King Who Will Cross

Chapter 482: Self-sacrifice of the Japanese delegation

Even the local tyrants in Saudi Arabia who spend money without batting an eye can figure out that the robots produced by New Tuvalu are not worth that much money, let alone other countries?

The reason why it was able to sell at a sky-high price for the first time was entirely because the three major countries of the purchaser thought they could copy the technology. Therefore, they were willing to accept the sky-high price at that time.

But when the three major countries are unable to successfully copy the technology, no matter how confident other countries are, they will not think that they can successfully copy the robot technology of New Tuvalu in a short period of time.

So, how can you sell at a high price in this situation?

Auction is undoubtedly a very good choice. Li Daniu is not worried about whether there will be unsold auctions.

What if one country does not buy it, and two countries do not buy it?

There are more than 200 countries and regions in the world, and this time it cannot be sold. New Tuvalu can organize another auction.

During the adjournment, the delegations of various countries also had intense discussions.

"We don't need land-based robots, and we don't need flying robots. Wouldn't we be at a disadvantage if he sold them in packages like this?"

"Actually, we need those two types of robots, but we don't need 50 of each type. Except for the steel armor and the One Piece robot, 50 of each of the other two types is a waste."

"And this kind of auction with delivery on time will definitely make us involuntarily compete for it. It is said that it is a batch of 20 billion US dollars, but in fact the price is likely to reach a higher level."

"Should we join the delegations of other countries and discuss first? After we allocate it, he will definitely not be able to sell it at a high price."

"There is still 30 minutes until the auction starts. Tell me, how do you unite a total of 14 national delegations?"

Burns and Castro both smiled heartily when they saw that the shooting time was getting closer.

Castro said: "If you tell them in advance that it will be auctioned, then they should have already allocated the robot production capacity for the next eight weeks in advance through the exchange of benefits."

Burns smiled and said, "So, it is definitely impossible for them to negotiate well now. We can continue to sell robot products at sky-high prices."

Castro looked at the time and said, "It's almost time to enter. How much do you think we can sell this time?"

Burns stood up and said, "I think it must be enough to invest in land reclamation."

Both of them were in a very good mood. When they entered the venue, delegations from many countries had already entered the venue. The remaining delegations that were still discussing countermeasures also entered the venue before the filming started.

Castro stood up, walked to the one-man podium on the rostrum and began to preside over the auction.

Although New Tuvalu is now changing with each passing day, it is very different from before. But for the 14 delegations whose national strength ranks among the top on the planet, New Tuvalu cannot be ignored too much.

Castro does not have an official title in New Tuvalu, but he is the first assistant to His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu. It is very appropriate for him to preside over this auction.

"The first week's auction of robot production capacity has officially started. The products in this auction are steel armor, One Piece, land-type robots, and flying robots. There are 50 units of each type, and the delivery date is one week later. For specific product parameters, everyone You can refer to the product performance information we sent before. The starting price is 20 billion U.S. dollars, and each bid must not be less than 100 million U.S. dollars. The payment method is..."

"Delegations from all countries are invited to bid!"

The scene fell into silence. Not only did no one bid, but no one even looked around.

A minute passed and still no one bid!

Castro in front of the presiding stage became nervous. What's going on?

He really wanted to look back at Burns, but he didn't dare to move, and he didn't even reveal the tension in his heart.

Thinking about His Majesty's previous arrangement, Castro gritted his teeth and said, "If no one bids within two minutes, then this auction will be considered a failed auction by default. Now there are 51 seconds left. "

The scene was still quiet. Castro looked at the electronic clock in silent mode, but he could hear the sound of the seconds beating in his heart. Every second added, Castro felt as if someone took a sledgehammer and slammed it on his chest.

Gritting his teeth again, Castro said: "If this auction fails, we will immediately close the robot factory and never sell robot products to the outside world. Now there are 27 seconds left."

Hearing these words, there was finally some commotion at the scene.

Although few people believed that New Tuvalu would give up such a large piece of cake that he could have all to himself. However, what if His Majesty the king of New Tuvalu who never played cards according to common sense really did this?

The US delegation doesn't have to care, the Russian delegation doesn't care, and the Huaxia delegation doesn't care either.

Because they already have, and there are as many as ten robots of each model.

However, we can't help but care.

With 15 seconds left in the time, the Japanese delegation couldn't help raising their number plate, but they didn't make an offer. In other words, they defaulted to a price increase of 100 million US dollars.

Castro instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and Burns, who was behind him, also instantly sat up straight with his limp body.

They don't worry about not being able to sell at a high price, what they worry about is that the delegations from these countries can hold their breath.

If it really fails, then New Tuvalu will be very uncomfortable.

You say you won't sell it if you don't sell it?

At that time, not only will it be sold, but it will also be sold at a lower price. Unless, New Tuvalu dares to go to war with the whole world.

At this time, members of the delegation from other countries began to curse the Japanese delegation in their hearts.

Can't you **** be calmer?

New Tuvalu has already started to say that they will not sell it, which proves that they are also in a hurry. At this time, do you have to send it up and get stabbed?

Are you **** stupid!

Cursing belongs to cursing, but when the Japanese delegation bid, the delegations of other countries could no longer remain silent.

The situation has been broken, and if there is no bid, is it possible that other countries have robots, but your own country does not?

Moreover, for this technologically advanced product, having it one day earlier and having it one day later are completely two concepts. What's more, is it a week's time difference?

What if the scientists in your own country are so inspired that they have researched the technology inside?

The British delegation raised their placards, the German delegation raised their placards, and the French delegation raised their placards...

In a blink of an eye, the auction price of robot production capacity in the first week has reached 22 billion US dollars. However, the situation is very anxious, and no country is willing to let go.

For these countries with extremely huge economic strength, what is tens of billions of dollars?

After helping New Tuvalu break the game, the Japanese delegation once again helped New Tuvalu drive up the auction price.

"30 billion dollars!"

Hearing the quotation shouted out by the Japanese delegation, Burns and Castro instantly felt a little guilty: They didn’t reserve small meeting rooms for them before, but they helped us sell high prices without complaint. What kind of spirit is it?

Sacrifice yourself for a new Tuvalu?

Harm other countries benefit new Tuvalu?

On the surface, the three major countries purchased a total of 120 robots and paid a price of nearly 28 billion US dollars. Now it is only 200 robots of the same model that have only called out a price of 30 billion U.S. dollars, which is very cost-effective.

But in fact, is it really worth it?

The delegations of other countries once again began to curse Japan frantically in their hearts. However, as before, they are also reluctant to see all 200 robots in the first week being bought by Japan.

In other words, they also want to get the robot as soon as possible.

The British delegation raised a sign and then shouted: "32 billion US dollars."

The French delegation shouted: "$33 billion!"

How much is a week's time difference worth?

When Li Daniu got the news that the 200 robots in the first week were bought by Japan at a high price of 51 billion US dollars, he immediately gave the Japanese a thumbs up in his heart.

This average price completely exceeds the average purchase price of the previous three major countries.

After signing the contract with Castro, the Japanese delegation immediately began to organize all domestic experts related to the robotics industry. In their view, robotics technology is the best in the world. Of course, looking at the number one in the world now, New Tuvalu cannot be counted.

Therefore, they are very confident that they can obtain the robot technology of New Tuvalu from this batch of robots, and then produce robot products belonging to Japan. At that time, what is the extra money spent compared to the profits that this industry can bring?

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