King Who Will Cross

Chapter 832: Fly directly to New Tuvalu!

Miracles, gods perform incredible deeds that are beyond the capabilities of mortals!

Does God exist in this world?

Many people will answer that it does not exist!

Are there miracles in this world?

Some people will answer the Great Wall, some people will answer the pyramids, but from today on, there will only be one answer left in the world about this question!

"Yes, New Tuvalu's 'Moving Mountains and Reclaiming Seas'!"

When the island of Hawaii, which has an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers and has peaks over 10,000 meters above sea level, has completely left the sea level, no audience in the world can sit firmly in front of the TV!

"What did I see? Who can tell me, what exactly did I see?"

"This is a movie, it must be a movie, it's special effects!"

"Impossible, this is simply impossible, how can human technology achieve this step? We don't even have spaceships, how can we move mountains and fill seas?"

"This is a miracle performed by God, yes, a miracle that only God can do!"

Countless viewers stared frantically at the TV screen or the computer screen, and their emotions at this moment could not be summed up in words.

Because, even through the camera, they can feel the hugeness of Hawaii Island!

The island of Hawaii, which couldn't even be fully covered by the camera, actually floated from the sea.

What an incredible picture this is!

Even those science fiction writers dare not easily describe the picture!

However, no matter how crazy the audience's mentality is, the real Hawaiian Island is flying in front of more than 700 million audiences around the world!

Although the bottom of Hawaii Island is not too far from the sea level, the host of New Tuvalu Royal Television said that it is only 200 meters!

However, it really flew up!

Compared with the audience in front of the TV or computer, the people on the two space carriers have a more intuitive feeling on the spot!

The island of Hawaii, which was so huge that they couldn't even see it with their naked eyes, flew up in front of their eyes!

The Prime Minister of Australia said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, can I... can I go to the deck and have a look?"

In fact, the central command hall where they are located is at the forefront of the space carrier. And in front of the central command hall, the huge floor-to-ceiling porthole has allowed them to see the incredible picture clearly and intuitively!

However, the Australian Prime Minister has a guess in mind.

"This porthole, including the pictures in the lens, are all special effects. Yes, they are all special effects. It is impossible for humans to do this at present!"

The distrust is actually out of fear. Even if Australia and New Tuvalu are completely on the same front, he doesn't want New Tuvalu to be able to master such a powerful technology!

It seems that it is easy to fly an island, but if the science and technology represented in it are applied in other aspects, it can completely make New Tuvalu ahead of the world by hundreds of years!

Yes, hundreds of years of technology leadership!

Facing the request from the Australian Prime Minister, Li Daniu said very understandingly: "Of course, in fact, I am going to go to the deck to have a look now!"

After the arranger took out the mobile command system equipment, Li Daniu took the lead, leading the top leaders of more than 20 countries, one of the important leaders of more than 30 countries, and walked slowly to the deck of the Pacific Aircraft Carrier!

The leaders of other countries who followed him wanted to kick him away who was walking in the front, and then rushed to the deck!

However, at this time, no one dared to show any dissatisfaction on their faces!

Who else would dare to offend New Tuvalu, which has become the world's number one military power, after showing this technology of moving mountains and reclamation?

The central command hall is not far from the deck. In three minutes, Li Daniu took the lead in landing on the deck.

At this time, few of the security personnel and crew members who were in place in advance could notice the arrival of this group of leaders, and they completely forgot about their usual hard training, and they forgot that they should do a good job in security work.

Because all of them stared at the front of the space carrier in dumbfounded!

No one blamed them, because all the leaders of the countries on the landing deck also stared at the front of the space carrier!

The president of the Philippines was a little behind. When he was about to step out of the hatch and enter the deck, he found that the leader of Singapore in front was stuck there motionless!

After pushing the leader of Singapore without hesitation, the President of the Philippines also froze.

It's not because the leaders of Singapore didn't respond to his actions, but because he saw the floating Hawaiian island directly in front of the space carrier!

The stunned Philippine president didn't notice at all, and he was also pushed by the people behind him.

Among the people present, except for Li Daniu and some of the camouflaged robots hidden in it, no one can maintain a normal mind!

The space carrier Pacific, as if to match the most intuitive picture they saw, stopped in the air less than 100 meters away from Hawaii Island, flying at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level!

Therefore, they can clearly see the huge monster floating on the sea surface, and the naked eye can't see its whole picture at all!

In the shock of these people, Li Daniu communicated with Ultron in his heart!

"Is the super engine stable?"

Ultron replied: "Your Majesty, it is very stable. In order to make this operation successful, we deliberately added 32 super engines within the standard range. Although more than 30% of energy was wasted, the stability Increased by at least 60%."

From "Avengers 2", the destructive engine tool made by Ultron was used by Li Daniu to change the concept of a world!

Moreover, he also used his own technology to improve it, and even increased the number of super engines again when the demand standard was determined, just to shock the whole world in one fell swoop!

"Is there a problem with the energy barrier formed between the super engines?"

Unlike Ultron's goal of letting Bolivia fall from a high altitude to destroy the world, Li Daniu's goal is to bring the island of Hawaii back to New Tuvalu for use. Therefore, he must ensure the integrity of the main body of Hawaii Island!

Ao Chuang replied: "There is no problem at present, and the special alloy protective net we made, combined with the energy barrier, has also played a very good role."

After communicating with Ao Chuang about some technical problems, Li Daniu was also relieved after confirming that there was no problem!

The performance this time can be said to be the first step for New Tuvalu to officially become the overlord of the earth!

If he messed up this time, it would not only embarrass him, but also make the first step of New Tuvalu's road to earth supremacy one of the jokes of history!

At this time, the leaders of the countries behind him have also come to their senses!

Li Daniu said to the command communication system: "Now adjust the orbit and prepare to put Hawaii Island into the scheduled flight mode!"

After Li Daniu's order spread, the reporters on the New Tuvalu watched the crew's operations in confusion. Some of them also wanted to conduct interviews, but none of the crew paid any attention to them!

A camouflaged robot who didn't like to communicate with humans originally had to abide by the confidentiality regulations this time, so he naturally chose to keep silent.

On the deck of the USS Pacific Aircraft Carrier The team of New Tuvalu Royal Television has already set up another set of live broadcast equipment. Not only should the audience see the flying of the Hawaiian Island from a different angle, but also the majestic appearance of the new King of Tuvalu, and the shocked foolishness of the leaders of other countries!

The Australian Prime Minister walked up to Li Daniu and asked excitedly, "Your Majesty, will it fly to New Tuvalu like this?"

Li Daniu turned his head and smiled politely. Facing His Majesty the King who was called out by the Australian Prime Minister, he was naturally in a very good mood!

After hearing the Australian Prime Minister's question, the others also pricked up their ears, or simply squeezed over!

"Yes, it's going to New Tuvalu!"

Although he was almost certain in his heart, when the king of New Tuvalu said this answer, the whole world was in an uproar!

The Prime Minister of Australia asked with dry lips: "How far will it fly?"

Li Daniu smiled and said, "The straight-line distance on the map is about 8,600 kilometers."

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