
Chapter 174 Egg Baskets
It’s easy to get out of the city, but it’s hard to enter the city. After opening a square golden robe to arrest people, Igor found that the door was closed when he returned to King's Landing... I couldn't, so he turned his head back to the Night's Watch Industrial Park, and had a very "approachable" meal with the grassroots management in the staff cafeteria. Lunch, and another afternoon, just before sunset, when the King's Gate was half-opened—allowed in, not out.

It was almost dark when I got back to the Night's Watch offices, what happened one day one night was really more exciting than the past few months combined, Igor, who barely slept, felt mentally and physically exhausted, but still There is a lot of things waiting for him.

The office was crowded with people. When I walked in, there were a bunch of unrelated people waiting in addition to the Night's Watches... Duomi was sitting at the receptionist's seat in the lobby, and saliva splashed across the story. He went north with the Eastwatch Rangers, and the story of the battle against the Others, inside and outside the house, was crowded with people who were attentively listening to his story, and even the office employees who were supposed to work heard with keen interest pleasure.

Night's Watch has been discriminated against for a long time, and I can't help but want to show it off. Igor can understand this feeling, but he made this Night's Watch office as noisy as a storyteller. It's too ridiculous. But these are oneself's "oath brother", in front of outsiders, it is not easy to demolish.

Igor squeezed into the crowd, glanced at him in disapproval, and under everyone's attention, pushed the door and entered the inner room.

Nina was sitting behind the table, talking to Ser Alliser, who was sitting in the guest seat, when he saw him enter the door and stood up: "Sir."

Igor stood at the door , met Ser Alliser's eyes, and suddenly realized that the guy wearing black clothes in front of him was the second real Night's Watch to step into the office besides oneself: "Well, are summer clothes ready? Send it to the brothers, and let Aquan take them to a hotel to settle down, close the door and go back to rest."

Looking for a hotel to live in? The large residence of the office in King's Landing is enough to accommodate the ghoul escort team. Man, Nina blinked her eyes and seemed to understand something. Without expressing her doubts, she stood up and carried out Igor's instructions: "Ser Alliser, please come with me, Aquan will take you to find a place to live."

Alliser looked thoughtful at Igor, got up, and followed Nina and Jaqen out of the office.

After dismissing the residents of King's Landing who came to listen to the story, sending more than a dozen summer clothes to the Night's Watchers of the ghoul escort team, and sending Jaqen to take them away, Nina returned to the inner room.

Igor sat back in oneself's Boss chair, leaning back into the cushions: "What did Ser Alliser talk to you about?"

"He asked the Night's Watch industry. Operational status, income, etc... and also asked the details of Slynt's opposition to us."

"Nina, I won't explain the specific reasons, but remember, the 'Night's Watch industry' is Night's Watch. The logistics department's industry, and my chief logistics officer, is a general without an army - there are no other members of the Night's Watch logistics department except me. I ask that you report to me alone, take orders only from me, only Be responsible for me alone. The other Night's Watches that Wall comes to are just guests of the Night's Watch industry. They are entertained and entertained, but don't let them meddle in the industry, even if it's a little bit, understand?"


Nina had already noticed when Igor asked Jaqen to "take the Night's Watch to the hotel to live in", and his words at this moment confirmed this speculation, she nodded: "Understood. If Ser Alliser asks me about this in the future, I'll say that I don't know, so I'll put it all on you?"

"Well, that's fine."

Igor didn't know and didn't want to know what Mormont told him before he sent Alliser to King's Landing. He only knew that there must be no intention of harming others, and the heart of preventing others is necessary... As a loner, the Night's Watch industry is oneself's right to speak. And the only backer of influence, he doesn't want to work for others with no benefit to oneself. In order to prevent any other Night's Watch from killing the donkey, he would never let any other Night's Watch meddle in it, not even Mormont himself.

Glancing at Nina, Igor made sure she understood oneself's subtext, nodded with satisfaction. Nina's intelligence is as restrained as her beauty, and the more you get along, the more it will be reflected. Tyrion really sees the wrong person.

“No more accidents happened in the office today?”

“Well...the four members of the security team who left at Flea Bottom last night did not fight the enemy, and have been in the The street blocked the people coming and going and was taken away by the garrison until it was almost dawn. But two officers from the east battalion of the garrison personally brought the people back in the morning, as if they wanted to talk to you, but you and Ser Alliser were Entered the Red Keep."

So many things happened, Igor almost forgot about the four, and he felt a sudden sense of guilt: "The four brothers didn't get hurt or suffered?"

"They are very smart. After completing the mission, and seeing the soldiers of the garrison coming, they did not resist. Except for a few punches when they were caught, it was fine. I gave them a holiday and let them They went home to rest first."

