King Who Will Cross

Chapter 291: Make robots out of robots - rampage mode!

A mechanical equipment company named Skynet was quietly established.

Of the millions of companies that start and close every day around the world, a company that manufactures machinery and equipment goes unnoticed.

Of course, if someone from Li Daniu's previous life heard the name of this company, he would definitely think that the boss of this company was a "Terminator" movie fan. It's a pity that no one in this world has seen the "Terminator" series of movies.

Li Daniu's smart butler, Ultron, already has an anthropomorphic way of thinking. When communicating with humans, almost no one would think that he is just an intelligent system.

Therefore, Ao Chuang was able to successfully use his forged identity to set up this company called Skynet, and acquired a production workshop of mechanical equipment in Australia.

As for the funds, they used the black money obtained by Li Daniu from selling jewelry before. At that auction, Li Daniu’s income reached about 20 billion US dollars, and the money, after several months of laundering, still has nearly 100 million dollars. The amount of 100 million US dollars belongs to black money.

Using this money in the company Skynet is also a different kind of whitewashing.

After Li Daniu arranged the matters related to the celebration and explained to Burns that he was going to retreat to do some research, he put on his steel armor and flew to Skynet in Australia.

"Have the materials and equipment arrived?" It was already night when Li Daniu arrived at the Tianwang company's factory building. Monitor screen.

"It has arrived at No. 2 factory building." Altron replied: "According to your request, I have notified the original management and workers of the factory building that No. 2 factory building will stop production and be used as a warehouse."

This factory originally had two workshops. In order to deceive others, Li Daniu arranged for the employees of the previous company to work in the No. 1 workshop and continue to produce the construction machinery and equipment produced by this factory before. The No. 2 factory building directly announced its closure on the grounds that the production capacity was greater than the sales volume.

When Li Daniu entered the No. 2 factory building, he looked at the distance from the No. 1 factory building, and couldn't help being envious and jealous. Of course, this envy and jealousy was not because there would be many workers in the No. 1 factory building to help, but in the No. 2 factory building Only he works alone. It's because the distance between the two factories is really a bit big.

The distance between No. 1 and No. 2 factories is more than 3 kilometers, which is completely like factories belonging to two different companies. If this is in Tuvalu, it is a serious waste of land resources. But for Australia, which is sparsely populated, this area is really nothing.

"It's a pity that such a land-wasting country is not defeated." Li Daniu sighed and entered the No. 2 factory building.

At this time, Ao Chuang not only changed all the monitoring near the No. 2 factory building, but even blocked the signal near the No. 2 factory building.

In the No. 2 workshop, besides the original production equipment, there are many well-packaged large wooden boxes. From the outside packaging, it is impossible to tell what equipment and materials are inside.

Li Daniu took out hundreds of small projection devices brought from his laboratory, and placed them in various important positions in the factory according to Ao Chuang's prompts.

These projection devices not only allow Ao Chuang to mark with projections to help Li Daniu complete his work, but also can camouflage some equipment and products that are not suitable for seeing light after outsiders come in, just like on Li Daniu's steel armor. same as incognito mode.

After installing the projector, Li Daniu stretched his waist and began to unpack those wooden boxes. Ultron used the projection device to mark the information of the equipment and materials inside on each wooden box.

It was dawn when the equipment and materials were sorted and put where they should be.

Ao Chuang reminded: "There are already workers coming to work. Although the sound insulation effect of this factory building is good, I still suggest you stop working."

"Stop working?" Li Daniu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't you know I'm in a hurry? Notify me, today is a holiday."

Ao Chuang said: "If you often have holidays, then your factory will definitely arouse the curiosity of many people, which may even cause others to discover the secrets of No. 2 factory, which will not achieve your secret development goal."

"Huh?" Li Daniu asked curiously: "You already know how to reason."

"Calculate probabilistic results based on known conditions." Ultron said: "Strictly speaking, this is mathematics, not reasoning."

"Why didn't my math teacher teach me these things?" Li Daniu said indifferently: "I won't have frequent holidays, as long as I produce the engineering robots I need in the early stage and the supporting production lines, I don't need to stay here for a long time Moreover, the movement of production at that time will be much smaller."

"Okay, the holiday notice has been arranged. According to your work progress, the holiday time this time is one week."

Through the monitoring screen projected by Ao Chuang, Li Daniu continued to start his work after seeing that everyone in the factory had left.

After two days of installation and renovation, the factory finally reached the capacity to produce the engineering robots that Li Daniu wanted.

These engineering robots designed by Li Daniu are based on steel armor. In the movie "Iron Man", the protagonist Tony has dozens of steel armor with different functions, which can help him complete various experiments and combat tasks.

During more than a year in the "Cold War" movie world, Li Daniu asked the intelligent system to design the functions of these steel armors on Sunday, and carried out related experiments.

Therefore, when the factory building meets the production requirements, Li Daniu can directly carry out the production of the assembly line.

Ultra forges all the required spare parts with dies, and then assembles and installs them with Li Daniu, and the main structure of an engineering robot is completed.

In two days, Li Daniu assembled seven engineering robots. However, none of these engineering robots could move.

Li Daniu took time to go back to New Tuvalu, and after solving some government affairs of New Tuvalu that needed him to deal with, he returned to Skynet with seven Ark reactors.

Using the Ark reactor as the energy source for engineering robots, in Li Daniu’s view, is the best of both worlds. It can not only provide long-term power for engineering robots, but also control the Ark reactor to explode directly at critical moments through the built-in program. .

