Kingdom of Light: Inherit the Galactic Empire at the beginning

Chapter 18 There are only hundreds of thousands of crayfish left!

The light emitted by the shadow moon was like a silver meteor passing through the dark space. The meteor fell into the billions of Baltan troops, instantly triggering an extremely terrifying explosion.

In the flames of the explosion, countless Baltans were burned to ashes.

In an instant, the location of a large area of ​​Baltan planets was instantly cleared.

Seeing this terrifying power, all forces were instantly shocked.

In the Kingdom of Light.

"This mutant dark Lopus Cerro is so terrifying!"

Zero's eyes were full of surprise. According to his previous understanding of Dark Lopus Zero, the structure of Dark Lopus Zero was completely unable to use skills similar to Zero's twin rays.

Although it is said to be based on Zero, there are still many related skills that cannot be used.

There is still a very obvious difference from Zero.

"Even such a huge Baltan people can't harm the Galactic Empire in the slightest?"

Severn also began to frown at this time.

At present, the number of robot soldiers sent by the new Galactic Empire is only a dozen.

But the power of these dozen units can compete with billions of Baltan soldiers.

It would be okay if the Galactic Empire fully develops later! ?

I'm afraid that by then, there will really be no one in the universe who can be the opponent of the Galactic Empire.

The power displayed by the new Galactic Empire was much more powerful than the Galactic Empire ruled by Beria.

"This is indeed a big trouble."

The father of Ultra also sighed deeply at this time. If possible, he would also like to send the Ultra brothers to solve the current Galactic Empire and kill it completely.

What makes people uncertain is whether there will be other back-ups in the hands of the new Galactic Empire?

Just wait for other forces to come and then catch them all.

Buck, who was originally fighting other robots, was stunned when he saw this scene.

He was also shocked by the powerful fighting power displayed by Shadow Moon.

And Shadow Moon has not stopped the light output, and the powerful light he released is still strafing the Baltan army.

After another ten seconds, another large group of Baltans were wiped out.

If the attack frequency continues at this rate, it is estimated that Shadow Moon alone will be able to completely wipe out the rest of the Baltans.

There is no way, who makes the opponent's combat power between high-level and ultimate?

Apart from their large population, these Baltans, who are weak in combat effectiveness, are indeed unable to withstand this powerful light.

The reason why Shadow Moon launched such a terrifying attack was also to protect the Galactic Empire.

At the same time, he also knew that Carlos still needed these Baltans as coolies.

So while attacking, he was also using the chip in his head to search for the number of Baltans.

After the Baltans were completely wiped out and there were still hundreds of thousands left, Shadow Moon slowly stopped her attack.

And after stopping the attack, it seemed that not much power had been consumed.

Carlos was also surprised by this situation. Even if the energy in his body is too rich, logically speaking, he should be a little weak after performing such a powerful nirvana.

So he directly opened the system panel to view all of Shadow Moon's skills.

Finally, among all the skills, he saw one of the most critical features.

The special source of power in Shadow Moon's body is actually an upgraded version of Emeralu Ore.

The essence of the Emerald Ore is that when Noah transformed the alien beasts, he did not completely transform them, and condensed part of their life breath into the ore.

And this upgraded version of Emerald Ore is essentially a real alien beast.

The characteristic of alien beasts is infinite regeneration. Relying on this characteristic of infinite regeneration, Shadow Moon has also gained nearly unlimited energy.

The energy he consumes when releasing his special moves will be automatically replenished in a very short period of time.

Since energy can be infinitely regenerated, I am afraid that if his body is injured to a certain extent, it will be repaired accordingly.

This time Carlos finally understood why Shadow Moon was able to intervene between the advanced and the ultimate.

This feature can be said to be completely outrageous.

And while Buck was confused, the other robots quickly launched an attack.

A large number of light bullets rushed towards Buck's position. When he saw the attacks coming, Buck regained consciousness in a very short time and blocked these attacks in a hurry.

However, he still suffered some damage.

"My dear, this power is too terrifying."

Parker, who was standing next to Carlos, was also frightened by this situation. The power of this weapon was not inferior to that of the Alien Alliance's hidden weapon.

According to the budget, the power of the light emitted by Shadow Moon at this moment can directly shatter the entire star in an instant.

Such powerful weapons do exist in the Alliance of Spacemen.

This is also the reason why the Five Dark Kings can rule a large number of people in the universe.

Such powerful weapons are rare in the entire universe.

According to legend, it is the Ultra Key of the Kingdom of Light that can possess the power to destroy stars with one shot.

Weapons that can produce the same power are already very invincible.

Do you want to continue fighting next?

A question arose in Buck's mind.

The opponent's power is far more terrifying than he imagined.

If the fight continues like this, not only himself, but all his compatriots will also be wiped out.

Even though Buck is a militant, the fundamental reason for all his actions is to find a livable home for his compatriots.

If all his compatriots were dead, then it would be meaningless for him to be the only one left alive.

And seeing that the other party specifically left hundreds of thousands of Baltan stars, it was obvious that the other party had no intention of killing them all.

Maybe they want to use the Baltans for something.

So Buck decisively released the fighting mode and came to Shadow Moon.

"There must be someone behind you. Can you let me meet your master?"

Shadow Moon looked at Buck in front of him and said nothing, which also meant that he was using his communicator to communicate with Carlos.

And Carlos naturally agreed to the other party's request.

This is fine, my original intention is to use force to suppress the other party first and make the other party willing to surrender.

Now that Buck had the idea of ​​meeting them, it seemed that it would be much easier to subdue them.

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