process? ”

“When the goal is completed and all people live a happier life, I think people will be able to understand us later, you say.”


Uchiha nodded, feeling that he was really touched by Jin Shan.

Oh, yes.

What if others don’t understand.

Is the truth of the world always in the hands of a few?

Most people can’t see that far away just by looking in front of them.


In order to achieve world peace, even if the ideal goal is scolded and misunderstood, then you have to grit your teeth and stick to it.

Otherwise, if you don’t do it, I won’t do it.

All mixed food and waiting for death, get by.

Who will overcome the difficulties to bring true peace and peace to this world?

“Brother Jin, thank you for telling me so much, please take care of it in the future.”

Uchiha stretched out his hand and shook it with Jin Shan.

“Well said.”

Jin Shanshan also smiled.

In fact, what fooled Uchiha to stop the water was just his temporary intention.

But without paying anything.

Flickering is not calculating, flickering is earning, why not do it.

And he didn’t expect it either.

Things will go so smoothly.

I don’t know if it’s because Uchiha is too young and has too little knowledge, or if he is so naïve and easy to be fooled.

Of course, it may be both.

Young and not very knowledgeable.

Coupled with a somewhat naïve personality, he does not treat people with evil, thinking that people’s hearts are mostly good, and they can understand each other and empathize.

When I heard it, I took it seriously in my heart, and there was no one.

But don’t say it yet.

Uchiha is indeed rich in this kind of talent.

Uchiha with soil, Uchiha stop the water, Uchiha ferrets, and even the guy from Uchiha spot, which one is not a dead place that is fooled.

Not to mention the two pillars.

The group that was deceived by his brother was about to be played to death.

To know.

Even when he died, Uchiha Itachi didn’t tell Sasuke the whole truth, and still lied to him.

In the end, Obito told the truth.

It made Sasuke have the idea of revenge against Konoha’s high-level.

It is said that Uchiha Itachi is a discoper.

That’s true, but it’s not entirely true.

Because in Uchiha’s heart, Konoha is the first, more important than Sasuke.

There are two pieces of evidence.

The first one.

Afraid that Sasuke would take revenge on Konoha, Uchiha Itachi arranged a back hand with Naruto, intending to change Sasuke’s mind with the other god of stopping water and let him continue to protect Konoha.

The second.

It is also related to Naruto.

Uchiha Itachi personally told Naruto that if he really couldn’t pull Sasuke back, then let Naruto kill Sasuke, and he couldn’t let him destroy Konoha.

Can do both things.

It is necessary to say which is more important than the other.

It can be seen that in Uchiha’s heart, Sasuke is indeed not more important than Konoha.

Of course.

He certainly still loves Sasuke, and there is no conflict between the two.

It’s just that if I had to choose one of the two, Uchiha Itachi would still abandon his brother and choose to keep Konoha.

It was the same as his idea of choosing to slaughter the family and save the village.

The end is not for the Son of Man.

What a big picture, that is, to deceive fools.

In Jin Shanshan’s opinion, the guy who even dares to kill his biological parents is no longer worthy of being called a person, and he still talks about the great cause of the family and country, ideal ambition.

It’s just ridiculous.

Sacrificing the ego for the national gallium is indeed a hero.

But not sacrificing oneself, but sacrificing others, this belongs to the category of shamelessness.

It is only in a small life that I feel that this is a spirit of self-sacrifice, and it can be blown up, anyway, normal people will definitely not understand, and they cannot understand.

The eight virtues are filial piety, faithfulness, propriety, righteousness, and integrity.

Filial piety comes first.

It’s all gone, virtue is gone, and there’s nothing else to talk about.

“Captain, are you really going to do this?”

Samui and Azabui were also shocked.

After Uchiha stopped the water and left, Samui couldn’t hold back anymore and asked directly.

“True or false.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s true that I want Yunyin Village to annex countries and achieve ultimate unification, but the starting point is not so noble, and I say so much, just to coax that kid.”


Let Kim Sparkle say so.

Samui and Azabui both quickly nodded their heads to show their understanding.

That is to say.

Yunyin Village is the home of Jin Shin, the place where he was born, how could he not love Yunyin Village and want to eradicate it.

It turned out to be just to deceive that child!

In fact, it all means the same thing.

But as long as the excuse is good and understandable, then there is no problem.

Uchiha stopped the water like this, and Samui and Azabui were not like this, they thought they understood the meaning of the golden flash.

As everyone knows, this is just what Jin Shanshan wants them to understand.

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