King Who Will Cross

Chapter 867: To visit, or to be the king of the Olympics?

The world's economies are in a downturn, but New Tuvalu is rising strongly, which makes many countries uncomfortable!

But what if you can't understand it?

The end of the United States is a very realistic example, so that all countries dare not easily offend New Tuvalu again!

"It's still the same sentence, I don't believe it anymore, New Tuvalu will lose because of the sports game, and then launch a war to retaliate!"

In August 2016, it was midsummer and the weather was hot and dry. At this time, the happiest thing was to put some snacks and beer in an air-conditioned place, and then watch the Olympic Games held every four years!

For audiences around the world, today's Olympic Games is a bit different from previous Olympic Games, because there is one more participating country today!

Normally, one more country participating in the Olympic Games is not a big news worth paying attention to. Because the members of the organizing committee of the Olympic Games include 206 countries and regions, but there are only 224 countries and regions on the entire earth!

After entering the 21st century, basically as long as the countries that have the conditions to participate in the Olympic Games have joined, even if they just send a few people to meet each other, they can be regarded as participating.

The remaining countries and regions, without exception, are completely incapable of participating in the Olympic Games!

For such a country, no one in the world is in the mood to pay attention!

But today, the popularity of the country that has been added to the Brazilian Olympic Games has already rivaled that of countries like China, the United States, and Russia. Even, whether it is economically or militarily, its status in the world is not weaker than that of countries like China, the United States, and Russia.

There are also many people who believe that this newly participating country has become the world's number one power.

In four years, a small country the size of a palm has developed to such an extent that it has never been seen before or since.

Since the rise of this country, there has never been a failure!

But this time the Olympics, audiences all over the world are waiting to see the country's jokes!

"You said, if New Tuvalu only participates in a few games and all the athletes are eliminated, wouldn't that be very interesting?"

"That's what they deserve. In the Olympic arena, no one would care about New Tuvalu's fully stealth fighter jets or space-based satellites!"

"What worries me the most is, what if those monsters suddenly appear during the game?"

"Relax, Brazil is a member of the Pacific Treaty, how could New Tuvalu not take care of this?"

The Olympics is still hotly discussed by the whole people, but the focus of the people's hot discussion is not the Olympics, but New Tuvalu, which is participating in the Olympics for the first time!

Whether it is the information of athletes participating in New Tuvalu or the possible monster crisis, it is closely related to New Tuvalu!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The crowds are no longer enough to describe the grand occasion this time. Over the past two years, monster crises have appeared from time to time, and people all over the world have given up their idea of ​​traveling far away!

In addition to New Tuvalu, which has space-based satellites and space carriers and is known as the safest city in the world, the tourism industry of many countries has been hit.

Otherwise, it is impossible for New Tuvalu to receive more than 30 million tourists in one quarter!

And this time the Olympics, held in Brazil, is itself a very daunting thing, because the environment in Brazil is not very stable.

Coupled with the monster crisis, tourists from many countries originally gave up coming to Brazil to watch the Olympics!

However, one month before the start of the Olympic Games, New Tuvalu officially announced a news to the world. During the Olympic Games, His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu will officially visit Brazil and participate in the Olympic Games this time.

Immediately afterwards, Brazil officially announced that it has reached a cooperation agreement with New Tuvalu. During the Olympic Games, Brazil's security work will be completed by the Pacific Treaty Organization!

Brazil is a member of the Pacific Treaty Organization, and the Pacific Treaty Organization exists to deal with the monster crisis. In an event like the Olympics, in order to deal with a possible monster crisis, it is very normal for the Pacific Treaty Organization to come forward to provide help!

However, people all over the world can guess that the reason for this situation is entirely because the king of New Tuvalu is going to Brazil!

However, no matter who provides security jobs, as long as the king of New Tuvalu goes to Brazil, it means that it will be absolutely safe there!

Therefore, those tourists who had already given up wanting to go to Brazil to watch the Olympic Games inspired the idea of ​​going to Brazil again!

On August 5, 2016, the 31st Summer Olympic Games, also known as the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, officially opened!

And the king of New Tuvalu arrived in Brazil on this day!

In fact, in the first two days, the football event of this Olympic Games has already started. Therefore, many tourists have already arrived in Brazil!

At 19:55 p.m. that day, the Maracana Stadium officially started the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games!

The time has not yet come, and the Maracana Stadium is already full. The opening ceremony of each Olympic Games is a feast for the host country to showcase its own national culture, art, history, etc.!

The opening ceremony process of the Olympic Games is mainly the entrance ceremony and the lighting of the Olympic torch!

In between, there are plenty of show performances!

When the time reached 19:55, the opening ceremony officially began. The first thing to do was to drink with guests from all over the world and enter the venue, then the Brazilian national anthem was played and the Brazilian flag was raised!

The distinguished guests from various countries refer to the leaders of various countries who come to watch the Olympic Games, as well as the president of the Olympic Committee.

In this Brazilian Olympic Games, more than 82 leaders from various countries participated. There has never been such a grand event in previous Olympic Games.

But the whole world knows why the leaders of so many countries came to participate in the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games, because the king of New Tuvalu will also participate in the opening ceremony of this Olympic Games!

As the real boss of the Pacific Treaty Organization, the king of New Tuvalu participated in the activities, how could the leaders of the member countries of the Pacific Treaty not participate?

In addition, other countries that want to establish a good relationship with New Tuvalu naturally cannot miss this opportunity!

There is no ceremony for the entry of the leaders of various countries. When the opening ceremony video began to be played, the leaders of various countries were already sitting on the best viewing platform in the stadium!

When the video of the opening ceremony ended, the on-site host had already begun to introduce the distinguished guests who came this time!

Normally, apart from the chairman of the Olympic Committee, the leaders of other countries, even the leaders of Brazil, will not make separate introductions!

(I re-watched the opening ceremony of the Brazilian Olympic Games. After introducing the chairman of the Olympic Committee, even the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Lao Pan, who was sitting next to him, did not make a separate introduction! I don’t know if it was because of the editing.)

But this Olympic Games, after introducing the chairman of the Olympic Committee, the host on the scene even introduced the leader of a country alone.

"Let us welcome the King of New Tuvalu, Tarek II, who came from afar to participate in this Olympic Games!"

Li Daniu, who was sitting next to the chairman of the Olympic, stood up with a smile on his face and waved to the audience when the introduction sounded!

The moment Li Daniu waved his hand, the entire stadium resounded with the loudest cheers since the opening ceremony!

When Li Daniu sat down, the chairman of the Olympic Committee next to him said, "I think you may be the most popular national leader in the world."

Li Daniu said with a smile: "In a sports event like the Olympics, you are still more popular than me!"

While flattering each other, the audience stood up, began to play the Brazilian national anthem, and raised the Brazilian flag!

After this item is the performance of the opening ceremony of the Brazilian Olympic Games. Before the performance was over, Li Daniu bid farewell to the leaders of the surrounding countries with an apologetic smile!

At this time, the leaders of various countries sitting here already know what will happen next. But even though Li Daniu had left the viewing platform, they still didn't react!

"A king actually wants to participate in the Olympic Games in person. New Tuvalu is really..."

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