King Who Will Cross

Chapter 734: Capture the Kryptonians!

How can you be bold?

When Li Daniu finished that sentence, the entire spaceship cockpit fell into a strange silence.

Colonel Hardy and others, as earthlings, and American soldiers who have always been dishonest, were definitely the first people on the scene to understand the meaning of Li Daniu's words.

But they didn't dare to laugh, because the enemy they were facing now was the Kryptonians who had just been able to jump directly from another spaceship to their spaceship without resorting to any auxiliary safety measures.

Moreover, the purpose of their trip was not to flirt with Kryptonian beauties.

Although Clark is a Kryptonian, he has lived on the earth for a long time, and he has been wandering for the past few years, so he is well-informed, and he reacted immediately.

Subconsciously, Clark flashed directly in front of Li Daniu, ready to bear the attack from Fiona and others.

Fiona didn't react at all at the first time, including the two Kryptonian fighters behind her, and they didn't react at all.

As Li Daniu said, Krypton has long since abandoned sexual reproduction, and all newborns on Krypton are bred using the genetic map in the Krypton Codex and the Genesis Bank. The future of every Kryptonian has already been determined when they were cultivated.

workers, teachers, warriors, managers

Although Fiona is not a pure warrior, and there is a manager position in her genetic map, she has never been exposed to sexual reproduction.

In the 100,000-year history of Krypton, sexual reproduction has long been a thing of the past.

However, when Fiona saw Clark suddenly appearing in front of Li Daniu, making a serious look, she instantly understood.

"How dare you speak disrespectfully to me?"

After scolding, Fiona proved to Colonel Hardy and the others how powerful the Kryptonians were by using actions that completely didn't match her appearance and voice.

Without seeing Fiona's movements at all, Colonel Hardy and the others saw Fiona appear in front of Clark as if teleported.

Before, the distance between the two exceeded 5 meters.


There was a bang, and Clark and Fiona took a few steps back at the same time. After being tested by Colonel Hardy and others before, several deep dents appeared on the extremely solid metal floor.

What surprised Colonel Hardy and others even more was that when Fiona and Clark's fists collided, a strong airflow was generated, which made their cheeks hurt.

Subconsciously raised the gun, and before they could make any movements, Colonel Hardy and the others felt a sharp pain in their abdomen, and they all flew upside down and hit the metal wall.

Colonel Hardy, who spat out a mouthful of blood, looked up and saw the two Kryptonian warriors behind Fiona, dismantling the weapons they had just raised just like dismantling children's building block toys.

Fiona felt Clark's strength, which was completely beyond her expectations.

"Impossible, you shouldn't be so powerful. You are the only Kryptonian born naturally on Krypton for tens of thousands of years. Without genetic modification, you absolutely cannot be as powerful as you are now."

Fiona said in shock: "The Genesis Library and the Kryptonian Codex must be on Earth!"

Clark became nervous, and he didn't expect that just one Fiona could be on par with him. If you count the few Kryptonian fighters who have already boarded the spacecraft, he is no match at all.


Time was running out, and Clark didn't mean to talk nonsense at all, so he yelled directly. Li Daniu, who was hiding behind him, sneered and pressed a button in his hand.

Fiona, who noticed this, didn't know the function of that button, but the warrior gene in her body, as well as the various experiences of following Zod before, made her immediately choose to attack Li Daniu again.

But this time, Clark didn't mean to confront her hard at all, and he just dodged, reaching out and tearing off the transparent mask she was wearing.

"This is"

Fiona felt dizzy the moment her mask was ripped off. Before she could react, she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and then she passed out.

Before she passed out completely, Fiona felt a pair of strong arms holding her in her arms.

"Damn earthlings!"

Noticing that Fiona was captured, the other two Kryptonian warriors erupted instantly, one frantically entangled Karak, while the other frantically rushed to Li Daniu who was holding Fiona.

"give it to you."

After shouting, Li Daniu rushed out of the cab without hesitation. At that moment, his speed was even faster than the Kryptonian warriors chasing him. This made Clark's eyes twitch.

After Li Daniu rushed out of the cab, the metal hatch closed instantly. When the Kryptonians chasing him were about to smash open the metal hatch, Clark, who had already destroyed the mask of another Kryptonian warrior, grabbed him from behind. took off his mask.

With a tear, the Kryptonian soldier also felt dizzy for an instant, and then fell down.

After finishing off the two Kryptonian fighters, Clark flashed to Colonel Hardy's side.

Colonel Hardy, who had just vomited blood, finally felt the horror of the Kryptonians, and said with a bleak breath, "There are three more! Leave us alone."

Clark nodded, and while rushing towards the just-opened hatch, he shouted: "Joel, quickly block the sunlight.

Jorel, who had disappeared at the beginning of the battle, instantly closed all the portholes of the spaceship.

And Li Daniu, who just ran out of the cab with Fiona in his arms, rushed to another cabin of the spaceship, where there was a glass cell he had prepared.

After locking Fiona in, an alarm sounded in the spaceship.

Joel suddenly appeared in front of Li Daniu and said, "Clark and the other three Kryptonian fighters broke the outer armor of our spaceship, and now we must return."

Li Daniu frowned and asked, "Where are the three Kryptonian fighters?"

Joel replied: "Clark is dragging them here, the question now is, when are you going to launch the nuclear warhead?"

Li Daniu squinted his eyes and said, "You just think that way, completely get rid of Zod and the others?"

Joel's expression couldn't see any thoughts in his heart at all, after all, he was just an artificial intelligence program.

"You also heard Zod's words just now. Do you think he and you humans can coexist peacefully?" Joel said in a very calm voice, "You should know that within ten light-years, there should be only one Earth." Best for Kryptonian survival."

While Li Daniu was contemplating, Clark had already dragged the three Kryptonian fighters in. Li Daniu saw that Clark was going to put the three Kryptonian fighters in the cell where Fiona was, and immediately refused: "Don't put them in the cell." Together, Fiona is the commander."

Clark cast a glance at Li and said, "What you did just now is very dangerous."

Li Daniu laughed and said, "You'd better drag the other two Kryptonian fighters over first."

After Clark left, Li Daniu looked at Joel and said, "I don't trust you very much. I will do it to eliminate Zod, but I don't want to destroy you in the future!"

Completely ignoring Joel's sudden disappearance, Li Daniu returned to the cockpit. At this time, Zod, who had already discovered that something was wrong, was controlling their spaceship and was approaching the spaceship.

Li Daniu squatted beside Colonel Hardy and said, "Now, you can issue orders!"

Colonel Hardy laughed miserably, and after pressing a control button in his hand, he said, "Record the picture of them being blown up. I will watch it every day after I go back."

Li Daniu nodded, and then opened part of the porthole.

At this time, the spaceship he was on had already begun to fly towards the earth at high speed, and Zod's spaceship was closely chasing it.

In the process of chasing and fleeing, several nuclear warheads flew from Li Daniu's spaceship to Zod's spaceship.

The burst of flames in the universe made the human beings living on the ground unable to help but look up to the sky.

Li Daniu and others who had already reached the inside of the atmosphere heard Joel's flat voice: "Their spaceship is damaged, but they should be fine!"

Seeing a brother ask why I can’t be found on the 515 Fan Festival, I can only say: My name is She Da, She s, not Yu, brothers. To get the title of fan, you only need a treasure ball, and it will be gone after it expires. Please come to the starting point to participate in the activity.

Another: The recommended book Interstellar Live: I Am a Big Star, don't look at the small number of words, the author has 100 chapters in his manuscript, it's almost 6 bursts, it's a big name.

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