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While Bai Yu was preparing to make a move on Zanak, in the depths of a certain forest, there was also a group of people who were getting ready to go-

“Is that what you mean by hole cards?”

After changing into the weapons provided by the sect country, the man who was known as the strongest dragon knight glanced at the girl next to him, desperate, and then said in a somewhat complicated tone.

Ever since the last time the girl found herself and asked for her help, the man had followed the gods to the kingdom.

During this time, the man saw many things, such as the group of inhuman monsters standing behind the desperate death.

No, it is not entirely correct to say that they are monsters, to be precise, they were originally all humans, but for this operation, they accepted the transformation of the sect!

As for how it was remodeled… This question is basically asking how gods were born, because these people are originally gods who have failed in evolution!

Everyone knows that the gods and men have awakened the existence of the six god bloodlines, but basically no one knows that this bloodline can also be transplanted! However, if you want to withstand the power of the six gods, the requirements for the body itself are very high, so there are only three gods in the Nordic Sect.

Once you successfully withstand the transformation of the bloodline, you will be able to obtain great power, awaken to become a god-man, and have the strength to surpass the limits of human beings. Even if the awakening fails and fails to become a godman, he can still have hero-level strength.

This is why the Sect has so many heroes, and even so many that they can form special forces composed entirely of hero-level powerhouses.

It can be said that regardless of whether it succeeds or not, there will be no loss in the result, and there is no problem at all except that failure will affect life. However, as for how the sect managed to transform the bloodline and what their purpose was, this is not something that men can know.

But the situation is different!

If it was just an awakening failure, it would not be called a monster, and the reason why it would be said was because the sect country not only transformed their bloodline, but also transformed them a second time after their awakening failed!

The first transformation only raised their strength to the hero level, and the second transformation transformed their race into undead who did not know fatigue and did not fear death!

They originally possessed hero-level power, but now they have been transformed into undead, and there are so many of them, it can be said that this power alone is enough to sweep the big one

“Besides, is it really possible that the place called Nasarik traveled through a world like me?”

The man frowned, and then asked

“Probably, this world is not highly developed, and it is unlikely that a powerful existence will be born, so it is very likely that the other party is not a person of this world… How about it, the strength of the other party is very strong, very strong! You just need to know that, and instead of thinking about these things, think about how you will survive! ”

Hearing the man’s inquiry, Desperate gently waved the war sickle in his hand, and his heterochromatic eyes emitted a strange look.

“But then again, I still don’t know your name…”


“Aren’t you going to talk to me, an ally?”

“…… Haruki Horikita. ”

“Oh? It’s a really strange name… Is this your name in the original world? ”

Hearing the man’s words, Desperate smacked his lips.


“Okay, let’s stop here, I’m not interested in knowing this… Because, we have arrived. ”

Just as Haruki Horikita was about to continue, Desperate suddenly interrupted him, and then pointed ahead and said:

“That Sarek… This is it! ”


The night continues to darken. When a dark cloud floats out of nowhere, covering the silver moon that looks like a silver platter. White Feather and Nabellar also came to the sky above a mansion somewhere in Ye Rantil.

Needless to say, this is where Zanak is!

“Oh, didn’t you run away?”

Above the void. The white feathers holding their chests with their hands stood proudly. The killing intent looked at the mansion below, and the space around him rippled slightly.

“So it is, Zanak this mongrel. Sure enough, I still refuse to die. Thought there were twenty heroes-level in ambush. Can you kill me? Fun, fun! ”

A bloodthirsty smile brushed across Bai Yu’s face:

“It’s still the same vulnerability, but it’s better than nothing, so let me play with you… Of course, I don’t want anyone to bother me until then. Nabelal, lay an enchantment all around! ”

“Yes! Lord Shiraha! ”

Hearing Bai Yu’s order, Nabellal answered, and then stretched out her hands to cast enchantment magic. Then, after a flash of white light, a semi-circular enchantment enveloped the entire area of this area, as long as you fight here, the people outside will not find out. _

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