Chapter 76: Hire the organization, sign the agreement.

“This means that as long as we send someone over, we can get 30 million?”

“That’s what it means.”

“Then they are still sincere…”

“Chief, I’ll go, I’ll go!”

The horns all raised their hands to vote, and they were also actively unable to do so.

But he was interrupted twice to speak, and the first time was fine, there was a good reason for the loquat Juzo, and what was Kakuto? It’s just a shame on the face of the organization!

Needless to say, Payne’s face was also ugly, and he directly rewarded Jiaodu with a Shenluo Tianzheng and beat him to the wall.

“The matter of signing the agreement will be handled by Xiaonan, you and Loquat Juzo, disperse!!”

Order. Payne went straight away.

The rest smiled and scattered as well.

Only one injured Kakuto remained, lying on the edge of the wall and no one cared. Turn the day.

Xiao Nan and Loquat Juzo came to the City of Grass.

As far as the eye can see, it is surrounded by tall walls and a complex of buildings one after another, which is indeed spectacular and magnificent.

It’s a rich family at a glance.

With such emotion, Xiao Nan and the two also walked into the city through the city gate. It is an open-air square.

There are a lot of people waiting in line to check in.

However, Xiao Nan and the two did not need it, because Ye Cang, who had been notified a long time ago, she had already arranged it, and directly asked the ninja to bring Xiao Nan and the two over.

“When we first met, I was the leader of Kusanagi Village, Ye Cang.”

Ye Cang stretched out his hand.

“The White Tiger of Dawn.”

Xiao Nan also stretched out his hand and shook Ye Cang.

Ye Cang smiled slightly and said, “The two of you can come over, it seems that the Xiao Organization has accepted our commission.” ”


“Is there any disagreement with the price?”


“What about time?”

“None either.”

I don’t want people to think that the organization is too good to talk.

Xiao Nan, who was not very interested in these things, thought about it and said: “But in terms of personnel arrangement, we know that the organization must have enough freedom, and your grass ninja village has no right to interfere. ”

“Of course, as long as you do your job well, who to send over, how often to rotate, we don’t care, and we are not interested in meddling.”

Ye Cang said with a smile.

“That’s best.”



Both women are fast-talking, the kind that doesn’t want to be verbose. Soon they signed two agreements, one for each person. As for saying.

In the ninja world, how useful this kind of contract is.

It really doesn’t work, especially for powerful organizations. But it is also necessary to take a formality.

Not to mention.

The Xiao organization is still a mercenary force, relying on taking on tasks to develop their own organization, and credibility is also the label on which they live.

If you sign a contract and don’t perform it.

After that, no one will hire them.

This is also extremely fatal for the organization, so in general, they will also try to complete the task and not disappoint the employer

“Let’s go, I’ll take you around the city, and let you have a basic understanding of this place, lest the people you send have two eyes–smear, and they don’t know anything.”

After signing the agreement, Ye Cang invited again.

Since it is something related to work, then Xiao Nan has no reason to refuse, so he can only agree to come down and follow Ye Cang together, in fact, this is all a routine.

Isn’t Xiaonan short of friends? Very lacking okay.

After all, Xiao’s organization is a group of perverted wanted criminals, and they are all men, and none of them can enter Xiaonan’s world and talk to her.

Even Nagato is the same.

He only thinks that Xiao Nan is a sister, or the kind that neglects attention.

Nagato’s entire mind was on running the organization and fulfilling Yahiko’s dream.

He didn’t know that Xiao Nan was actually very simple, and he didn’t have such a lofty goal to accomplish.

She just wants Yahiko and Nagato, the two closest people, to live safely and happily, and she is very satisfied with what to achieve world peace, so that people can understand each other, and it is a bag of rice.

That was Yahiko’s dream.

Then it was inherited by Nagato and misinterpreted.

It doesn’t have much to do with Xiaonan, and it’s not what she wants. So to put it bluntly.

Xiao Nan, who seems deep and cold.

In fact, she is a very simple, simple-minded girl.

It was only in order to keep up with Nagato that she disguised herself and became what she is today. And such a person must lack friends who can understand her, and it is easy to fool.

Anyway. Fool Xiaonan.

It’s definitely easier than fooling around with soil.

Just give a little bit of sincerity and let her feel it.

To let Ye Cang go out and complete this task is to exchange sincerity for sincerity, enter Xiaonan’s inner world, and become a friend she recognizes.

It shouldn’t be hard to do. Just try it……..

It’s good to become, but it’s not possible… And what can be said, there is nothing to lose. The other side.

Golden Flash didn’t pay attention to the little things because he had already arrived at the Star Ninja Village.

For the time being, the Dragon Vein and Greer’s Stone Vein have not been found.

It happened that he remembered the stars in the Star Ninja Village, which seemed to be a good source of energy, so he came to take a look. Land of bears.

It is also a small country in the middle.

It is surrounded all around, and it is difficult to survive.

However, it is similar to Kusanagi Village, because there is a secret weapon such as the star, even if its own strength is not strong, the Star Ninja Village is very ambitious.

This can be seen just by looking at the system of their village. To know.

Except for the five major countries, the other ninja villages are shadowless and will not be recognized. I won’t talk about the previous Kusanagi Village.

Hanzo of Yuyin Village is known as a demigod.

But he didn’t dare to say that he was a shadow, only that he was the leader of Yuyin Village.

There is also Taki Hidden Village, except for the only village with tailed beasts in the five major countries, there is no shadow, and it is still called the leader by his subordinates. Not to mention the remaining small countries.

None of them dared to go against the wind, violate the rules set by the five major powers, and stand on their own. Only Star Ninja Village.

They are arrogant and arrogant, thinking that they have the potential to dominate the world, so they will come up with a star shadow.

Well, it’s just potential, it hasn’t developed into strength yet, it’s going to stand up for itself first, this is not looking for death or something. But don’t say it yet.

It is not so easy for the five great powers to eradicate the Star Ninja Village.

Because the place where their 2.7 village is located is too special, surrounded by poisonous gas all year round, it can be said to be a naturally formed defensive circle.

If ordinary ninjas want to attack them, they may have lost their lives before they have crossed the gas mountain stream. Probably because of this.

Only then did the Star Ninja Village have the courage to stand on its own and not take the threat of the five powers seriously. But they are this turtle shell.

In front of a master like Golden Sparkle, it is nothing. Spread your wings and pass with ease.

After that, without stopping, Golden Flash flew all the way to the very center of the Star Ninja Village. Bang!

The legs landed on the ground, and it also set off a great movement.

This was deliberately done by Jin Shining, so he didn’t bother to solve them one by one, so he simply let the people of Star Ninja Village find it themselves.


ps: Ask for flowers, ask for tickets. The picture shows Xiaonan.

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