King Who Will Cross

Chapter 502: Tricking the U.S. government?

If Mindy hadn't fallen into a temporary coma due to the injection of the soldier's serum, then she would definitely label her godfather a pervert after seeing her godfather's behavior at this time. E novel WwnW. 』1XIAOSHUO. COM

Similarly, because Big Daddy has been paying attention to Mindy's situation, he has no time to watch TV at all, even though the news being broadcast at the moment is related to his daughter's godfather.

After Hai Bian Wang returned home, he lay on the bed and thought about his life. Whether it's seeing Mindy's murderous killings, or seeing Li who exchanged Iron Man's armor, this young man who is full of dreams of a super hero has a lot of thoughts.

At this time, the number of viewers of the news channel of ABc TV has exceeded 8,000,000, accounting for almost one-third of the US population. With so many viewers watching, Li Daniu didn't have any scruples at all. After getting Susan's permission, he hugged Susan, a golden **** stunner, directly in a princess hug.

"Unfortunately, wearing the Apocalypse armor again, I can't feel any hand feeling at all."

After Li Daniu sighed in his heart, he flew up slowly.

The cameraman in charge of shooting got into a black off-road vehicle belonging to the FBI, opened the sunroof, and mounted the camera on it.

After Ruisen completed his task and got into a car, the orders began to be issued.

There are no important people in the convoy of dozens of police cars, and the people they are responsible for opening the road don't really need them.

Li Daniu, who was flying slowly in the air, evenly followed the convoy, so that he always appeared in the live broadcast camera.

The purpose of doing this is of course not because of worrying about the US government's tricks, but to prove that he is not a pervert.

Susan's mood at this time is really hard to describe in words. In front of more than 80 million viewers, she was hugged by the real Iron Man and flew away. No woman in the world has enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Susan asked in a low voice: "Can I ask you a more personal question?"

Because Susan dropped the microphone on purpose, no matter what she said at this moment, it is impossible for the audience to hear it.

Li Daniu smiled knowingly and said, "Of course."

Susan raised her head, looked at the golden mask with temptation in her eyes, and said, "Do you... have a girlfriend?"

This is the hook?

Is my charm too great?

Li Daniu said: "So far, I don't have a girlfriend yet."

Susan's gaze instantly became more intense, and she said, "Then you are far from Iron Man."

The woman's reserve made Susan prepare to wait for Li Daniu's initiative, but what she didn't expect was that Li Daniu had already called up all the information about her on Friday in this short moment.

"I've had 11 boyfriends already? That's fine, but Nima actually got plastic surgery to look like this, with eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth... I, Nima, is there any part of your body that hasn't been moved?"

Thinking of how many knives and man-made objects were added to Susan's body, Li Daniu's heart ignited the fire of desire, which completely disappeared.

Through the loudspeaker, Li Daniu said: "Ma'am, I want to add."

Before Susan could react, Li Daniu raised his speed and climbed to a certain height to fly. However, because he was worried that Susan's fake nose would be blown off by the wind, Li Daniu flew upside down.

After adding the Apocalypse armor in the air, the team below also followed suit. And all the roads they were about to pass ahead were blocked by the New York City police who came to support them.

When Li Daniu arrived at the location mentioned by Ruisen, the FBI office building in New York, USA, he saw FBI agents waiting in full battle. Several nearby streets were also sealed off.

After putting Susan down, Li Daniu walked towards the building without any scruples, and then followed several FBIs into a meeting room.

Although Susan's legs were a little weak at this time, she still gritted her teeth and followed. She didn't want to miss this news, nor did she want to miss this 'charismatic' man.

After entering the meeting room, Friday reminded him: "According to the data I obtained by invading the relevant database, the wall outside the meeting room you are in is as thick as 6o centimeters, with two layers of bulletproof metal plates sandwiched in between. I have already planned for you A relatively weakly defended route with an estimated rush time of 75 seconds."

Li Daniu unceremoniously sat on the main seat in the meeting room, and after waiting for a few minutes, Rui Sen walked in alone.

Susan glanced behind Ruisen, and when she found that the door of the conference room had been closed, she asked, "Where's my cameraman?"

Rui Sen smiled and nodded at Li Daniu, then turned to Susan and said, "Ms. Susan, can you give us a moment?"

Susan instantly understood what Ruisen meant, but she ignored Ruisen because she knew that it was not Ruisen who was in the dominant position at this time.

Li Daniu noticed Susan's gaze, nodded, and said, "I think it would be nice to have a few minutes of private communication."

Susan left the meeting room disappointed. While waiting, she asked the FBI staff who was watching her: "Where is my photographer?"

The FBI who was questioned looked at Susan's face and figure, and said, "There's a traffic jam, I guess it will take him a while to come over."

"You..." Susan was about to ask a few questions, but suddenly remembered that there was no live broadcast at this time, and there were no tens of millions of viewers, so she could only stomp her feet and find a place to sit down.

Twenty minutes later, Susan was notified that the cameraman had arrived.

When Susan arrived at the door of the meeting room first, she saw several people in military uniforms who had never seen before coming out of the meeting room. Judging from the epaulettes of those soldiers, the lowest ranks are all major generals.

After entering the meeting room, Susan saw several people who she had never seen before, and Li Daniu who was wearing the Apocalypse armor but opened the mask.

"Ms. Susan, please sign this non-disclosure agreement."

Someone walked up to Susan, took out a document, and said, "Remember, you didn't leave Li alone before."

How could Susan not understand at this moment that the man who flew over carrying her had already reached a private agreement with the US government. And the reason why the man insisted on asking reporters to accompany him was to take advantage of the attention of tens of millions of ordinary people and occupy a favorable position in public opinion, so that the US government did not dare to use some unconventional means easily.

After the appointed person signed the non-disclosure agreement, Susan saw the cameraman brought in.

After setting up the equipment, the audience who had been waiting in front of the TV for a long time saw the man in the apocalypse armor again.

Susan said to the camera: "Friends in the audience... Now I will broadcast live the negotiation with the US government, the boss of Lee Company, engineer robot, Mingren Li of Apocalypse Armor."

Susan did not introduce who the people sitting opposite Li Daniu were. Although the audience was curious about the identities of these people, they were attracted by the negotiations that had already started.

"Sorry, according to our urgent investigation, the seizure of the company you own by the New York Police and FBI is illegal. We will drop all charges against you and conduct a more in-depth investigation , and the results of the investigation will be announced in three days.”

Hearing this statement from the government representative, many audience members cheered for unknown reasons. It is simply unbelievable that the government apologized through personal power.

Li Daniu nodded and did not answer. This was just one of the conditions initially reached in the secret negotiation just now, so there is nothing strange about it.

The government representative said: "According to what you said before your Apocalypse armor has almost the same function as the Mark series armor in the movie "Iron Man". Therefore, we believe that your Apocalypse armor has a high-power lethality Sex weapons, do you agree with that?"

Li Daniu laughed and said, "Of course I agree. However, unlike the Mark series armor in the movie, my Apocalypse armor does not have any live ammunition weapons except laser weapons."

The government representative added: "According to your description, we believe that your Apocalypse armor is too powerful. Therefore, we list it as a military product. For the safety of the country and the American people, we will limit your production of this equipment and sales, do you agree?"

Li Daniu nodded and said, "I agree."

The government representative added: "According to the relevant legal provisions of our country, ordinary people are not allowed to possess high-power lethal weapons. Therefore, we will restrict your use of the Apocalypse armor. Do you have any doubts about this?"

Li Daniu replied: "Sorry, I have doubts!"

The faces of several government representatives changed instantly, because Li Daniu's answer was different from the script they had discussed before...!

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