After all, the Ark reactor is also nuclear energy. A palm-sized Ark reactor is actually equivalent to a small nuclear bomb. When the energy is sufficient, the power of the explosion can even reach the power of 5,000 tons of TNT explosives. It can completely destroy engineering robots. disappear.

After installing the Ark Reactor on the engineering robot, Li Daniu activated them.

Seven grotesque robots lined up neatly in front of Li Daniu. When the ark reactor on their chests lit up, there was a crackling sound, and all seven robots saluted Li Daniu.

It's just that what they raise is not a hand, but a mechanical arm in the shape of a hammer, claws, and other tools.

"Ao Chuang, conduct a test."

As soon as Li Daniu finished speaking, the seven engineering robots began to make various strange movements.

A minute later, the seven engineering robots stopped their respective movements, and Ultron's voice sounded, saying: "The basic inspection work has been completed, and no abnormalities have been found. The estimated service life of the energy-conducting metal is 12,000 working hours."

"Twelve thousand man-hours? It's less than half of my steel armor."

Energy-conducting metal is a black technology from "The Avengers". In Iron Man's armor, this energy-conducting metal is used instead of conventional wires. The advantage of this kind of metal is that it can be forged through a special metal formula, and combined into the body of steel armor or engineering robot like other parts, but the disadvantage is that the service life is much shorter than that of conventional wires.

Wires with normal quality have a service life of more than decades, not calculated by man-hours.

Ultra said: "According to your preset working place and method for these engineering robots, their normal lifespan is about 9000 working hours, so you don't have to worry about the lifespan of energy-conducting metals."

"Are you kidding me?" Li Daniu complained, "Why don't you just say that these engineering robots are broken, and the energy-conducting metal doesn't need to be replaced?"

"I can say it again if you want."

"Forget it." Li Daniu shook his head. The materials used to make these engineering robots are all conventional alloys, instead of using special alloys beyond this era like his steel armor. Therefore, the short service life of these engineering robots is also expected by him.

"Start functional test."

"Okay, the relevant instructions have been sent."

These engineering robots are not directly controlled by Ao Chuang, but are controlled by intelligent chips built into these engineering robots. The role of Ao Chuang is to convert Li Daniu's orders into instructions and send them directly to these engineering robots, and The chips in their bodies work according to the instructions.

This is somewhat similar to the control mode of Iron Man's robot army in "Avengers 2".

When the instructions are sent to the chips in the seven engineering robots, these engineering robots, which are somewhat huge compared to the human body, start to move.

Robots No. 1 and No. 2 came to the end of the parts production line and began to assemble parts according to the established procedures.

Robot No. 3 put some of the ore on the side into its body, and then a few minutes later, released the complete iron ingot, as well as other metal ingots.

Robot No. 4 has the largest volume. Strictly speaking, it has no human form at all. It puts the metal ingots manufactured by Robot No. 3 into its body and decomposes them again. Then, it combines these metal ingots according to the formula set by the intelligent program in the body, and then produces alloy.

Robot No. 5 entered a large cooling pool in the factory, its whole body sank into the water, and then began to search for various ores thrown into it by Li Daniu.

The No. 6 robot made the most noise. It started drilling directly on the ground of the factory building. In ten minutes, it drilled a cube hole with a length, width, and depth of three meters. All the stones were filled in and smoothed for repair.

At this time, robots No. 1 and No. 2 have produced a complete engineering robot, which is the same as robot No. 1 in appearance.

Robot No. 7 has been waiting for a long time. Now that the main body of the new engineering robot is completed, it immediately begins to arrange the energy-conducting metal for the new robot, and install the simple ark reactor it just made on the new robot.

Ultron reminded: "Robot No. 1-1 has been completed, do you want to activate it?"

"Activate and test."

With Li Daniu's confirmation, the Ark reactor in front of the chest of No. 1-1 robot lit up, clicked a few times, and began to conduct basic behavioral function tests according to the actions of the previous engineering robots.

Soon, robots No. 1-1, which completed the basic behavioral test, also joined the assembly line.

Ao Chuang said: "Your Majesty, according to the current production speed, after ten days, our production capacity will be affected due to the insufficient number of built-in chips."

"Chip, this is indeed a problem." Li Daniu just got happy when Ultron poured cold water on him.

With these 7 engineering robot models, Li Daniu can produce engineering robots and even combat robots indefinitely.

As for the materials for the production of these robots, robots No. 3, 4, 5, and 6 can be used to search, mine, smelt, and synthesize them in the boundless sea.

But the smart chips built into these engineering robots can only be produced in Li Daniu's production capacity is really limited.

"Ultron, if we buy a chip manufacturing factory for chip production, how likely is the technology to leak?" It's not that Li Daniu doesn't want to use robots to make chips, but the current Ultron is not yet fully trusted by Li Daniu. If robots are used to make chips , then it is bound to be issued by Ultron.

The smart chip in the robot is the most important means for Li Daniu to control these robots. If the smart chip is tampered with, then it is not certain who these robots will listen to in the end.

Ultron did not hesitate because of Li Daniu's question, and replied very quickly: "If the smart program is not leaked, the possibility of technology leak is 9%."

"Okay, buy a chip manufacturing factory." Li Daniu said: "I will preside over the setting of the program myself."

After giving the order, Li Daniu sighed. He originally thought that the engineering robot could produce the robot by itself, so he would not have to worry about it, but he didn't expect that the chip would have to input the program by himself.

"The strength is still not enough." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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