"Very good." The officer who sent them back must be Slynt's subordinate. Slynt, who is not from a noble background and has no backer except Robert, actually has many similarities with Igor. The biggest one of them is: as the leader of a force, if one person has an accident, the entire force will collapse in an instant, and the party members will also be scattered. When Slynt's subordinates saw the boss being arrested, they were probably in a state of panic and began to look for a way out. "If you come to me again, tell them that 'cooperating' with the Prime Minister's investigation into Slynt is their only way out. The Night's Watch industry has no intention or ability to do anything to them."

"Understood." Ni Na nodded: "Also, before Ser Alliser sent the ghoul into King's Landing this morning, he showed it to many people who came into the city at Linhe Gate... Now there's talk all over the city, and many people come to the office I asked and asked to see it with my own eyes... After chatting with the Night's Watch people who came to King's Landing this time, they donated money on the spot. Today, the office received a total of 1 Golden Dragon 46 Silver Stag 185 Bronze how to deal with this?”

Someone donated? This is a good thing... From the day it was established, the office has called on people to fund the Wall defenders, but to support an army, relying on spontaneous donations from residents is not helpful at all. Igor never counted on this... In fact, the office has never received a donation of half a copper plate.

"Get a box. If someone comes to donate, put it in it. If you don't have it, you won't force it." The Night's Watch industry has dozens or hundreds of Golden Dragons in and out every day. To be honest, I really don't like that. Donate a little bit, but having money is always better than nothing. "Open a new ledger and record it every day. I'll leave this to you. I'll work hard."

"Where... it should be." Nina is fine, but Igor can't stand it. shy again.

Igor smiled and took out the piece of paper that Tyrion was writing before escaping. It was Tyrion's short- and medium-term planning advice for the development of the industry, but Igor knew that most of the content on it had to be voided - Tyrion wrote When it came to this thing, James' attack on Robert wasn't counted.


The Night's Watch industry has no power in the Red Keep. Igor doesn't know what's going on in the foreign castle. What can be determined is - King's Landing didn't sound the death knell today.

Is the king safe and sound, or is the news of death suppressed by Eddard to gain time for various follow-up arrangements?

If Robert hadn't died, it would have been a war, and if Robert had died, Ed would have informed Stannis to come to the throne...Igor didn't know much about this Stag Family's Old Second, he Will he start a war against Lannister to avenge his brother? And Renly from Stag Family's Old Third, would he be content with being Duke of the Stormlands if Eddard wasn't dead?

Too many unknowns, as a Night's Watch, he is not eligible to bet and line up in Game of Thrones. What Igor can do now is to immediately take all conceivable hedging measures to ensure that no matter which direction the situation takes, the losses to the Night's Watch industry are minimized.

"There are still some arrangements, I will list them now, you will start to do them tomorrow, as soon as possible." Igor said: "The first one, the third paper factory project under construction has been suspended. Good workers, assign the best points, send them to Reach and Dorne as soon as possible to perform the contract we signed, and leave the rest to other positions. As agreed, your big brother is going to Reach, don't let Miss Tyrell catch us. "

"Aborted? But it is estimated that a third paper mill must be built, otherwise the paper output will soon be unable to keep up with printing, let alone meet the order."

"Trust my judgment, on the order, push down some of the low-profit ones!"

"Follow your order, my lord... But, the third factory has been built, is it empty there?"

"What about the new projects I asked you to arrange before, solid detergents and cosmetics... Soap and lipstick production, have you planned it?"

"Soap has been Ready, but lipsticks...Blair's formula uses some plants and insects, which requires planting and farming, mass production, and can't start for at least a few months."

"Then start small. At the beginning of production, it is first sold as a luxury product. After the product comes out, we will give a copy to each of our investors. Once the wives and lovers of these great nobles start using it, it is the best publicity.” Eggs cannot be put in one basket , the commercial body rapidly expands and develops by a single project, but because the income pillar is too single, it quickly goes bankrupt and collapses in the face of war and other turmoil. There are too many examples in real history. Igor does not want to follow their footsteps. The future of the Watch industry is planned: "In addition, the Dragonstone obsidian mine will expand the recruitment of mining workers, dig more obsidian, and send some to King's Landing, and then we will hire people to carve various decorations or small pendants. Let our people put the news Let it go - Obsidian is not only the nemesis of ghouls and Others, but also has the effect of warding off evil spirits and dispelling cold in the human body."

"To ward off evil spirits? Really!" Nina blinked twice: " Also, what is the cold?"

"Fake, but the Night's Watch industry needs to be sustained!" Igor glanced at Nina amusingly, no matter how smart, she was just a young girl after all: "If possible, I will try to get the ghouls back from the Prime Minister, and look for opportunities to publicly demonstrate the effectiveness of Obsidian on them." , as long as it is true that "obsidian can kill ghouls", then it can ward off evil spirits and cold air, and it will naturally become true.

"so that's how it is, what a great idea, my lord!" Nina's eyes lit up, it turns out that business can still do this.

"Whether it's a good idea, it will take time and the market to verify. There is one last thing, I will probably be invited by the Prime Minister or someone to investigate in the past two days. During this period, don't panic. , Night's Watch industry maintains normal operations, wait for me to come back!"


(end of this chapter)

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