King Who Will Cross

Chapter 886: The world works for New Tuvalu

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As predicted by analysis by many countries, this time the moon summit has indeed become the summit where New Tuvalu slaughters the world!

When the meeting got to the point, the Aerospace Division of TC Group participated in the summit as the only private enterprise capable of mining mineral resources on the moon.

Although all participants know that the Aerospace Division of TC Group belongs to the King of New Tuvalu, and the country of New Tuvalu also belongs to New Tuvalu. However, in name, TC Group Aerospace Division is indeed a private enterprise.

According to the United Nations Convention, it is completely legal for private companies to mine on the moon.

The fact that this treaty was signed before was entirely because certain countries, such as the United States, China, and Russia, had the strength to support private companies capable of moon mining in their own countries.

But now, when the private companies they support have no relevant strength, New Tuvalu has come from behind. And, use the contract they signed before to start seeking related benefits for themselves!

Lifting a rock and hitting myself in the foot is nothing more than the feeling now!

"If the President of the United States is not my person, then they will definitely veto the previous UN resolution in the first place!"

When the meeting entered the final negotiation stage, Li Daniu did not encounter any difficulties from any country.

This is not surprising. New Tuvalu, the number one military power on earth, is not just joking. It is based on defeating the United States, once the number one military power on earth.

Fist is justice!

A military power like the United States has already lost the war without causing any substantial damage to the country of New Tuvalu.

What about other countries?

It is absolutely unrealistic and unreasonable for the whole world to unite to attack New Tuvalu, because no one knows what kind of madness New Tuvalu will go in the final stage, which country will be dragged to **** together, or whether it will Let the whole world go to **** together!

Can't win, and there is an incredible gap in technology. And the United States, a country that likes to go back on its word and often pick things up, was occupied by Li Daniu in an incredible way, so the negotiations naturally went very smoothly.

According to Li Daniu, the lunar summit ended perfectly.

As the king of New Tuvalu, Li Daniu personally bid farewell to the top leaders of certain countries one by one.

As for the small countries that came to support them, although they also sent their own country's top leaders, they were already very satisfied with Burns, the new Prime Minister of Tuvalu, who came forward.

After sending off the last leader team, Burns, he came to the New Tuvalu Palace to start reporting.

"Your Majesty, your assistant team has completed all the contract work, and the specific signing will take at least two months to complete."

The benefits brought to New Tuvalu by this lunar summit are unimaginably huge. With such huge interests, it is naturally impossible to complete the signing of all contracts in a short period of time. However, under the condition that the general direction has been determined, there is no need for the king, Li Daniu, to worry about the small details!

"Currently, we have signed contracts with 21 countries for the right to use the future Earth-Moon transportation channel. They use our Earth-Moon transportation channel for a fee to transport the related equipment they purchased from us, and then rent our communication satellites, Perform related operations on their equipment on the moon!"

One paragraph thoroughly summed up the results of this lunar summit.

While saying this, Burns looked at His Majesty the King with a very strange look. Even when the Luna spacecraft successfully returned from the moon, he did not expect that the negotiation of the Moon Summit The result will be like this.

This is no longer just an overlord clause, but directly equivalent to asking countries to pay protection fees!

Li Daniu smiled and said, "Can I say now that the moon is under my control?"

Burns loosened his shoulders and said with a relaxed expression: "Your Majesty, in fact, you should say that the moon is your personal property!"

Hearing Burns' praise, Li Daniu laughed even happier. In fact, even he didn't expect that after he made such a weird request for the moon summit this time, the countries still agreed.

"It seems that countries' demand for energy and rare minerals is more serious than I imagined."

Burns said: "Your Majesty, this is actually not surprising. The resources on the earth are limited, but the interstellar age is far from coming. Under such circumstances, countries have already begun to conduct research on their own domestic resources. Restricted mining, or even a direct ban on mining. In their view, these resources must be reserved for critical use. Of course, countries like Saudi Arabia have to be put aside. Under the pressure of various countries or their own needs, They have to exploit the country's resources without restriction."

Li Daniu smiled and said: "That's right, maybe the reason why we agreed so easily has something to do with our military strength!"

Burns also laughed and said, "I think they are worried that if they don't agree to our conditions, they will be directly shot down by our aerospace fighters when they launch spacecraft or outer space probes!"

"It's good to talk about this kind of thing here. Although it has been known by a small number of people, we should keep a low profile."

The laughter and discussions between the king and the prime minister undoubtedly proved the success of this summit.

Of course, this success is limited to New Tuvalu. The top leaders of other countries all held internal high-level meetings after returning home, preparing to transfer the strategic center of national development to outer space.

"This is a disgrace to us Americans!"

The new President of the United States, Miller, said mercilessly at the high-level meeting: "NASA spends so much of our research funding every year, clamoring to immigrate to Mars every day. But now, they can't even go to the moon! You guys Can anyone tell me why this is?"

No one answered. In fact, this question is really difficult to answer. Since the Apollo program, Americans have even built the International Space Station for decades, but they have never landed on the moon again!

Miller continued: "While I have always advocated cooperation with New Tuvalu, this is definitely not the way to cooperate."

This sentence has changed many people's views on Miller!

"We are now going to buy robots from New Tuvalu specifically for moon mining, otherwise, they will not be responsible for helping us transport them to the moon. What is even more sad is that not only the transport of robots is a paid service, but even our engineering on Earth Robots need to use their communication satellites to operate, and this service is also charged.”

The person in charge of NASA said with a look of embarrassment: "Mr. President, in fact, our own communication system can also allow us to communicate between the earth and the moon."

Miller asked indifferently: "Then, tell me, how many seconds is the delay in the communication between our earth and the moon. And in the contract we signed with New Tuvalu, their communication system, the ground When communicating between months, how long is the delay?"

The person in charge of NASA said: "They are using a technology similar to quantum communication, which can achieve no delay. But our research on quantum communication has also achieved many results. I believe that in the near future..."

"Don't tell me about the future!"

Miller directly interrupted the words of the person in charge of NASA and said: "The crux of the problem is that we are working for New Tuvalu, and the whole world is also working for New Tuvalu."

After scanning around, seeing a group of people fell silent, Li Daniu, who was observing the meeting, couldn't help laughing.

Miller said: "I will approve an increase in funding for NASA, but you must give me a guarantee that when we, the United States, will be able to have our own spacecraft."

A sweet date and a big stick, the feeling in the heart of the person in charge of NASA is indescribable, but his pressure is undoubtedly very great.

Under pressure, he couldn't imagine it at all, or everyone in this conference room couldn't imagine it.

The reason why Miller will increase funding for NASA is to spend the national power of the United States on the spacecraft project!

In the New Tuvalu Palace, Li Daniu said with a smile: "You used the space program to bring down the former Soviet Union, and now, the retribution is coming!"

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